Chapter 119: Competition!

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Mineta laughed. Although the girls learned to ignore the short weird ass pervert, he still managed to catch the boys attention. "Friends.. Right. Can't you guys tell that military guy clearly has the hots for our classmate?" He nodded towards the two that lead the group. "Just look at that." the boys eyes looked at them. "If id say, he has more chances of sweeping her away than anyone in this class. The two laughed making them wonder what they were even talking about. Eren leaned in and whispered something to (y/n) earning a giggle from her again.
"See? If they haven't already, he will probably ask her on a date soon but after that reaction? Who knows they might even be already together." Mineta laughed quietly keeping it to himself.

"You know? I hate it but he has a point." Kaminari said quiet enough so the boys could only hear.
"Right." they all agreed glairing holes onto Eren's back.




The ride was too short for both, (y/n) and Eren's liking. Even his classmates could tell. At least they shared what little time they had.
"Well, i guess ill see you soon?" Eren said. 
"I guess so." (y/n) shrugged.

"Where are we going to go Aizawa sensei?" Denki asked.
"We'll wait for a while after they have said their goodbyes. Since they did give us a ride." Aizawa said. The boys sighed trying not to let their jealousy get to the best of them as they watch (y/n) talk to another boy.

"Im sure we'll get to talk soon. Maybe after classes?" Eren suggested.
"That doesn't sound too bad. I'll look forward to it." She said.
"Alright then. I better get going." Eren said looking at the ground with a awkward grin.
"Same here. I'll talk to you soon." She waved and started to walk away and rejoin her classmates.
 "I'll send you a message soon!" Eren said before running back to his team.
She smiled under her mask and watched Eren before turning back to her friends. 

"Let's go." Aizawa said leading the group again.

The girls were more than eager to question (y/n) about her new found friend. So immediately they surrounded her gossiping for those sweet sweet deets. Mina and Hagakure hugged each of the girl's arms bobbing up and down pleading. 
"What?" She asked looking back and forth at them.
"Don't just 'what' us. Tell us!" Mina whined shaking her arm causing the girl to sway side to side.
"I would but i don't know what to tell you."
"Tell us about that guy who offered us a ride!" Hagakure demanded.
(y/n) Turned to the other girls for help but their eyes said otherwise.
"Sorry but you know they'll annoy you until you give out." Jirou said.
"Yeah." Uraraka said with an innocent smile.
"Ribbit. They wont stop either." Asui said.
(y/n) sighed and looked over to Momo for help but out of the four she seemed to be most interested to learn.
"He's name is Eren..." She began talking to them about his quirk but left out the harsh details.

"(y/n) We're here. Get dressed we'll stay by the usual." Aizawa said. She nodded and reached her hands into her scarf and slowly pulled out a sleepy Gray. He yawned and stretched out his paws. 
"Are we here?" he asked.
"Yep. You can go in and play with your playmate." Gray then jogged in first with (y/n) following behind him.

The heroes and class 1A sat on the sidelines meanwhile out on the ice Yuri was on the ice waiting for the music to start. On the benches closer to the rink was Gray with a Siamese cat. 

Then the first slow beats echoed through the room.

(y/n) had just finished changing and placed her clothes in her bag. She could hear Yuri's song playing so she hurried and walked out of the changing room with her skates on. She then placed her bag beside Gray and began stretching watching Yuri dance to the music. She gripped on to the rails and lifted her leg pointing upwards as she lowered her chest on to the rail.

I AM HERE WITH YOU! BNHA x Female!NinjaReader Naruto Shippuden!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum