chapter 145: Rescue part 2

Start from the beginning

"Why don't you go help evacuate the civilians? You're quirk is best suited for that." Todoroki suggested.

"Tch.. I'll handle this." He was already floating in the air with a strong wind carrying him like it was nothing.

Both Shoto and Yoarashi fired their quirks towards Gang Orca but Yoarashi's wind was so strong it parted Todoroki's flames to the side and his winds bounced off. Both missed their attacks.

"Why fire? My wind changes direction with heat!" Yoarashi yelled.

"Because he blocked my ice earlier! Didn't you do that on purpose? My flames blew away because of your wind!" He yelled back.

Both were boiling in anger and annoyance at each other's presence.

"You did it on purpose to take merit for yourself!" Yoarashi retorted.

"Why would I do such thing?!"

"You definitely would do that because you're Endeavor's son!"

The two continued to bicker which stopped Gang Orca, his followers and three people who were listening in.

"Fighting in a time like this?"
"Is he out of his mind?"
"We need to get back out there."
"Damn it Shoto! You're better than this!"

"What's your problem? My father has nothing to do with--." Todoroki was cut off when a splash of cement hardened his shoulder.

"It's outrageous you two would start arguing in a situation like this." Gang Orca said. The men who followed Gang Orca was shooting hell fire, firing nonstop at the two students. Luckily, Shoto used his ice and created a barrier meanwhile Yoarashi dodged how ever way he could.

"You have a lot to do with him." Yoarashi said. "The main thing about heroes for me is passion! Their passionate hearts give hope and inspire people!" His memories traveled back to the time when he asked Endeavor for an autograph only to be shut down harshly. He swatted young Yoarashi's hand away.

"You're in my way."

"Thats why i was so shocked. All i could feel from those eyes is a cold sense of anger! And at the entrance exam, i saw you and i knew right away who you were." He paused. "And you have exactly the same eyes as him!" He yelled out.

"The.. same eyes?" Todoroki stated down in disbelief. "Don't be ridiculous. I am not him." He trailed off. Todoroki was already telling himself to ignore Yoarashi's words but the hatred he felt for his father burned brighter and grew bigger reigniting his anger, in turn, he was losing focus on the exam.

Gang Orca shook his head. "What are you doing with a villain in front of you?"

"I'll never accept you and your old man as Heroes!"

The two attacked again but soon deflected on one another missing Gang Orca and his followers.

The ground shook creating another earthquake. The ground beneath the villains broke causing them to be stuck yet again but the raging flames were headed straight for Shindo, who caused the quake and (y/n) who was healing Shindo. His muscles spasms and paralysis was just like hers whenever she used the flying raijin jutsu. So healing Shindo was easier than she expected. With her he could continuously shift the ground giving a disadvantage to the villains but all that had to be put on halt when Todoroki's flames were redirected to (y/n) and Shindo. Their eyes widened and (y/n) panicked, she throw her arms around Shindo's torso pulling him up. She grabbed his arm and threw it over and across her shoulder but the fire was already too close. It was already too late for her to change plans so she did what she could leaping as high up as she could.

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