Start from the beginning

" Lana? Lana Martinez?"

I shook my head with a smile to answer her. Didn't she look so happy to see me? She hopped to me like the way she used to as a Child clutched onto me. Once she let go of me, she

" It's been so long. I can't believe it's actually you! "

Her face just exploded with bliss while gazing at me.

"it really has. I mean, look at you. You're almost as tall as me now." I made her giggle.

"It's good that you're back in town. I'm sure my.... Uhm." She muted all of a sudden. Even that joyful smile left her face. That got me concerned.

"Your what?" I questioned with a curios facial expression hoping that she would finish her sentence.

She looked at me for a moment then shook her head. "Nah, forget about it."

"I know you wanted to say your brother's name, Lisa. What's going on?"

"No, it's nothing. Forge-

I stopped her from talking by putting my finger in front of her face.

" I thought you'd be straight with me. Guess not. I know you and Ermias are fighting, and I don't like that. You two are familia."

"Family don't neglect one another. You should tell him that. Shane is out there doing God knows what, all because of Ermias." Girlfriend had a base in her tone while talking. I could tell she was hurt from the way her voice

"I am sorry!" I heard the semi loud voice of Ermias. When I turned around, I found him in his wheelchair standing by the door looking to apologize. "I'm sorry, Lisa.." He repeated once again with a much more lower tone.

"Ermias...." Lisa mumbled.

"I know what I did was wrong. I should have never treated Shane the way I did. You're right when you said he's family, and i
Believe me when I say if I could turn back time to the day I said those words, I would've done that shit in a second."

Things got more emotional. Ermias dropped a tear or two while Lisa was looking down at herself trying by all means to hold her tears back. I soflty left my hand on her shoulder and nodded just to let her know it's okay to let it all out. Ermias laid his watery eyes on his mother who was laying in bed unconscious.

"I want moms to wake up and find us bonding...." He said as he wiped he's tears and sounds coming from his runny nose "..... Like a real family should. And to show that I'm really sorry, I'm going to find Shane and bring him back home. You have my word."

Ermias spoke with boldness as he stated that he will bring Shane back home. I looked at Lisa once again with a smile of hope.

" C'mon Lisa. I Know you have a good heart. Holding a grudge won't do anything but cause you more pain." I said to her with my hand still on her shoulder. It left her shoulder to wipe the tears coming from her eyes.

She made that look that seemed like she was thinking about it. Once she looked at her brother who showed that he's truly sorry.

" I forgive you, Ermias." She said with a cracking voice. Ermias pursed his lips and shook his head strongly then covered his face as he began to let it all out. His snapback helped him hide his face completely as he looked down.

Lisa was also on the verge to bust into tears. I let her into my arms and squeezed her tightly as she lets it all out. That's when I looked at Ermias by her shoulder and smiled at him. Added a wink as well.

"everything is gonna be alright, girl." I whispered into Lisa's ear.

Damn I should have become a therapist. Law school aint for me.

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