Ch. 44 Moth Flame

Start from the beginning

"I can't believe I didn't think of this before," she scoffed herself while she looked up Jimin's ID in the system. "Huh... he's only a block away." She felt her shoulders lighten from the worry. In that case, she should just stay put for a while longer.

She stared at the unmoving red dot on her phone... stared at it for so long and hard that the surrounding image started to fade to black and all her eyes saw was the red dot.

Its crisp outline seemed to fade away, the color expanding out into a glowing halo. Then her eyes picked up the slightest movement of the color of the dot, like how a lick of a small flame would move.

Chaeyoung blinked rapidly... and the dot was just as normal and ordinary as before on her phone screen.

Peony, it happened again. By now, she knew the dot on her phone didn't actually change. It's weird, but sometimes when she concentrates on something that indicates a person, her inner eye would see a glow. These kinds of visions happened occasionally since her teenage years but she was never able to figure out what it meant. All she knew was that if she followed her instincts, it led her to some kind of danger.

She called it her glow sense.

Chaeyoung stared out the window in the direction of where Jimin was located. She started to space out again, just like a mere moments ago...

The surroundings in her view gradually faded black, and in the distance, a tiny dot of a low of the same shade can be seen.

Chaeyeong startled out of her daze this time and was on her feet in a heartbeat. Peony was fluttering wildly, her gut instincts driving her body while her eyes stared straight ahead.

She didn't know how she knew... but she felt it. Something's wrong with Jimin.

All the occasional times where this has happened, she knew what her body was doing. Her spatial awareness was only conscious enough to get through the city streets safely. Meanwhile, her inner mind was concentrating on this unexplainable pull of a nonexistent glow that only she seems to be able to sense.

Chaeyoung trusted Peony, her moth, and like any other moth, they're drawn to the light of a flame, not knowing how that flame burns.


"This is such a nice surprise after ending my shift. Being a security guard can be so boring, ya know?" When the burly man emphasized his word, he squeezed his grip on his victim's neck even more.

"You bastard, let him go!" Yeonjun couldn't stand it. He was already running out of time for Yeji and there was no way he was going to let another one of these humans get in his way! He shifted and in a flash, he chomped down on the arm that was suffocating his comrade.

The human immediately let go with an agonizing scream, trying to fling the Tasmanian Devil off. Meanwhile, their comrade coughed tiredly but pointed to his car, "Get Yeji in! Hurry!"

Jimin rushed over to carefully settle Yeji in. Beomgyu went to help the fellow Shifter, "Hyung, will you be okay to drive?"

"I'll be fine," he said despite his coughing, "I've been through worse. Who else is coming, or am I just rushing Yeji home?"

Jimin answered firmly, "All of you are going home. I'll distract the human to get Yeonjun out." With a pivot of his heel, the Master sprinted towards the fighting duo with a flying kick to the human's face, knocking him far away. "Yeonjun, go with them! I got this!"

The Tasmanian Devil nodded and ran towards the car, driving away instantly.

The man slowly got up on his feet, nursing his bitten arm. "Rabid beasts! I'll kill you first and then I'll find ways to find that van."

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