99 | My Final Words

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99 | My Final Words

As soon as Regulus removed their memories of Mia being held captive and threatening James, he lifted the spell and sent them away. He couldn't let them get in the way of his plan.

He slipped his wand inside his coat before entering Mia's room. Upon entering her room, a book was thrown towards him which he swiftly caught.

"Will you stop throwing books at me?" Regulus requested boredly. "Calm down, would you?."

She scoffed. "Why? I hate you."

He rolled his eyes. "I'm protecting you, Mia. I'm doing what Damon told me. So, shut up, relax, and stop bloody throwing things at me!"

"What?" she gapped. "What did Damon told you?"

Instead of replying, he handed a envelope that was wax sealed. Mia's eyes widen in shock as she saw the was seal.

"That's a horse. That's Damon's crest. Why is it sealed with Damon's crest?"

"Open it."

She glanced at him, suspiciously before ripping the seal open. Her eyes watered as she saw her brother's handwriting.

Amelia Morticia De Martel,

If you are reading this, then I must be dead or under the imperius curse. I kinda hoping that I'm dead when you are reading this. Joking aside, I'm writing this letter explaining the things I didn't get the chance to explain.

Ever since we were young, you were this delicate little flower who doesn't seem to pay attention to your surroundings. Deatheaters have been watching you ever since the first time you stepped out of the De Martel Manor when you were eleven, it scared our parents, Gabriel, and your brothers.

Mum and dad had this plan to protect you from harm. To betrothed you to a pureblood. They had this plan ever since you were four. They weren't suppose to go on with the plan until it was absolutely necessary, Mia. They had a match for you, you know? Do you know who that is? It's Regulus Black.

The day we got back to Hogwarts when were you in your fifth year, Regulus heard the conversation about the arranged marriage and of course, I threatened him because I didn't want you to know any of it. At least not yet.

Ever since that day, I could see Regulus always looking at your direction. I couldn't understand if he was intrigued or mad that he was going to be betrothed to you. I was confused, until he approached me.

"De Martel." Regulus said, lowly.

"What?" Damon asked, boredly.

"How did you know?" Regulus asked. "How did you know that I was betrothed to her?"

"Because I am a eavesdropper." Damon answered, nonchalantly.

"You said that if she marries me, she'll be protected. How can I protect her?"

Damon looked at the boy, amused. "Why do you want to know, Black?"

"Because I want to help. I want to protect her."

"Why?" Damon asked. "You barely know her, yet you want to protect her. How noble of you."

"She's been may classmate for years." Regulus muttered. "I may not know her that well but I know who she is. She's one of the nicest person out there. She needs to be protected."

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you care about my dear sister." Damon smirked, running his hand through his hair, glancing at the redhead that walked by. Lily smiled at him before continuing to walk away.

Regulus rolled his eyes. "Shut up, De Martel."

"Do I have your word, Regulus?" Damon asked, sternly.

"You have my word."

I trust Regulus.... trusted. I couldn't trust him after he was branded as one of the deatheaters but of course, I needed him for information about You-know-who. So, I gave him a bit of information about you. Sorry about that.

The Order was my last shot at protecting you. We needed a way to break the blood spell because as you know, our grandma dearest killed herself because of Austin's tormenting. When you told us, that Austin wasn't going to do that to you, we decided not to break the spell. It was the only option of protecting you.

Last night, Regulus appeared in my loft. Told me that the You-know-who has been shredding the world trying to find you.

"The bloody hell are you doing here?" Damon hissed, pointing his wand at him.

"I'm not here to hurt you, Damon. I'm here to talk." Regulus answered. "About Mia."

Damon narrowed his eyes at him. "What do you want with her now? Want to deliver her to your arse of a Lord?"

"No. I came here to tell you something." Regulus muttered. "I know you don't trust me but I've been trying to keep her safe. For a while now."

"Why should I believe you?" Damon snarled.

"Because I love her and I would do anything to protect her." Regulus exclaimed.

I trust Regulus, Mia. I hope you can trust him too. That's why I gave him this letter, so that he would be the one who can give you my final words to you. Trust him, Mia. He protected you from things you do not know about. That's how much I know that he loves you.

Please protect Lily. I want her to love someone who's not dead. She deserves to be loved. I don't want her sulking around because I died.

Take care of yourself, Amelia. I want you to live the life you always dreamed of. Travel the world after tha war. Marry James and have lots of children. Take care of Grayson because I know he'll grow up alone, find him a nice lady, will you? I want my baby sister to be happy. You deserve it. Also, remember Austin's warning. Never look back when someone betrays you. I love you, Amelia.

I will always protect you until my final breath

-Damon Phillips De Martel

A/N: Kinda feeling bad that I killed off Damon. Damon's one of my favorite characters here because he's a compulsive liar but he's also a nice guy who will do anything to protect his family. No matter what cause.

But don't worry you'll be seeing more of him soon!!

ℒ𝒾ℊ𝒽𝓉 𝒰𝓅 𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒟𝒶𝓇𝓀𝓃ℯ𝓈𝓈Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang