4. The unwanted visit (Edited)

Start from the beginning

"Are you both five year olds?" She asked amazed, at the few inches distance remaining between us, after effects of his manhandling ways I would say. Brute.

He left my hand after sensing the presence of Mrs. Randhawa, nearby.

"Mrs. Randhawa, he's the same person, who was misbehaving around the street, and also supporting the youngsters to join his footsteps. I tried to make him convince for surrendering himself to the police, but this brute left from there, after scaring the people present there with his glares." I explained, while rubbing my now swollen wrist. She looked as if she was amazed at the whole fiasco.

" I'm sure he must be here to commit something bigger, to either kidnap your little one or to harm your family. After I stepped over his ego just awhile ago, calling him an innocent. Ofcourse it would be an insult for him." I continued, killing him through my eyes.

He was clenching and unclenching his jaw. Clearly, showing his irritation at my presence there, as if he was the king of some palace.

"Bhabhi, make her shutup. Before I do." He said, while glaring daggers at me.

"Mrs. Randhawa, I tell you. He is just sweet talking you, so you spare him his crimes. He is a criminal, bigger or minor, doesn't matter." I said, pouncing on toes.
Only If I could get a chance to hit him once. I swear I'll change the geography of his oh so perfect face. He was pinching his nose now. But I concentrated on the lovely lady, who helped in this cold winter evening. I won't let anyone hurt her.

"Navneet, calm down. He'll not hurt us." Mrs. Randhawa explained.

"I can't believe this. Why are you not understanding this. Mrs. Randhawa, he can't be trusted."
I tried again.

"I too left him earlier, thought of giving him a chance. But see here he is. Once again."

Suddenly, I was pushed into a nearby wall. My back and muscles screaming in agony.
It was being suffocating with his proximity. His breaths falling on my cheeks were making me nervous and scared at the same time.

"What do you think of yourself.
Some mother india you are. You are the only one an angel here. Rest of us are at your mercy,
Only you can will bestow us with kindness.
Save us from wrath of God.
Guess what, I don't care. Nor should you. "

"But I .." he cut off yelling again.

"Mind your own business. You crazy, stupid woman."

He screamed right at my face.

"Rajveer, quite down, why are you shouting at her." Mrs. Randhawa tried.

Wait, what.. how does she know his name?! Rajveer.. Rajveer..where have I heard about him. It must be some news channel, being the bloody thug he is.

"Let her speak, atleast," making him understand, and pulling him away from me. Ofcourse, trying repeatedly, the muscular hooligan he is.

"I was just, I was talking about only and only him. A second chance for him, a better place in hell for him, not US. We are good, actually best. But he needs to surrender himself, for his own betterment." I explained my point.

Mrs. Randhawa laughed out loud. And Mr. Goon rolled his eyes.

"Bhabhi, where did you get her from, a bloody mental case." he is clearly insulting me now.

As if you weren't earlier, my conscience me.
Whatever, for all I care, he is a moron.

"She must be from Amritsar, a runaway case." He muttered under his breath.Mrs. Randhawa chuckled, clearing the tense environment around us.
(Amritsar sahib, has a famous mental asylum.)

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