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yeah so I decided to write another chapter


A pile of homework and an afternoon full of customers later I was finally back home. I loved my job and the people I worked with, but sometimes it can be both physically and emotionally draining. 

I wanted to talk to Alex because he always lifted my spirits. I also wanted to tell him about Jessie. Then a weird thought entered my head 'you're cheating on Alex' just as that thought crossed my mind I stared at my hands in shock. Did i LIKE like Alex? Did i have a crush on him? I decide to brush it off as a weird protective friendship feeling. Nothing more nothing less. 

I quickly changed into something more comfortable and face timed Alex.

"Jesus Christ y/n, you caught me in the middle of hand holding with my fourteenth girlfriend."

"Ew unholy heathen, imagine holding hands before marriage. Smh"

"Y/n did you just use 'smh' as an expression?"

"You know, I'll just leave you alone with girl number fourteen. Cya"


"exqusi moi"

"Oh look she ran off, how sad, now stay or I'm going to be sad"I just started laughing at his stupidity pushing down the butterflies that were fluttering in my stomach from him calling me 'pretty' 

"ok anyway I got some news."

"Oooh what is it. Does miss y/n like a certain someone" Alex said while batting his eyes I just laughed harder and said "something like that, yeah" Thk is when he perked up and looked dead straight into the camera

"Who is it though" at that moment I wanted to say 'you' but because I was being stupid I replied with something that could have easly made Alex's  day progressively bad.

"His name's Jessie and I got his number at work, were planning on hanging out and possibly something might happen" as those words left my mouth I could not dismiss the small amount of regret I felt and the voice in the back of my head going 'LIAR! You like him, Alex, nobody else but Alex' 

I looked at my phone screen to see a pale yet mad Alex looking everywhere but the screen

"I have to go" my heart felt a sharp ping. I knew I had done something wrong, but I didn't want to pester him

"Ok, by-"

I was cut off by the call ending. Was he mad? Sad? Possibly even jealous?

I left it at that and decided to go to sleep, ignoring the alarm in my head telling me to message him.


Ok it's now 2:10 and I'm about to pass out due to me being up for  quite Abit but the next chapter should be interesting because we're getting Quackitys side on some of these things. So yeah anyway goodnight y'all have a great day or night and remember to stay awesome

4:20 // 𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora