038; on a date

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ANIELA WAS PRACTICALLY SKIPPING AS SHE ENTERED HER APARTMENT. she hadn't noticed daniel and maddy on the couch, pulling away from each other the moment that she opened the door. aniela just went into the kitchen, her headphones playing music very loudly as she grabbed a bag of animal crackers. 

maddy could practically feel the pure joy radiating off of the younger girl, causing her to furry her eyebrows. it was way more than usual, so much that maddy felt like retreating back into daniel, not wanting to pop aniela's bubble of happiness. 

daniel laughed slightly, wrapping his arm around maddy as they both turned to face aniela. really they were just ignoring the fact that aniela interrupted their make-out session, so now their attention went to what had the girl so excited. 

"well hello to you too." maddy laughed, subtly leaning into daniel's hold. aniela turned around, jumping slightly now noticing the two on the couch. 

"oh hi." the green eyed girl grinned happily, pulling out her headphones so she didn't accidently miss something that they were saying. maddy raised her eyebrow as she watched aniela open the animal cracker bag, going to grab a few and pouring them in a small plastic cup. 

"you're oddly happy, why?" daniel raised his eyebrow, watching the girl lean on the kitchen island, before putting an animal cracker in her mouth. 

"i don't know." aniela shrugged, biting back a grin as she already knew what her next words were. "ask my boyfriend." she tried to speak normally before the smile over took her face the moment she did. aniela just went into her room, trying to keep her excitement level to a minimum, thought she didn't think anyone would blame her for being happy. 

"the fuck are you talking about you don't have a boyfriend-" maddy cut herself off, her eyes going wide once she realized that the boyfriend was a recent thing, meaning zach finally did it. 

daniel and maddy's jaws dropped, not having believed that zach was actually going to do it. but it certainly did explain why she was suddenly so happy. it also explained why she had been so oblivious to them, but aniela really was just like that. she didn't really notice her surroundings, but she would realize it eventually once someone brought it up. 

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