{69} "Hanta!"

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As soon as the test began, everything went silent.
You began to walk, watching every corner of the area you were in, eyes darting around.
You walked around, you targets exposed to anyone who wanted to hit you.
You had one on your shoulder, one on your waist and the other on your hip, where you had the weakest guard.
You hard a rock shift and you grabbed a ball, and turned around and threw it, making a small buzzer go off as it hit a persons target.
"Hey hey! Nice aim!" The person said as they grabbed one of their balls and threw it at you.
You grabbed one of your daggers and threw it at the ball, it piercing threw the rubber, making it fall to the ground.
The person saw this and ran.
"Come back here!" You yelled, running after the person that ran.
Once you caught up to him, you realized he wasn't alone.
"Well well well if it isn't (Y/N) Chisaki from UA" someone said.
You saw them, and there was at least 15 of them.
"Teaming up fifteen on one eh?" You said.
"The point was to stay as a group! Not break off in singles. Maybe UA is just stupid. Or maybe it's just you!" The guy said.
Your eyes narrowed.
"Shut it! Let's get this over with" you yelled.
The guys all laughed.
"What? A little girl like you is gonna take us down? You really are stupid. Shouldn't have expected much from a villain kid!" He laughed.
You grabbed one of your daggers and threw it at him, cutting his cheek.
"You little slut-" he said, running at you.
Perfect..come closer idiot!, you thought.
He got closer to you and his buddies followed.
You felt your wings come in as they got closer.
The boys all threw the balls at you, in hopes to hit at least one of your targets.
You took off, wings pushing you higher.
"Come back! That's cheating!" One of them yelled.
"This is my quirk. Don't underestimate me" you said.
You threw your wings back and with all your might, you pushed your wings forward, and blew all the balls back at them.
"Rragh!" They yelled.
You landed, hands on the floor.
"Normal attack; Overriding Overhaul!" You yelled, rearranging the floor below you to be able to trap them in the ground.
"The hell is this monstrosity?!" One of the men called out.
"This is my quirk. Remember the name Overall when this is over and you've lost. I thought a 'little slut' like me would be easy mm?" you said, turning around.
"Wait you're not gonna strike us out?!" They said.
"You're not worth the win. I'll let others try to break your holds. As for now, I'll find worthier opponents" you said, running off and brushing dust off your face.
Waste of time..no one will break off those holds. So no one wins and they are forced to watch as they fail, you thought.
"(Y/N)!" Someone called out.
You grabbed one of your balls and readied to throw it, only to see,
"Hanta!" You said, putting the ball down and running towards him.
"What are you doing out here on your own?!" Hanta questioned.
"I thought for sure Bakugo wouldn't let you go on your own!"
"I followed him, but I lost them after I got mobbed by a group of boys. Anyways what are you-" you began until you felt someone elses presence behind you.
"Move Hanta!" You said, pushing him to the ground.
You grabbed three balls and threw them all, hitting each of the persons targets.
The ball the person threw, hit the target on your hip.
"(Y/N)!" Hanta yelled, standing up.
"You got hit!"
"It's nothing. Heroes risk themselves everywhere for anyone, so I did the same. As a future hero anyways" you said.
"Wow! You took him down with only one throw! You're super admirable! Gee thanks for the save!" Hanta thanked.
"Anytime!" You replied giving him a small smile.
"We need to move on. Catch up and regroup" you said.
He nodded, and the two of you took off.
That's one target..I need one more!
Third Person POV~
Sero and (Y/N) were now running in the direction of Bakugo and the others. She had taken one target down, but had gotten hit in the end.
What the two didn't know, was that they were being followed.
Your POV~
You sent feathers out to look for people that would try sneaking up on you.
Your wings went away, and you were running out of breath.
"Hanta..I need a break" you panted.
"After the whole villain incident, my stamina hasn't been the same."
"It's fine. I wouldn't expect you to be fine. It was only a few weeks ago!" He said.
"Let me make us a hiding spot" you said, touching the ground and making a rock for the two of you to hide behind.
"Do you have a plan?" He asked.
"Nope. Just run and don't get hit" you said.
"You ran off without a plan?!"
"I didn't exactly think I'd make it this far! I thought for sure I'd be out by now. Anyways, what happened to you? How'd you get separated from Izuku and the rest-" you asked, only to feel Hanta wrap his tape around your waist.
"Wha-" you said, before he launched you away.
"Hanta!" You yelled.
You saw him get hit with a ball.
You grabbed your metal belt and threw it at the person that hit him.
"Binding Chainmail Chain Lock!" You yelled, grabbing two daggers, heating one up, and freezing the other, throwing them.
They ripped threw the persons clothing, and the metal wrapped around their arms and waist.
You landed and ran over to them, melting the metal so it could trap them to the ground.
"Whoa!" Hanta said.
"What the hell was that?!"
"One of my ultimate moves! Pretty bad ass huh? Anyways, you get their targets Hanta!" You said, flipping the target over and exposing his targets.
"A-are you sure?! You took him down!" He said.
"You saved me! Plus, I need to catch up with the hothead. I'll see you soon alright?" You said, running off.
"Uh- alright then! Thanks (Y/N)!"
You smirked.
Anytime, my friend.

𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 | 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐛.Where stories live. Discover now