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Alex's pov

"His name's Jessie and I got his number at work, were planning on hanging out and possibly something might happen" I looked at my phone in disbelief. My heart at that moment seemed to hurt and I wanted to do nothing more than punch something. I felt the color drain my face, I looked everywhere but at my phone not standing to catch her eye or even see her.

"I have to go" I blurted quite suddenly not really processing  what I had said. Before she could say goodbye I hung up. I kinda wanted her to call me back or text me, but nothing of the sort happened. 

I felt betrayed, like my hear was broken. I knew I had feelings on y/n she's the most beautiful thing I've ever laid my eyes on. Not just what but her personality is amazing, her humor is weird but that's what I loved about it. We got long so we'll and all of a sudden my chances with her slimmed. 

I decided to just pass time and edit a video to pass time. I wanted to do nothing more to be on a call with y/n to keep me entertained and awake. Just as I was adding some effects to part I was editing I hear the standard discord ping notification. I instantly lit op thinking it was y/n who messaged me but was greatly disappointed when I saw it was Askel. I answered wanting to talk to somebody

"Hey, how ya doin"

"I'm going good. Doing good." I said trying my best to not sound upset

"What's wrong"

"What on gods green earth are you talking about sir?"

"Something's wrong Alex. I know you"

"No you don't"

"Alex we've been friends for seven years, I'm not stupid" (I'm low-key gonna cry because their friendship was amazing, but they are human and things happen so I will respect it)

"There's a girl I like and she likes this other dude. I just feel hurt."

"Oh. How can I help."

"Dunno man. Just help me forget for now." I looked down ashamed. I was in such a weak state.

"Alright don't worry, I got you"

We spent the entire night talking about the most random things. I forgot about y/n for awhile. I went to sleep with thoughts of her. 

"God y/n what spell do you have on me" and who's those words I fell asleep thinking of the girl that lived in my mind rent free.


LETS FUCKING GO THREE CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY. Might get out a 4th one today because I'm feeling ✨great✨ but the next few chapters agree gonna include music or going to be song based so I have some playlist ready Va1 is my Spotify account and I'll make the playlist public. Have a great  day night or whatever and known I'm proud of you for being here today.

4:20 // 𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now