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I'm so sorry I've been gone for like ages, but I promise I'll try my best to upload once a week. It won't end like the e-boy's, rest in peace.


Tw: implied smut
(IT DOSENT SAY ANYTHING, IT IMPLIES IT. We respect boundaries here.)

(My lovely asexuals it's legit gonna be like nothing happened don't wanna exclude / make y'all uncomfortable)

++++(Line One)++++

I woke up in the morning next to Alex, memories of last light flooding in.


"Would you like to create content with me?" I looked at Alex before thinking and speaking again.

"I'm more than willing to, I just don't think I'm mentally prepared." Alex just softly smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"Take as long as you need, I just can't wait until they all meet you. They're gonna see how great my estupida is."

"Call me stupid again and they won't ever see you again! okay?" Alex just laughed alongside with me. Moments like this is what I wanted, what I needed. Okay no, that sounded creepy. Nevermind.

And just like that we finished the night by going home and resting there for some time.

The rest of night could have been described as lustful, but I won't get into the details.

+++Flashback End+++

I now payed down on bed next to a sleeping Alex. He'd done such a, what's the word? Nice was to simple and such an understatement. Grand? Amazing? Yeah, amazing. he had done such an amazing thing for me. I felt kinda bad I hadn't thought of something to give or do with him.

I got out of bed and got changed. Tiger was surprisingly still asleep on the couch. Alex's phone was on the table. He must've forgotten to charge it last night.

I grabbed it without a thought and walked towards where I knew the chargers where. Before I plugged his phone in, it started ringing.

Paris was calling.

At this hour in the morning?


I wasn't one to go through people's phones, especially my boyfriend's. I trusted him, and still do, but this girl. This girl really has me second guessing. Alex wouldn't do that to me though.

While the phone still vibrated in my hand I contemplated picking up and asking her what she wanted. It could be done dirt of Collab or business thing, but calls like that don't come in at nine in the morning.

I looked back down at the ringing phone before it turned off indicating that she must've gone to his voicemail. I plugged his phone in and then his phone started ringing again.

This Paris girl really just loves to look bad and desperate huh.

I answered. Am I not supposed to intervene when this girl really thinks it's okay to call someone at nine in the morning?


"Hi Paris! It's y/n, Alex's girlfriend! You know me, right?" She better have a good reason.

++++(Line Two)++++

Dream simps you guys won therefore the FF I made for the green piss baby cones out first.

Schlatt fans dw I got you, that one comes out in the upcoming month. In the meantime you can marry me if ya want.

Besides that love y'all so much! Stay safe, do some self care, eat a lil something and drink some water.

But most importantly don't forget,

Be gay
Do crime

Happy Pride!

Con mucho amor

4:20 // 𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now