44.2:"Something strange".

Start from the beginning

"Why would you act this way when you are the one who said I don't show this side to you?". He whined

"Excuse me". She said to the crew member, "I need to change my seat, please. This man has lost his mind".

"She is lying. We are good. No need". Waqas said waving his hand as the crew member left, "You are impossible. I am not speaking to you anymore".

"Woah! Thank you. Finally peace". She said extra happy as she turns to iPad

He crossed his arms over his chest tapping his feet as he thinks why is that he is showing this side to her?. Is it because he thinks that the man from before might be someone important to her or that he might take her thoughts away from him?. What is wrong with him?. He wasn't in competition with anyone.

Maybe he is just sick. He needs sleep before he does something more.

She feels someone watching over her as she turns to find him watching at her iPad.

"What is it now?". She asked tiredly

"You are changing the designs". He commented watching how dedicated she was to her work, "Why?".

"I just find something different. I think this will look better with the view". She explained showing him the design

They both work for some time as he takes the iPad watching the designs. He feels her quieting down so he turns to look at her to find her falling asleep as her head moves sideways. He places the iPad in his lap placing her head on the seat adjusting it properly so she can sleep peacefully. He asked for an extra blanket placing it over her watching her for some time then falling asleep by her side.

She stretches her body feeling it sore as she opens her eyes to find his face in front of her in a distance. She lay her head back down watching him as he looks softer while sleeping.

She realises that moment that when she was panicking in the cafe he had called her something she never imagined she would hear from someone like him. Her heart starts to beat rapidly as she straightens herself looking at the two blankets over her and she knows he must have done it. She feels the rhythm of her heart beating non-stop and she knows if her heart doesn't go back to normal then-

"Why is your face so red?". He asked frowning as he looks at her avoiding his eyes, "Are you sick?".

"I thought you didn't care". She said biting her tongue when she realised that to save herself from embarrassment she had to ruin the moment

"I will be back". He said walking away leaving her alone and she feels guilty of behaving that way with him

They leave the aeroplane without any more words heading straight to their hotel room knowing they have a meeting in the morning.

She feels restless the whole night as she tosses and turns until she had enough and decided to stroll downstairs. She wears oversized cartilage heading to the backside of the hotel looking at the night view.

She stands on her toes looking at the moon shining brightly making her smile. She had a strange love for the moon and the darkness around it. She finds it comforting to watch the light and darkness together.

He turns his head to find her standing at a little distance with a beautiful smile on her lips. He has never seen her smiling after they cleared their high school. Now that he thinks about it her father was right that she changed after leaving.

She used to be someone who looks a lot softer now she is just a different person. True that years changes many things in a person but all her smiles annoys him to no end these past years not because he doesn't like it but he always finds them off.

As he continues to look at the one in the lifetime opportunity of watching her genuine smile that he might never see again, he concludes that indeed those other smiles are for the display.

At that moment as he stands in the distance in a dark corner and his own eyes showing the soft side of his is when he realises that they weren't that different after all.

While she hides behind her smiles, he hides behind his stone face.

"Is the moon funny?". He asked in his failing humour

"You need to take some classes to have a good humour. It doesn't come to everyone naturally". She commented as she continued to look at the moon but without a smile, "Moon is beautiful and pure".

"How do you know it's pure?". He asked curiously

"It looks like it". She said shrugging

"If you look closely even the moon has its scar engraved on it. It has its own way and things that no one else is aware of. While it's comforting the other who is that is comforting it?". He asked standing beside her, "Everyone is similar to it".

"Do wounds make us ugly?". She asked as she leans on the side looking at him

"It depends who is looking". He said softly, "If it's someone who never learns to respect another person and their lives then they will only have the nonsense to say. If it's someone who understands that life isn't perfect and everyone carries their own stories, wounds and hardships then they will look at it with respect".

"People don't fall in the second category. They all speak and speak without a thought of what words can do to another". She said sighing, "It's a wicked and sick world out there".

"As long as one doesn't become the same as them, that is all that matters. We cannot expect the world to be beautiful, cosy and everything we want. It is a temporary tempting test that one needs to live in and fight to survive however even if it's changing oneself that can bring a new wave someday". He said shrugging

"Keeping one sane". She repeated his words thoughtfully, "Must be hard".

"Very". He said nodding as they both fall into a comfortable silence

The next day she prepares herself to meet their client as she walks towards him entering inside his car. They stop in front of the office exiting and entering inside the elevator.

After the successful meeting, they finally managed to understand the client needs and they need to work on the designs to bring some changes.

She decided to take a walk on the beach as she wanted to relax before she has to work. She looks at the waves crashing together and going back.

She crosses her hand feeling the cold wind and she wishes she brought her sweater with her. She feels someone placing a jacket over her and she finds him standing beside her.

She didn't say anything as she likes this side of him even if it's just for now, she wanted to enjoy it at least once.

"Look! It's her. The famous curry". She heard the voice that stiffened her whole body

She turns around to find the familiar faces that scared her entire existence.

The two women and three men that made her feel like dirt.

"Do you know them?". He asked confused watching the idiots in front of them smirking at her

Just how many people does she knows and have a history with?.

"She was very famous in here for her exotics ways to life". The woman- Emaan said smiling at him which made him creep

"Let's leave". She said hurriedly as she starts to march away from them hearing them laughing behind her

He frowns following behind her as he watches her running away. He follows behind her when he found her going on the main street. It all took a moment to happen as he saw the car approaching in speed and she was right in front of it.


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