Chapter 147: The Master and the student(s)

Start from the beginning

"Eagles as messenger birds? You guys are hardcore." Kirishima said. I laughed nervously. 
"We usually use pigeons, doves, owls, or other small birds. Naruto just likes to be extravagant. However. This isn't Naruto's." I placed a thick clothe on my shoulder then placed the bird to perch. I opened the note.


Dear Friend,

Hi there, it's us again. It's been a while since we've talked. We hope you've recovered well. We left in a rush and weren't able to stay long enough to see you wake. We hope you're having a fun time doing whatever it is you're doing, wherever you are. We've heard from Naruto you two have been exchanging letters. So, I wanted to try. It may have been a day or two or even more when you receive this letter and you're probably wondering what Naruto was doing here. He didn't stay long. He was travelling with Lord Jiraiya when we met. Let's not talk about the last time we met. Instead, we would like to know how you are and how you are coping. We hope you're okay now.

Your dear friends from Sunagakure. ♥


Temari, Kankuro and Gaara huh? I smiled. That's sweet of them to write me a letter but i highly doubt that Temari would actually do this. Kankuro? Probably?...  But a heart? hmm..

"So? Who is it from?" Mina asked all excited.
"Its from Temari, Kankuro and Gaara. They're just checking up." I said with a shrug. "I'll have to send them a letter back." Mina and Hagakure were whispering at the side. Then she shot me knowing smile.
"What?" I looked at her suspiciously.
"Nothing!" She sang.
"Right..." I shook my head and walked towards the changing room with the eagle still on my shoulder.




Later that day, after getting back to the dorm, i wrote a letter back to Temari and the others. Food wasn't ready yet. So might as well do it while im free.

I rolled the piece of paper and placed it in the pouch. I stood up from my desk and brought the pouch to the bird stand i had outside. The bird lifted its head from the bowl of food i placed earlier.

"Hey there." I lifted my finger and scratched its neck. After putting the pouch on it and securing it, i placed it on my hand giving it one last pet before sending it off back to Sunagakure. 

"(Y/n)! food's ready." I heard Momo from behind my door. 
"I'll be there." I closed the door and picked up Gray who was on my bed.
"I wonder what food they cooked." Gray asked.
"I don't know. I just wanna eat im starving." I said

When we got down stairs i placed Gray on the floor and went to the kitchen to prepare his bowl. I changed his water and proceeded to add food into his bowl.

"Uh.. (Y/n)?" Uraraka called by the entrance of the dorm.
"Yeah?" Someone's looking for you.
"Who is it?"
"I don't know. He's tall and has white hair."

I raised my eyebrow and placed the food down and walked to the entrance. I grabbed the door knob and glanced at Uraraka to look at her expression. I then turned the door knob and saw Master Jiraiya.

"MASTER JIRAIYA!" I smile suddenly formed on my face. As i rushed out the door and engulfed the tall ass man with a hug. He laughed and hugged back patting the back of my head.
"Did you miss me, kiddo?" He grinned.
"I haven't seen you in EVER!" I pulled away and glared at him. "For all i know you've been doing your "research". I quoted.
"Hey! I am! How dare you! My book is a work of art!" He yelled pouting. I just smiled back.
"I missed you too pervy sage." He stared back before breaking a smiled. "Yeah i missed you too." He paused. "BUT! Of course. Im not here just by myself you know." He stepped to the side revealing Naruto behind him with a wide grin.
"Surprise!" In surprise i tackled him and hugging on to his torso. His laugh was music to my ears. Its been a while since i heard it and i gotta say. I missed it. I pointed inside the dorm.
"Carry me inside!"
"What you can walk."
"Carry meeee." I smiled at him.
He sighed defeated. I can feel him placing his hands below my thighs for support, then lifted me up before walking inside building.

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