Log 64: Boundless V

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My eyes burned with tears, but I did all I could to stop them from falling. Yet I couldn't stop myself from questioning him, "Why didn't you say anything? Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't anyone—"

"Because I didn't want you to worry about me when you already have so much to worry about on yourself," he said to me with a sad smile. "I asked the nurses to not tell you anything. I couldn't leave my room and let you see me when I was at my worse. You need to focus on yourself, on what's happening tomorrow. I should be the last thing in your mind to worry about."

Shaking my head, I leaned towards him and let him took my hand in his once again. "It's not fair."

He smiled at me and said, "It's only fair. I shouldn't be in the way of your recovery."

"You never were. I need you, and I want to be there to support you too."

"I know. That's why I'm here now. I've done all I could to get strong enough to be here today so I could see you," he said, pulling my hand in his so he could place my palm on his cheek, giving me a chance to feel him. "You know that I will always be here to support you."

"Always? Promise?" He only answered me with a nod of his head, but it was enough for now. "Can you stay here with me?"

Jimin glanced over his shoulder and tipped his head. "Will your guardian let me?"

I looked over to Kara's sleeping form and smiled. "She has to."

And indeed she did. Kara knew how much I had missed Jimin and how his presence helped make a lot of changes that she even let Jimin use the cot that she had neglected the night before so he could rest once in a while. Even the nurses had come to let Jimin take his medicines without him returning to his room.

"Told you that things would be easier if we had just been placed in the same room," Jimin joked at Soyeon when she came into the room while shaking her head at him. His comment surprised me as I had never thought he would even consider it.

"You asked them for a room transfer?"

Jimin shrugged with a sheepish smile. "Hey, I tried. I've thought about it ever since you got sick from your trips down the halls at night to see me."

I looked at him, not believing what I just heard. Never once in my mind I had considered it possible for us to share a room that I had pushed away every hope of making it happen. I was completely speechless that all I could do was hold his hand. It was Soyeon who spoke next, breaking the moment we were sharing.

"If you want, I can submit another request once you've gone through the surgery," she said, while Jimin and I exchanged looks.

"Can you do that?"

Soyeon glanced at Kara who was now giving her a hopeful look and smiled. "I can ask your doctor to have permission for transfer," she answered me with a wink.

"If Doctor Kim agrees, then it'll leave only one last hurdle that might get in the way," Jimin said, breaking whatever spell we were in before either one of us even had a chance to celebrate the possible good news.

"What is it?"

Jimin gave me a sad smile and said, "Your ex-husband."


It was finally the day of the surgery.

Everyone had been here with me since this morning, waiting in the room with me. While my anxiety had peaked through the roof the day before, I was surprisingly calm ever since I had woken up this morning. Meanwhile, everyone else seemed to be on the edge since the moment I woke up and it even got worse when the nurse came in just one hour before I was supposed to be taken to the operating room, handing me the last medicine for the day.

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