67 | The Rainbow After A Storm

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67 | The Rainbow After A Storm

Mia was sitting on top of James' bed, her back leaning against the headboard. She was deciding which part to start off the story. James, was sitting on the floor, staring at her.

Mia took a deep breath. "Okay. Last year during Christmas holiday when Regulus became a deatheater, You-know-who gave him a task." she paused. "The task was for Regulus to get close to me and test out his theory."

He furrowed his brows. "What theory?"

"The theory whenever magic can be used against me or not." Mia said.

"That means what?" James asked, cluelessly.

"Do you remember the first time I saw Remus as a werewolf?" Mia asked and James nodded. "Madam Pomfrey tried to heal me with a healing spell but it didn't work because magic can't be used against me."

James' mouth firm an 'o'. "What's You-know-who got to do with it?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. My uncle and Grayson are still trying to figure it out." she answered. "The reason magic can't be used against me it because my grandfather performed the protection spell on my grandmother during the war caused by Grindelwald."

"That's all?" James asked.

Mia shook her head. "My grandfather had to kill his brother in order to make the spell work. A blood spell."

"That's cruel. Why would he even do that?" James asked, troubled.

Mia laid down on the bed. "Because he wanted protect his wife and his sons. He needed to kill his brother to complete the process." Mia explained.

"A blood spell is a very traditional and ancient magic, my uncle Gabe said. It'll only work if you drain out the blood of one of your family members. In this case, my grandfather's brother, Austin."

"That's literally creepy to know, Amelia." James shuddered. "No offense, but your family is mental."

Mia laughed, hysterically. "Don't even remind me about it." she said, rolling off the bed. "Ow."

James laughed. "You are an idiot, Amelia." James stated, standing on top of her.

"Aren't you going to help me up?" she asked, raising both her arms up.

He grabbed both her wrist and attempted to pull her up. They were out of balance, causing James to fall on top of Mia.

Mia groaned. "Ouch. I fell for the second time." she laughed. "And with you and top of me. Can you get off? You are bloody heavy."

Mia stopped laughing when she notices how their faces were inches apart from each other. His hazel eyes bore into her blue ones. She didn't react when leaned into her, letting his lips brushed against her lips. James stood up and pulling her up, making sure that they were both steady.

He turned on his record player before walking up to her. James held her hand and pulling her close to him, making her yelp in surprise. His arms snaked their way around her waist before he started swaying their bodies together.

"What are you doing, James?" She asked, not daring to look up to his eyes.

"We are swaying, love. Wrap your arm around my neck." he ordered, playfully.

Mia rolled her eyes as she wrapped her arms around his neck, looking up to his face. Leaned down, his lips brushing against her forehead, sending shivers through out her body. His lips moved from her forehead to her nose.

"If you want me to stop, please tell me to stop, love." he said in a low voice.

Before he knew it, Mia placed her lips against his. He kissed her slowly and gently until she pulled him against her, making him groan softly. He licked her lips, asking her a entrance before she parted her lips. His tongue slips inside her mouth gently but it became rough and hungry for more.

They were panting and catching their breaths when they pulled away from each other. His hands was still grasping her waist and her arms was still wrapped around his neck. James pulled away.

"Shite. Mia, I'm so sorry." he said, frantically. "I shouldn't have kissed you. You weren't ready and it's like I fucking pushed you to kiss me. Fuck fuck fuck."

Mia stood in front of him. "I kissed you, James. You didn't pushed me to do anything." Mia stated.

His eyes lightened up in realization. "That's right. You kissed me!" he sent her a teasing smirk.

She glared at her. "Wipe that smirk off your face, Potter, or you won't get anymore kisses from me." she teased.

"Wait, I'll get to kiss you again?" he gapped.

"Uhmm.... I don't know. I like you." Mia muttered.

His smirk grew bigger. "I'm sorry? I didn't catch that, love?"

"I like you."

"Still didn't hear you."

Mia scoffed. "I better go. It's getting late." she said, walking towards the portrait hole.

James rolled his eyes, pulling her back into his arms.

"Morticia Amelia De Martel, would you like to go on a date with me?"

"No, I'm busy." Mia said with a teasing smile plastered on her face.

He glared at her, making her laugh.

"I would love to go on a date with you."

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