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"And where we see, grass in it's natural habitat."

"Y/n, one this is not a documentary channel, two I'm pretty sure everyone knows what grass is."

"Except babies."

"Babies are dumb."

"Exactly, like fucking pay taxes already sheesh."

"My exact thoughts." Alex said making sure Tiger was doing alright while walking through the forest. I had thought of walking up hill to spend a while there.

"We're going to do what hetero couples do in those cheesy ass romance movies."

"Aren't we a hetero couple?"

"Technally? I myself aren't hetero so that's a bit of different spice."

"Wow so, poetically wordy."

"Yeah baby you can call me shakespeare"

"Fucking y/n only you would do this" Alex laughed to himself.

I smiled and linked arms with him while Tiger rested comfortably on his shoulder.

Everything was so nice. While we talking. How the trees covered the sun's rays and made it's own pattern on the trail. The faint noise of the river flowing and hitting against the rocks. How the leaves would rustle with the winds unspoken song.

Then there was Alex. His smile was perfect. His dark eyes like pools of honey in he sun. His wait with or without a cap or beanie was lovely. It looked perfect on him. His freckles wrapped it up in a beautiful bow. His personality was just a blessing.

I had gotten so lucky, what would have happened if I never met him? What will have happened if I didn't ask lola what to watch, if I never watched that video? I can't imagine my life without him, it's all so perfect now I don't want anything to happen to us.

"Earth to y/n. You there?" Alex said waving a hand in front of my face

"No, yeah, sorry. I was just thinking about something." I aid still returning back to reality where I don't have to worry what would have happened, because I do have him in my life.

"What were you thinking about. Really looked like you were in deep thought there." H aid chuckling.

"You actually." This caught him off guard "Don't worry though. All good thoughts." I smiled at him

"Care to share?"

"I'm just glad I'm with you Alex. You've helped me though so much, you've been here for me countless of nights. Even now your here to support me in any way possible. I can't thank you enough."

He just chuckled. Held Tiger in one hand, my face in the other. "Y/n I love you, don't stress out about all that other stuff. I'm here for you no matter what." He leaned in and kissed me, all my worries washed away. He always knew what to do. "Now let hurry up s we can catch the sunset, yeah?" He put Tiger back on his shoulder and continued walking.

"Hey Alex?"


I caught up to him and entwined my hand with his.

"I love you too"

4:20 // 𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now