Chapter 1

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"I didn't...touch her, please...I didn't-" My fist smashes across his bloodied face, arms and legs bound to the wooden seat.

"Try again." I breathe, snatching the cloth and wiping my bloody knuckles. The torn flesh knitting itself together in a matter of minutes.

"I swear to god...I swear to god-I didn't touch her.." The man pleads breathlessly, ready to throw a tantrum.

Releasing a heavy sigh, I crouch down in front of Mr. Anderson and show him the photos. The instant drop of his features tells me that he didn't expect photos to be found, his men were supposed to get rid of any and all evidence.

"Try again." I growl viciously in warning.

Anderson stammers for a response. "She wanted it-"

"Oh, I bet." I chuckle, standing up and placing the phone to the side.

"Tell me Mr. Anderson, did you kill that woman before or after you drugged and raped her?" I question curiously, like I don't already know the answer.

I merely want to hear it from his mouth, it'll make killing him that much easier.

"Necrophilia isn't my thing." He manages to spit out weakly, voice slurred as blood drops slowly from his mouth.

"Another lie, Mr. Anderson." I declare sharply, grabbing the claw hammer still stained with dried blood.

"I'm not-" His words end the moment I bury the sharp edge of steel into his skull.

Yanking it back out, I toss the hammer aside and grab my phone. Snapping a picture of the body as he bleeds out from the head, I leave him to die in peace as I wash the blood from my hands.

Heading up the steps, I leave the warehouse like I didn't just kill a man, dialling a familiar number as I slide into my unlocked car.

"Is it done?" Luther questions.

"It is, does her father want visual confirmation?" I ask, eyes ahead as I turn the key. My car rumbles to life around me, almost making me smile a little.

"No, but he does want to thank you in person." Luther responds.

"I'll be at headquarters in two hours, have Mr. Layhae meet me out by Apollo." I say, not particularly caring that I have to meet with the guy face to face.

"Ok, try not to speed." Luther sighs, ending the call.

I just grin a little. He doesn't like me speeding because it means getting involved with humans, a common thing for me these days. Not the speeding, but being around humans.

The drive to headquarters is silent, a familiar sound that I've grown comfortable with over the years. It used to bother me, but I suppose when you willingly abandon everyone you love, the loneliness is expected.

Two hours seem like minutes as my eyes follow the road ahead, my mind blank of any thoughts. 


I approach the large black stallion with a growing smile, he snorts and nods his head as he sees me coming. Like everyday, he greets me at the front of his stall, ready to get out and go for a ride. Ears pricked forwards with interested as he watches me through dark eyes.

ENDURING {Sequel to Everlasting}Where stories live. Discover now