047; zach missed you

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ANIELA PULLED OUT HER PHONE AND DECIDED TO CALL MADDY. she had been since she woke up, it being tuesday and she only had one class on tuesdays. which meant she spent most of the rest of her time watching tv until someone called her and told her they were free. 

ana hated being alone, everyone knew that. especially now that she's gotten so much attention from so many people recently, she really didn't like being alone. it was just a hidden trauma, that she spent so much time by herself as a kid, she didn't like being alone now. but somehow even with a boyfriend and a roomate, she still felt lonely. 

"hello?" maddy picked up and aniela bit her cheek, messing around with the edge of the blanket that covered her body. 

"hey mads." she smiled before hearing maddy shuffle around on the other side of the phone. 

"what's up." the older girl stated, walking out of daniel's room so she could hear aniela. 

"i dunno, what are you doing?" 

"oh me and daniel were just uh- watching a movie. why? did something happen?" maddy furrowed her eyebrows worryingly, wanting to make sure everything was okay. 

"no no i was just bored. i'll go then. talk to you tomorrow?" 

"yeah." maddy nodded before saying her goodbyes and hanging up, aniela falling back on her bed. 

she didn't like the feeling of being by herself, not because she was scared or anything. it was more because she didn't like not being able to talk to anyone, or have anyone speak to her at least. she just didn't know how to word it, which is why she never told anyone, but just knowing someone was there was enough for her. but right now she didn't have that, so she felt as lonely as ever.  

that was up until she heard the doorbell ring to her apartment, aniela's eyes going wide with excitement at having someone to speak to. 

the moment she noticed zach standing on the other side of the door, she opened it quickly and immediately embraced him. zach was once again taken by surprise, just as he was every time he shows up at aniela's apartment. he found her excitement adorable, but at the same time odd because it was as if she hadn't seen people in days.

"denny- why don't you act like that when you see me?" corbyn turned around and gently hit eden's arm. the blonde girl's eyes widened as she turned to look at her boyfriend, who had his eyes narrowed at her. the two had decided to show up with zach as well, after hearing that zach was going to take ana out of the house, so they were tagging along in whatever they were doing.

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