{87} The Guilt With Eri

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A few days have passed, and normal classes have resumed. You were back in class, and things seemed normal. The two troublemakers that had failed the exam had finished their special courses, and your hero work studies were finished.
You sit at your desk, waiting for the class to begin.


You: How did the last class go?

Katsuki: Ugh. Don't talk about that torture


Katsuki: -_-

You: :'(

Katsuki: Damn you and your cuteness.
They had us tame some brats.

You: kids? Ha! I can only imagine
how that went!

Katsuki: Hush. It went fine.
But I remembered why I hate
kids so much.

You: wait wait wait.. You don't like kids?

Katsuki: hell no. They're brats.

You: so you don't want any in the future?

Katsuki:..not planning on it...why?

You: no reason. But I can image you
as a dad. That'd be so cute!

Katsuki: I'm cool not cute! >:(

You: mmhm. My little cutie!
I'm gonna change your contact name
to my cutie.

Katsuki: don't you dare hotshot.

You: hehehe

My Cutie: -_-

You giggled as you put your phone in your pocket. You heard the grumpy blond growl behind you.
"Damn..hotshot~" he growled.
You tilted your head back, moving your chin up to the ceiling, so you could look at Katsuki.
"Mm?" You asked.
"If anyone is cute in this relationship, it's you dumby" he said, getting out of his seat and leaning forward to place a sweet gentle kiss to your lips.
You sighed as he left.
*Clap *clap *clap
You heard applause and you looked around to see Eijiro and Mina standing in front of you.
You immediately blushed and put your head down.
"Don't be embarrassed! THAT WAS SO CUTE!" Mina fangirled.
Eijiro just smiled to you.
You lifted your head and looked at Eijiro.
"When do you get those things off?" He asked, nodding his head towards your arms.
You looked at your bandaged arms.
"Not sure. I don't even want to see the damage" you said.
He nodded.
What if he left another scar.. I don't think I could handle that, you thought.
"Morning class. Today, we are just deciding what to do for the school festival that is happening here soon" Aizawa said as he walked in.
"Festival? After everything that happened this year?" You said.
"Everything that had happened this year is because of the hero course. All the other courses have this chance. So it's more of a stress relieve for them. So pick something that's not stressful, something everyone can have fun with" Aizawa said as he zipped up the sleeping bag he brought.
You laughed as your father sat down in a corner, and fell asleep in a second.
You stood up, along with Iida.
"As class reps, we are in charge of doing this as my father takes a nap? Oh well, anyways, we will take ideas and write them down!" You said.
"Raise your hand if you have an idea!" Iida said.
Hands went up in only seconds, and people were begging for you to pick them.
You made your eyes flash red, which made the class quiet down.
"Didn't mean to get all Aizawa on you, but please only one at a time!" You said, giving the class a smile.
You and Iida began to pick one by one, writing them down on the chalkboard.
"Now that we have all our choices, let's cross off the ones that are violent, or just straight up a no" you said.
"That means.." You said, crossing off the ones that you deemed violent or just dumb.
*Ring *ring
The school bell rang and you saw your dad get up.
"You all need to decide by tomorrow. Or we'll go with my idea. A class lecture" Aizawa said, walking out of the door.
You sighed.
"Please decide on something nice! I can't help, because I have to make up some classwork for when I was at my work study!" You said, grabbing your bag and running out of the room.
"Ughhh still have nine minutes until class" you said as you walked to the elevator.
You pressed the button to go downstairs, and you began to descend.
"Before be we begin the class, I wanted to ask Midoriya and (Y/N) something. Would you both mind going to the hospital to visit Eri? She requested the two of you and Togata" Aizawa said as your class began.
"Oh sure. I have to go to get my bandages off anyways. So sure!" You said.
"Why us I wonder.. I thought she was supposed to be quarantined?" Izuku asked.
"She is, but the doctors say that her horn on her head is smaller, and the poor girl doesn't have any energy left" Aizawa said.
You both nodded.
"We'll go"
You pushed open the small hospital door and saw Mirio there, in a chair sitting by Eri.
Eri was on the bed, sitting facing Mirio and the door.
A blush grew on the little girls face and she looked at you.
"Hello there sweetheart. How have you been?" You asked, putting your hands behind your back and creating something, and putting it into a bag.
She looked down and stayed silent as Izuku grabbed a chair and sat next to Mirio.
"Don't be shy! She's a sweet girl Eri!" Mirio said.
Eri looked back up as you sat on the edge of her bed, putting the bag next to you.
"W-what's in the bag?" She asked in her quiet little voice.
You smiled and pushed it towards her.
"Open it! It's for you, from me!" You said.
She stared at the bag, then looked up at you, then looked to Aizawa, who was standing at the door.
She reached for it, and when she opened it, her eyes went wide.
"Whoa.." She said.
You smiled as you watched her pull the teddybear out of the bag.
She looked at it in awe.
You grabbed the bag and put it on the floor.
"This is..mine?" She said.
