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I had been inside of the apartment for nearly two hole days. Was tempted to call Lola after school but then I remembered she had work. Then my second option was Madeline. I decided to text her and see if she was up for lunch today. I sent her a quick text asking her if she would want to go to the park today. I almost immediately got a response saying she would after work. 'Whats up with all these people and job- ohhh' that's when it hit me. If I want to keep a steady income and keep the apartment, I would have to get a job. Or worse case scenario a sugar daddy. I spent the rest of the day unpacking the very few remaining boxes. After arranging and organizing some things I turned on my tv, headed to YouTube and decided to support Alex and just watch some of his videos.

 ----Time skip brought to you by me not wanting to make a long filler paragraph-----

"So what have you been up to?"

"Unpacking and school it's super fun" I said with an eye roll earning a chuckle from the girl next to me

"Remind me what you're studying again"

"Music production and performance"

"That's so cool! Remember me when you're famous"

"Don't worry, don't think I'm making it big anytime soon" I said with a soft smile 

"Yeah but when you do, don't forget the girl who would drive you from place to place" she said while parking the car outside of a small cafe. While walking towards the door I saw a 'now hiring' sign. I took a mental note that I might as well apply for an interview. We walked in ordered and made some small talk with each other getting to learn about one another a little more. It was now time to leave and Madeline offered to drive me home, but I said no since I could just get an Uber and take advantage of applying. We said our goodbyes and departed ways.

Just as I walked up to the man who looked to be in his mid twenties early early thirties who had a pin that read 'manager'. I approached him and politely cleared my throat to get his attention. He turned around and smiled 

"Hi! I'm John how can I help you?"

"Hey my name's y/n and I want to and I'm wondering if you still need that barista waitress position filled?"

"Oh, yeah! We do in fact have a position available. When would you like to take the interview?"

"Any time works."

"Does right now sound good?"

"Yeah, 100%!"

As he led me to the small office in the back he told me all the requirements. He seemed familiar I just couldn't tell from where. When we got to his office I immediately knew who he was. Just then I remembered his wife who I talked to back on my plane ride here and knew if I was hired I would love my job

yes I know another filler but at the moment I've been dead. Also y'all want a Christmas Quackity chapter? Because if so it's already in the works look out for quite some chapters tommorow. Anyway have a great day y'all

4:20 // 𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora