Placing a delicate hand on top of his head, Ayoma sighed, "What to do? My sparkling personality will undoubtedly draw the camera in like a moth to a flame,"

 "Yeah undoubtedly," Sato repeated, sweat dropping.

"Principle Nezu has probably already spoken to you about this," The reporter spoke, leaning forward slightly, my attention cutting away from him, as a new person showed up behind him, the short brown hair making my stomach drop.

'Come on, not today,'

"But I want to make sure you don't interfere in any way, no offense,"

Raising his hand in defense, Aizawa eased, "I completely understand. If you need anything just let me know,"

"I'm sure I am in very capable hands," Taneo spoke, his head doing a small nervous dip, before looking back up again, "This is class 1-A after all, every student here is a promising candidate,"

Watching as Gina's figure walked up behind the newer man, I looked her over, her hair slightly shorter than it originally was, her gym outfit the wore missing the blue jacket. As she poked her head towards the taller male, she stared up at him for a moment, staying quiet before turning her attention back to me, giving me a small smile before disappearing.

"Iida, if there is a problem, let me know immediately, got it?" Aizawa instructed, looking towards the blue-haired boy, giving me a side glance, before redirecting his attention.

"Of course sir! As class representative, I will play out my duty to ensure the safety of all my fellow students no matter what-"

"That's great thanks," The reporter interrupted, brushing Iida off to the side, causing the boy to sweatdrop. "So what would you normally be doing at this time of day?"

Standing up straighter, Iida spoke once more, "Having breakfast!"

"No need to be so formal, just pretend that I'm not here and go about your business like usual,"


Sweat dropping, I nervously ate my food as a camera was aimed towards my face. The aim was too close for comfort as I could feel the heat the camera gave off. Feeling Ayoma cut in front of me, I sighed in relief seeing as he attempted to take the camera for himself once again, and away from me.

Feeling my leg bouncing underneath the table, Shouto looked over towards me, taking another sip of his drink before speaking.

"Do you not like the camera?" Straightening up slightly at his question I gave the boy a nervous smile.

"N-no, not really... bad history I suppose," I shrugged, picking at my food, gaining the attention of Tokoyami and Shoji.

"Why is that?" Tokoyami questioned, string his bowl of ramen with his chopsticks.

Swallowing a small lump in my throat, I sweatdropped as the dark-haired man gently urged Atoma aside to aim the camera back towards the table.

"U-hm," I looked between the bird quirked boy and the man with the camera warily. "Sorry- Um, I can't think straight-" I cut myself off, laughing nervously.

"I apologize if I crossed a line of some sort L/n," Tokoyami spoke, setting his bowl down thoughtfully, before leaning back in his chair. 

Dropping my pair of chopsticks, I waved my hands back and forth nervously, "Oh no, Toko, I-I didn't mean-er, I'm sorry, no it's just-" Glancing back at the reporter, I sighed in relief watching him take his leave, moving onto another table. Feeling my shoulders drop, I let my head smack onto the table, feeling exhausted.

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