#15- Slow Dancing with the Player

Start from the beginning


"Come to bed?"

"Only if you promise to stay on your side."

"Mhm" She mumbles.

I set the bottle of water I grabbed for her next to her pain medicine. Before finally changing out of my wet underwear. The droplets of water have already dried up, leaving me almost completely dry. I slip on a pair of clean underwear and climb under the sheets, feeling Madelyn's body heat radiating off of her.

I shift uncomfortably. I've been in a bed with many girls before, but I've never actually slept in a bed with one. Let alone one like her. I close my eyes and allow myself to start to drift until I feel Madelyn wrap her arms around my torso.

"You're not exactly staying on your side" I say, knowing that she more than likely can't hear me.

"Mhm" I feel her body rumble against mine.

"Goodnight Madelyn, I'm sorry I got you into a situation where you accidentally drank. I hope you'll forgive me" I say right before planting a kiss to the top of her head.


I hear Madelyn groan and toss in my bed while I finish brushing my teeth.

I peek my head outside my bathroom and see her sitting on my bed, holding her head.

"Good morning" I say as I walk to her side of the bed. I pick up the medicine and hand it to her along with the water while taking a seat next to her.

"What the hell happened last night?" She questions.

I explain to her almost everything, see how she reacts to everything before I tell her about the shower. I just want to give her time to process the first part before springing the second part on her. I start from when she went to get a drink, ending when we got into my room, before she threw up.

She looks at me emotionless for a couple seconds, more than likely processing.

Madelyn's POV

I try to breathe the air not fully reaching my lungs, the breaths shallow.

My fingers and toes start to tingle.

I can't drink.

I can't be anything like her.

Oh my god.

Oh my god.

I should've stopped drinking when my throat starting burning, I just assumed it was because my throat was insanely dry.

It takes a couple seconds before I even realize that Cole is holding my shoulders, "Madelyn. It's okay"

I push out of his hands and stand, feeling extremely light headed. "No, you don't understand"

"Then help me understand" Cole says.

I start to focus on him, the light headedness starting to go away.

I lift my... his shirt and point to the scar on my side, "This is from when she stabbed me for not doing the dishes. While she was drunk." I lift my arm showing the large coiled burn, "This is where she put my arm on the gas stove for my brother peeing the bed. While she was drunk." I turn and show the long burn on the back of my leg, "This is where she stuck a curling iron on my skin because I moved too much while she was doing my hair. While she was drunk." I lift his shirt again and point to my hip, "This is where I cut myself when I was thirteen because I couldn't handle the fact that not even the person that gave life to me, wanted me". I feel for the hole in my head and then point to the spot, "This is where the doctors had to drill into my head in order to save my life because she drove off a bridge with me in the car. While she was drunk.". Tears start to well up in my eyes, "And worst of all", my voice gets quieter as I place my hand on my stomach. "This is where I will never be able to carry children of my own because she let him attack me almost every night, while both of them were drunk." I take a couple seconds to regain my composure and let my hands fall back at my sides. "It's not okay that I drank. I can't be anything like her." I sniffle and wipe the tears from under my eyes, "I won't allow myself to be".

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