019; zach doesn't have the balls

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"ANA WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE AND IT'S NOT GOING TO BE ZACH'S FAULT!" Daniel yelled from the front door of Aniela's (and now maddy's) apartment. 

"that's a sentence i never thought I would ever say in my life." the blonde frowned and Zach rolled his eyes. 

"I don't always make us late." Zach scoffed, which caused Daniel to raise his eyebrow in a 'don't lie to yourself' look. "alright geez, yeah I make us late most of the time. but am i making us late now? NO SO HAH!" Zach blew a raspberry at Daniel. 

"Aniela, you're taking way to long!" Maddy yelled through the house, leaning on the wall as a bored expression took over her face. it was taking twenty minutes too long for them, Aniela really needed to hurry up and leave her room. 

"I'm coming i'm coming!" Aniel spoke as she walked out of her room and towards them. "Stop being so pushy." 

"What took you so long?" Maddy questioned her as they walked out of the apartment and the younger girl only shrugged off the question. 

"who's driving us? preferably daniel-" She stopped herself when she received a glare from Zach, "but i'm perfectly okay with zach driving too." She forced out, sending a small smile his way as Maddy and Daniel laughed. 

"Where are we even going anyways?" Maddy asked, linking her arm with Aniela's as they stood in between the two boys. 

"Yeah, you still haven't told us." Aniela looked over to zach, who just shared a glance with Daniel before they got to the car. Daniel and Zach opened the door for the girls before getting into the car themselves. 

"well um- we're going out with the rest of our friends." Daniel mumbled, the only one not understanding him was Aniela. 

"I'm sorry? I didn't hear you." She spoke politely and Daniel sighed as he started the car. 

"We're going out with the rest of the band and their girlfriends." he spoke clearly driving away from the apartment complex before she could get out of the car. 

"Daniel!" She exclaimed, her green eyes widening as she sent Maddy a panicked look through the rear-view mirror. 

"it's fine ana, if corbyn says something i'll be there to punch his teeth in." Maddy shrugged, and Daniel looked at her with a scared expression. 

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