"Yep! I assumed that the monster never got you any toys, so I decided I'd make you one!" You said.
She looked at the bear again, before bringing it to her chest.
She blushed again, before talking to you all.
"This whole time..even when I had a fever. All I could think about is all you did for me. You saved me. But..I don't even know what to call you. I know Lemillion's name, but that's it. So who are you?" The sweet girl asked.
"I'm Izuku Midoriya! My hero name is Deku! You know what? Deku's probably easier to remember since it's shorter. So yeah, I'm Deku!" Izuku said.
Eri looked at him, then turned to look at you.
"I am (Y/N) Chisaki!" You said softly.
Should I have said Aizawa instead? What if I screwed up? I shouldn't have said my real last name..
"A hero name?" Eri asked.
"It's like a nickname ..sorta" Izuku said.
Izuku nodded.
"That's right!" He said.
She looked over at you.
"Do you have a hero name?" She asked.
You looked at Mirio and Izuku, who stared at you.
You looked at your dad.
"What do I do? I don't wanna scare the poor girl!" You telepathed to him.
"Just say the truth. Better to say it now than never" Aizawa responded.
You took a deep breath.
"I do have a hero name! My hero name is Overhaul. But if it makes you feel better, you can call me (Y/N)" You said, patting the girl on her head.
"So..Lemillion, Deku, and Overhaul. And then..there was a man wearing glasses. All of you ended up getting hurt real bad because of me" Eri said, looking down.
You all sat in silence as you waited for the little girl to keep talking.
"It's all my fault. All the terrible stuff that happened. I'm so sorry. I know that.." She led on, closing her teary eyes.
You scooted closer to her and put a hand on one of her small ones.
"..that you lost your power because you were protecting me Overhaul, Lemillion" she cried.
You looked up at Aizawa, who shrugged.
She doesn't remember that I have it back..
Mirio put a hand on her head, and she gasped shakily.
"Eri..I guarantee that none of us think this was your fault at all. You know what we are thinking though? 'Man..I am stupid glad that Eri's ok.' So you see? There's no point in apologizing. Promise. Don't worry about it! Besides, everyone fought because they wanted to see you smile" Mirio comforted.
Eri sat back as Mirio did as well.
She stared at you all, before putting her hands to her mouth and making strange formations.
"Hmm?" You hummed.
She put her hands down sadly, and looked at her knees in front of her.
"This is so silly, I think I've forgotten how smiling feels" she said.
Eri..my father must still be haunting you. You haven't let go of the blame and the guilt that he forced on you just as he did to me. I never let it go..but it never got me like this.
"I used to not be able to smile too after being with Kai for so many years. He was my father. He raised me for four years. And abused me just the same. Even gave me the quirk I have now as a scar to remember him" you said, looking at your hand.
She looked at you, then looked at your hand.
You began to let off little explosions, like little fireworks.
Her eyes lit up.
You stopped the explosions and decided to close your hand.
"Tap it" you said to her.
She lifted one of her small hands and poked your hand.
When she did, you opened your hand and revealed a blue butterfly, that flew around.
She watched as it flew around the room, before landing on her nose.
"Whoa.." She said again.
"My quirk..I used to think of it as a curse. Now..I find it a blessing! Why? Because it's one of a kind! I did lose my quirk, and I was glad! But when you got on my back to help me defeat my father, it came back to me! Thank you Eri..for everything" you said.
She looked confused.
You smiled.
"You'll understand soon!" You said.
You sat in silence until something clicked in your head.
"Dad! What if Eri comes with us? To the UA festival? You said since her horn is smaller, she's less likely to look control. So let us take her just for one day!" You said, jumping off of the bed.
"What's a festival?" Eri asked.
"There's music, and food! Bunch of performances and fun activities held at our school! They might even have candy apples!" You and Mirio said.
"What are candy apples?" Eri asked with her mouth open.
"They dip regular apples into some crackily sugar stuff and make it even sweeter!" Mirio said.
You looked at the girl again and saw a small drop of drool on her lip.
"Sweeter how?" She asked.
"I'll talk it over with the principal and see what we can do" Aizawa said, bringing out his phone.
You all stood up excited.
"You know.." Eri began.
"A minute ago, when I was sad and I didn't knows your name..because I knew more than anything, that I just wanted to be friends with the people who helped me!" She said.
You all smiled at her, you even let out a giggle.
"Let's come up with a plan to convince Principal Nezu! That way she will be sure to come!" Mirio said.
You all smiled.
You walked over to the young girl, making a small ribbon in your hand.
You handed it to her.
"Hmm?" She asked.
"It's a ribbon that we can tie on your bear! That way you know I'm always there with you no matter what!" You said.
She grabbed the baby blue bear and held it.
You wrapped it around the bears wrist, and even made a little charm to go on it.
"Giggles?" She said as she read the charm.
You smiled.
"It's the nickname someone very dear to me gave me!" You said.
"Giggles" she said again.
"You got it!"

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