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°Alex's pov°

I left earlier than I should have. I got about two hours of sleep but I couldn't face her. I wasn't mad or upset at her. I was mad and upset at myself. I don't think I would be able to face her After how I treated her the previous night. I got ll my stuff and called an Uber. But before I left, I kissed her forehead knowing that this might be the last time I will ever see or speak to her. I got a notification on my phone alerting me that my driver was outside. With  heavy heart I walked out her apartment, then her floor, then the building without looking back.

---Drive to the airport + all procedure things thing later---

I sat in the mostly empty and very quiet terminal. I scrolled through my phone trying to drown the thoughts in my head out. I then went to my camera roll. Boy was that a mistake. I saw all the pictures of us that I took and the ones I took of her. All of y/n's features were amazing. Her eyes, hair, curves and most importantly her lips. I out my hand to mine and wanted to feel nothing more then her lips on mine. 

I couldn't bring myself to delete all the pictures, so I just looked at them memories of the days we spent together, the laughs, jokes, and hugs we shared. I felt tired and overwhelmed so I decided to get comfortable and sleep. Before I dozed off I felt my phone vibrate, but I didn't see the message till I arrived home.

Beautiful Dumbass💚
Where r u?

°Y/n pov°

I woke up alone and sad. The usual you know. But this time I knew why I was sad and not why I was alone. I texted Alex but was left on delivered. I sighed rubbing my temples. What did I do. I screwed stuff up. Not wanting to get another noise complaint I grabbed my pillow and just screamed into it. I then proceeded to ugly cry. I allowed it this time since I had a good reason.

'shit I got work today' I quickly got up and cleaned myself up looking at least presentable. Alex had left two things behind. A cap and a hoodie both which were too big for me. I Grabbed his hoodie and slipped it on. I instantly feel like he was hugging me, it was warm and smelled like him. The sleeves were too big and effortlessly made sweater paws.

I quickly put my hair up got my bag with all the things I needed, skateboard and phone. I decided to not put on makeup so my eyebags and bloodshot eyes were evident. But to be quite honest, I couldn't give two fucks.

As the warm air hit my body I relaxed. I got on my skateboard and made my way to the cafe. I was in the process of getting a car so these skates will now be sacred for me

Madeline was still on vacation for another week and John and Cheryl were out visiting their parents telling them they were expecting soon. So I had a whole week of just allowed weakness at work. I just has to train two other employees who were in highschool working part-time so it ll settled  decently. When I got home I tried contacting Alex but nothing would work.

-----One week time skip so I don't accidentally make this a filler-----

Everyone was back now and had to put my acting skills up to the test. I had to take a smile every time I was around somebody I knew which was mainly work and when Madeline and I hung out. I had possibly called and texted Alex thousands of times on every platform we were friends on. The closest I got was a text bubble appear and then disappear almost immediately. 

After a week i just gave up. I was never going to speak to him again. Around this time John and Madeline had begun getting suspicious of my behavior. I was talking less, my usual energy was off, and I wasn't emotionally there most of the time. They both approached me on separate occasions, but I denied that I was upset and claimed I was perfectly fine.

After days and days of trying Madeline finally got it out of me. After she headed why I was upset she came up with many possible solutions. But I decided to turn them all down. She then took matters into her own hands and got in touch with Lola who she met during her visit. They also talked with John and Cheryl and got me more days off work.

The morning after all of Madeline's finished plan I woke up with a nock at my door around five in the morning. Madeline and Lola were standing there with smiles on their faces.

"Pack your bags," Lola said

"Cuz' were going on a road trip to Mexico" finished Madeline. I just stared at both the girls in disbelief.


"We're going to Mexico to fix whatever you and Alex had" Lola said pushing through me going straight to my room getting out some bags.

"But why?"

"Y/n," Madeline put her hand on my shoulder "its obvious that you care too much about Alex to let him go, besides from all the things you've told me sounds like he cares a lot about yo too, but is afraid of lashing out again. Now go help Lola pack your things and I'll be downstairs. 

As I put clothes into the small suitcase and bag  Lola gathered my toiletries, makeup, and self care products and putting them in a separate smaller bag. When we headed out I saw Madeline in the passenger seat, window rolled down and hand sticking out.

"Get in bitches, were going to Mexico"

"I don't think I'm ready to be stuck in a car with the both of you for twenty - five hours" I said looking at the sun which was now peeking over through the horizon.

"Oh you better be" Lola said while laughing and helping me load my bags to the back of the rented minivan. 

Maybe I needed this. Time with the people that I love and lobe me back. I wasn't a big fan of road trips, but this one looked promising

4:20 // 𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now