018; stop ignoring me

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"DENNY WANNA TELL ME WHY YOU STORMED OFF?" corbyn asked closing the door to his bedroom. 

Corbyn wasn't this type of person to judge a person, and that was what had Eden so mad. Why did he have to go and be and jerk? She had no idea, but that wasn't the guy that she loved. 

"you want to tell me why you're acting like that?" She asked and Corbyn sighed, knowing that this was only going to turn into an argument between them. 

They just didn't understand each other's points of views, even though the other only meant well. Corbyn only wanted what was best for Zach, he just didn't want to see him hurt by a girl who was dating him for the wrong reasons once again. Eden just wanted Corbyn to see that Aniela was good for Zach, but for her he was too blinded by pride to be able to recognize it. 

"I'm not acting like anything!" 

"Really? because the corbyn I know would never say anything remotely similar to what you did to Aniela down there! that wasn't fair to her or zach." Eden shot back, crossing her arms as she raised her eyebrow. Corbyn rolled his eyes, finding it irritating that his girlfriend wasn't taking his side. 

"Can you not see that she's going to end up leaving him?! He's never had good choices when it comes to girls, why should we trust it now?" The brunette boy questioned seriously. 

"Corbyn open your eyes!"

"My eyes are open Eden!" 

"He's literally always happy now! Get it through your thick skull that maybe aniela is a person!" The blonde girl exclaimed and Corbyn rolled his eyes. 

"well eden, she has yet to prove that to me." The boy scoffed, putting his phone to charge to occupy his attention with anything but his girlfriend. 

"Will you get your head out of your ass for a moment and analyze the situation?" 

"Will you stop acting like you care about everyone else more than me?" Corbyn raised his eyebrow as he shot his response back, which only caused Eden's eyes to narrow as she stared at him. 

"Well I'm not really liking this side of you, so come back to me when you're not being a jerk." Eden went to sit down on his bed, pulling out her phone and beginning to occupy her attention with the screen. 

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