You/Historia Reiss - Okay

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Historia hadn't had time to think about the fact that Ymir had left her after learning she was to become the new Queen of the Walls. She had gotten kidnapped and then had killed her father to prevent him from destroying the innermost wall. Once she had a moment of peace, Historia broke down. She cried and continued to cry until tears just stopped falling. Ymir had been the only one that ever understood her and she wasn't sure what she was going to do with her other half gone.

When Historia met you, she couldn't help but be reminded of Ymir. You were the only one that understood her. Her smiles that she had perfected to show everyone she was happy did not work on you. You could always tell that she wasn't happy. It killed you to see her so upset and not be able to do anything to help her. Only knowing her for several weeks, you had come to care a great deal about her. You would do anything to bring her happiness.

"There's no point to any of this."

You stop cleaning as Historia began to talk.

"I'm sorry, your majesty. I don't understand."

"Any of this. We're all just going to die. At any point, a titan is going to break through those walls and kill all of us. There's no reason to prolong our deaths."

"Forgive me for saying this but you're wrong."

"You don't know that. You haven't even been outside these walls! You don't know what it's like out there. You haven't see what a titan can do."

"My parents were killed the day that the two titan-shifters decided to use our city as their fighting grounds."

Historia sighs, feeling guilty for yelling at you.

"I'm sorry, (y/n). I had no idea."

"It's alright. It's been a while and I've made my piece with it."

"How? How can you not be so angry about what happened? If titans didn't exist, we wouldn't be living in fear in these walls. We've lost thousands of people because of all these titans attacks and they still haven't stopped. They'll continue to attack until there's nothing left. Until they've eaten every single human being and there's nothing I can do to prevent that from happening."

"There is. Eren has given us hope."

"There's no guarantee that he'll find what we're looking for."

"We have to have a little faith, Queen Historia."

She doesn't say anything else so you just resume your cleaning.


After your talk, Historia's mood changed. She wasn't the same happy girl that she used to be but she wasn't upset all the time. She found herself genuinely being happy when she talked to you. You helped fuel the fire that Ymir had given her. It was sometimes difficult for Historia to distinguish you from Ymir. She wasn't surprised when she realized that she started to fall for you.   You were a much nicer Ymir. Historia couldn't help but think that she was perhaps projecting her unresolved feelings with Ymir onto you. The blonde didn't bother to stop and think about it, all she wanted was to not be alone again. 

"What I say to you must stay between us. I cannot have anyone finding out about this."

"Queen Historia, you know that I'll never betray your trust. What is it that you wish to tell me?"

Historia stands up from her seat and makes her way over to you. 

"We've known each other for a few shorts weeks but I can't deny my feelings for you any longer. I love you, (y/n)."

Your eyes widen at her confession. This was far too soon. The queen had just recently learned that the love of her life had died. 

"I'm sorry, your majesty but don't you think that it's far too soon to say that you're in love with someone else. I don't want to overstep my boundaries but you just learned that you lost the love of your life."

"...I know that it's too soon. I fear that I'll never get over her death but I don't want to be alone. Ymir had always been at my side and now I'm all alone. My friends are gone. I don't have any family. I...I...."

You wrap her in your arms as she falls to her knees. Historia starts to cry as she's reminded of the hugs that Ymir would often give her to make her feel safe. 

"I'm your friend, Queen Historia. You have me. You're not alone."

"Please don't leave me Ymir. I don't want to be alone."

You didn't say anything as she held you tighter or the incorrect name. Queen Historia was still grieving and you were going to do anything you could to help her. 

"I won't leave, Historia. I'm here for you."

Historia's cries got louder. She hadn't been allowed to grieve properly with all the affairs that she had to deal with. Now that she had nothing to do and it was just the two of you, she could finally let out the tears that she had been holding in. 

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