48 | What a Surprise

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48 | What a Surprise

It was September 1st and Mia was sitting with the marauders, the invisibility cloak on her lap. She wasn't delighted to come back and see her boyfriend because her boyfriend is a deatheater. Mia kept thinking how she missed that detail.

"Do you think she's alright?" Peter whispered.

"No, of course not, Wormtail." James said, sighing. "She's miserable."

"She might gone mad as well." Sirius added.

"You're gits." Remus said as he read his book.

"I can hear all of you, do you know that?" Mia glanced at them. "I'm not going mental. I'm just thinking."

"Thinking leads to being mental." Sirius said.

"That's probably why you aren't thinking." Mia shot back, making everyone laugh whilst Sirius narrowed his eyes at her.

"We better go. Meeting starts in five minutes." Remus announced before standing up.

"I'm not going but please don't let me patrol with Regulus. I can't talk to him right now." Mia begged.

"Already got it covered, Amelia." James said.

"We'll see you later." Remus said before they left.

Mia sighed, rubbing her tired eyes.

"Are you going to talk to him?" Sirius asked.

"Yes but not right now. It's too overwhelming, Pads." Mia groaned as she laid her head on Peter's shoulders.

"No one is forcing you to talk to him right away, Mia. Take all the time you need." Peter said with a small smile on his face.

"I know. Thank you." Mia muttered before she closed her eyes and fell asleep on Peter's shoulder.

James and Remus was on their way back to their compartment and they stopped when someone yelled out their names.

"Lupin! Potter!" Regulus was jogging towards them.

"What do you want, Black?" James asked.

"Where's Mia? I haven't heard from her and she wasn't in the meeting?" Regulus asked in a vile tone.

"Don't know." Remus lied. "Probably with Damon." he shrugged.

James kept glancing at the compartment where Sirius, Peter, and Mia were sitting in. Regulus followed his gaze.

Regulus chuckled for a sec before opening the door, only to see Sirius and Peter.

"Dear brother, what a surprise." Sirius grinned.

Regulus grumbled under his breath before walking away.

"Where is she?" James asked as they entered the compartment and closing it behind them.

"Here." Peter said, slowly removing the invisibility cloak, revealing a sleeping Mia.

"One of you better wake her up. She needs to change into her robes." Remus ordered.

"I'm not doing it." Sirius quickly said. "Last time I woke a girl up, I ended up getting a broken nose."

ℒ𝒾ℊ𝒽𝓉 𝒰𝓅 𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒟𝒶𝓇𝓀𝓃ℯ𝓈𝓈Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt