"Can I help you?" I ask.

"I am looking for Madelyn Foster"

"She's sleeping right now. She just lost her father so I don't think now is the time" I respond.

"Well I lost my father too" Hazel says before stepping out from behind the man, a backpack slung on her back.

"Hazel?" I question, more to myself that anyone else.

"Madelyn is due for court tomorrow and I must hand the envelope directly to her"

"Court?" I question, "for what?"

"I am unable to discuss that with you"

"Hold on a second, I'll get her.", I walk away from the door and to Madelyn, seeing Cara already awake in their bed. I lightly shake her shoulder until she pops her head up. "There is someone at the door for you", I tell her before helping her out of bed and to the door.

"Madelyn Foster" the man in the suit says.

"Yes?" she replies, half asleep.

He slightly bows and hands her the envelope, "You are in temporary custody of Hazel Foster until tomorrow." He tells her before leaving.

She sees Hazel and immediately wakes up, her eyes pricking with tears.

"Hazel?" she says, crouching down slightly and holds her arms out to her. Hazel steps into her arms and they hold each other. "I'm sorry I couldn't save him"

"It's okay. I know that you tried." Hazel pulls out of the hug and reaches to grab something off of the floor, and lifts up an urn. "He didn't want us to have to deal with a funeral."

Madelyn nods her head.

They both stand fully and walk into the hotel room, letting the door shut behind them.

"What's in the vase?" Chris asks.

"Uh, your father" I respond, trying not to say it too loud.


Madelyn's POV

"So he left all parental rights of Hazel to you?" Chris asks.

"I guess so" I respond as I continue to read through the legal documents in the envelope, "As well as the money from selling his house"

"What?" Chris asks.

"Well that's for all three of us to split" I respond, "How does he expect me to take care of a child while being a college student?" I ask rhetorically.

"Well I have no other family." Hazel responds, "But I promise I'll behave, just please don't put me in the system"

"I promise I won't" I respond, knowing how awful it feels to have to be put in the system.

She gives me a side hug from her seated position.

"It also says he wants his ashes spread at London Bridge Beach" I say the place in a higher tone, insinuating that I have no clue where that is.

"Why there?" Chris asks.

I shrug.

"Before my mom died we had a cabin there and would go almost every weekend in the summer. We couldn't afford to keep it once she died"


We all squeeze into one king sized bed, I'm wedged between Cole and Hazel, with Cara on the other side of Hazel and Chris on the other side of Cole.

"What should we watch?" Cole asks as he flicks through movies on the TV.

"High School Musical?" Hazel suggests.

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