033; go to college

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CORBYN OPENED THE DOOR TO ANIELA'S APARTMENT, finding it rather odd that it was unlocked. he just shrugged it off, not thinking to deeply in it before entering the apartment and taking off his head phones. he had been sent by the friends to go get the two so they could go out. they wanted to go to santa monica pier, but they hadn't seen zach or aniela all day so someone needed to go get them.

the apartment was quiet, but zach's car was in the

parking lot when corbyn parked, so they had to be there. since no one was around corbyn snuck into the kitchen quickly to grab a brownie before going off to find the pair. when he got closer to the living room, he could hear the talking, but it was soft. almost as if someone was being assured that everything was going to be fine.

and his suspicions were confirmed correct when corbyn walked into the living room. zach's arms were wrapped around aniela as she sniffled, his hand running through her hair as she tried to get her to relax. corbyn suddenly was panicking because he looked rather dumb in the serious situation, standing there with a brownie in his hand. the boy just quickly threw it on the nearest table before stepping further into the room so he could make his presence known.

"what's going on?" corbyn asked causing Zach to look up from comforting aniela and towards corbyn. He did a double take, not really expecting to see corbyn standing there.

he didn't really want it either because aniela was currently upset about her parents wanting to send her off to an Ivy League college. She just didn't know how to tell her friends because telling Zach was hard enough, and now she had to go off and tell the rest of them?

she just thought it was too hard.

so zach had told her to just wait until she felt okay telling them. and if anything zach would just tell them himself for her. honestly he was scared. he didn't want aniela to leave but he couldn't put his needs in front of her family because he knew how much she hated not having a stable relationship with a family.

"oh hey." zach pushed aniela softly into his chest so that she could recompose herself before facing corbyn. "what're you doing her?" he asked softly and corbyn awkwardly put his hands in his front pockets as his eyes darted between the two of them.

"i uh-" corbyn tried to respond but he couldn't really remember for a second why he had came there because he was worried about the whole situation. "am i interrupting something?"

"yeah kind of-"

"no you're fine." aniela interrupted zach, running her hand through her hair as she turned to corbyn. they met eyes for a second before her's looked away quickly, trying hard to act normally.

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