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I felt like writing today, so here I am! Chapter song has some things to do with the story, but not too much. If you would like just use it for background noise

Chapter song: New Light


°Y/n pov°

"Hi mami, are you busy"

"No mijha, I'm just preparing dinner, porque?" -Porque is "why" in Spanish.

" I just wanted to talk to you"

"What did you do"

"What- What do you mean what did I do?" I put her on speaker and got ready to start clocking aswell.

"Nothing, yet anyways"

"you better not have," she paused "what are you doing"

"Hoping you can help me cook over the phone" my mom chuckled over the phone

"You always liked Pozole, so how about we do that"


"Why do you have to be so loud"

"I am a Hernandez after all"

"That's my girl" we both laughed

"Okay so, what your going to need-"

We spent the whole night laughing and joking around barley taking anything seriously.

"Okay time to taste test."

We both went silent for a bit before my mom broke it

"So Como the quedo" -how did it come out-

"Pretty well!"

"And if you ever need a bigger quantity just double the measurements,"

"I'm going to need that soon" I laughed not realizing what I had said

"Wait you're getting a roommate"

"Kind of,"

"What does that mean?"

"Do you remember  Alex, my boyfriend"

"Say no more, just don't make me  grandma too early on"


she laughed at my outburst, "Thomas is home so I have to go amor, hablamos pronto, the quero adios" - we'll talk soon, I love you bye"

I smiled to myself. Shes okay with it, not what I saw expecting, but I'm more than okay with this. I finished eating and opened up Alex's stream. I didn't type out anything or donate, but I did subscribe. When the notification went through he proceeded

"Thank you (your user)- he slightly smiled and hesitated for a split second before going back to normal. I smiled once again. Not only did I have the world's greatest guy, but I had him in love with me.

I cleaned up closed stream and got ready for bed. I saw a person on Twitter and decided to follow them. I almost instantly got a follow back. I turned on my TV and chose the Netflix icon when I got an alert from Twitter saying someone had messaged me. My hopes were high thinking it was Alex. I was let down when I saw it was the girl I followed just some minutes prior.

I sparked up a small conversation with her, found out her name was Minx and she was about 4 years older than me. I found out she lived in Ireland. She was super nice not to mention extremely funny. Minx seemed nice enough to befriend. I think I found someone to talk to in a friendly way while Alex gets here. We talked the entire night, exchanged our numbers and discord tags before I departed to sleep.

4:20 // 𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now