6. Dare you!! Mr. Rajveer (Edited)

Start from the beginning

"What about me?" Rubina asked.
"Of course, I care for you too, baby girl." Nivi cooed.
Nimi rolled her eyes at their exchange, who grinned at each other.

"Nivi, we all feel the same. The guy you are talking about is chosen by her parents and we all have seen how much he deeply loves & cares for her." Nimrat tried to make her understand and she nodded in response.

'Of course, letting things go at their pace, does not mean giving them up. We can never stop taking care of our loved ones, but we can surely allow them to make their choices.
And here, she was not an option, nor were her friends, they were the ultimate choice. She won't make them choose. Surely she can allow them to be shared, but not given up.
Not for the thousand worlds.'

Her line of thoughts was disturbed by Simi, who made her way back, asking them to shift with the boys, so they both can introduce their friends, with each other in a better way.

They agreed at once. Nivi being the last to move, had to sit at the only seat available, right in front of Rajveer, which was empty for now.

With the boys on one & girls on the other side, they all sat & chatted comfortably. Navneet recieved a video call & excused herself. Soon, they were joined by Rajveer who was back after attending his call.

Aman was very eager to reveal the face of Rajveer's crazy woman, who seemed to be the permanent occupant of his thoughts recently.

Navneet who was busy with the call she received, made the way back, to allow her all friends to talk with her cousin.

Rajveer was busy with his food, so he didn't spare another glance towards his soon to be bhabhi's friends.

Simrat introduced her fiance, over the call to Amreen & they seemed to get along preety well.

And, by the time came, to introduce
"The Vihaan Shergill" to Amreen & the camera faced Vihaan, and he waved with a smile at the camera, Amreen's breath hitched, as she realised him to be the same person, whom she may had made fun of, in front of her whole colleage,
And she cut the call, immediately.
Not wishing to be recognised by him.

Whereas, Vihaan started to wonder, where he had seen the 'oh so familiar face.' But he ignored it, getting no recollections of her in his memory.
But, he was definitely more curious to know the reason behind sudden network failure.

Disappointed Navneet, looked at her front where Rajveer was eating his food so gracefully, ignoring her presence, which was actually noticed by him, a few moments ago.

As if, it would help him to save himself from her embarrassing accusations.

Navneet stared at him
wide-eyed but receiving nothing from his side she composed herself.

All of a sudden, Ruby asked her about her yesterday's where abouts. She tried to the divert the topic, but the curious stares did not help her, even when she choked on her drink.

"I was with a friend."

"We are your only friends here." Rubi retorted.

Rajveer tried his best to stay aloof, but he couldn't help it.

"Well, I made a new one."


They asked her doubtfully. And
She began to explain her yesterday's encounter.

"Well, I met with a hooligan, on my stay at park. They were..."

She was cut off by an agitated Rajveer in the middle.

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