{EXTRA} Too Smooth!

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You blasted yourself past the screaming man, chasing towards the thieves that ran with a case in their arms.
One of them, with a seemingly similar quirk to Katsuki, popped his way down an alley and up a staircase.
Just as you were about to chase after him, Katsuki pushed you out of the way.
"You take the other ones!" he yelled before continuing his pursuit on the villain.
"Be careful Katsuki!"
You watched his figure fade into distance, before chasing after the other villains.
"Move! Move! Get out of my way! Now!" the lead villain said, using his tornado-like quirk to clear his path.
Civilians screamed as they were thrown into the air.
You were about to grow your wings to be able to use feathers to bring them back down to the ground, before you saw Izuku use his own quirk to stop anyone from falling.
"You two go ahead! Don't stop until you get that case!" he yelled.
You nodded, before using your wings to push you onwards and after the last thief.
You and Shoto both chased after him, following him as he turned sharply into an alleyway.
You heard a woman scream, and then saw a faint shadow of the case as he threw it.
He continued to run down until he hit the dead-end, Shoto following and using his ice to capture him with ease.
You landed, running to where he threw the case.
I didn't hear a thud or anything.., you thought, before you saw a man with a terrified expression on his face.
You took in his rough appearance.
The man had brown hair that was tied up in a messy ponytail, grey eyes that complemented his sun kissed skin tone, looking to be around your age.
He wore a light blue shirt that had patchwork on it, covered with a brown coat that looked rough.
His pants had patches over the knees, and his shoes were being held together by blue fabric.
He looked pretty innocent, perhaps he was a bystander that happened to be thrown into the crime scene?
You looked at what he held in his arms, and saw what happened to be the chest full of stolen gems.
"Todoroki!" you heard Izuku's voice echo off the alleyways walls.
"Midoriya! The case is gone!"
You looked back to the man that was holding the case, only to see that he's no longer there.
You panicked, looking forward seeing the man running forward but smirking over his shoulder.
You growled, before fueling yourself after him with an explosion.
"Izuku! This way!"
You yelled behind you, hoping your classmate would hear.
The man stopped smirking at you and turned around to run forward and into the ongoing traffic.
You stopped chasing him, losing track of him as you saw the busy streets.
"He couldn't have gotten far..." you muttered, eyes darting everywhere.
Honk* Honk*
Your gaze immediately went to where the honk came from, and there you spotted the man.
"How did he get all the way over there so fast?!" you growled, before taking to the skies to get to him faster.
You kept an eye on him, Izuku following close behind you.
You looked around, losing sight as he moved quickly through the city.
"He's right there!" Izuku yelled, pointing to an iron staircase.
You grunted as you pushed forward and edged closer to the man.
The man stopped in his tracks, before you saw a little pink bird appear out of his hair and come straight for you.
You easily dodged it, moving as if in slow motion as it flew past you.
Right before it could make impact with Izuku, you kicked it away from him, its back hitting the railing of the stairs.
By the time you looked back to the man, he was gone and running across the edge of the roof.
"Ugh, he's fast!" you whined, before fueling yourself forward.
He looked behind him, before sighing and throwing the case.
"No!" you yelled.
He jumped across the roof with ease, landing on the next building.
You took the the skies once more, letting hydras spawn and attempt to catch him.
He moved with ease, dodging each attack from your quirk.
Damnit! He's too fast!
You resumed your chase once he grabbed the case and jumped off the building, landing on the railing to a cement staircase.
"I think it's pretty obvious I'm too smooth for you! Can't' catch someone with these moves" the boy laughed, before jumping off the rails and running.
You gasped as you heard a crash, looking up at the bridge above you.
Rocks began to come crumbling towards you, and you saw the man scramble to keep from getting killed.
"Nonononono!" he yelped, throwing the case out of his hand and jumping out of the way of an incoming rock.
You quickly jumped, using your book to break the rock above him, before you caught him midair, landing on top of him as you crashed to the ground.
"Gotcha!" you sighed, holding onto his head, protecting him from any falling debris.
"I-" he panted.
You looked down at him, sitting up and straddling his lap to keep him pinned.
"I- where's...THE CASE!" he yelled as he pushed you off of him, and shakily stood and ran, grabbing the case and taking off with it once more.
You groaned, before standing and brushing yourself off.
"Overhaul, you go after him! Me and Midoriya will handle the car crash!" Shoto yelled to you as he used his ice to get onto the bridge.
You nodded, before running after the boy, your legs stinging in pain from the fall.
You followed him as he ran into a nearby subway station, nearly tripping over the thin stairs.
"Get back here!" you yelled.
He ran faster down the stairs, and once you made it underground, the door to the subway was shut and it began to depart.
"Damn it!" you yelled, pulling at your hair before you ran to the very first cart of the subway and put your hands to it.
"Ma'am! Please get out of the way of the vehicle!"
You ignored the people yelling for you to move and pushed against it.
"I'm not letting you leave with that case!" you grunted, before planting your boots into the ground, using Overhaul to trap the subway in place.
"Now everyone off the subway!" you yelled.
You quickly ran to the doors, pulling them all open for people to get out and run to the surface.
You quickly let everyone off of the machine.
You spotted the brown haired boy, running to him and grabbing his arm before he had the chance to run again.
"Let go of me!" he yelled, trying to pull his arm out of your grasp.
"Not a chance" you growled.
Now that everyone else evacuated the station, you cornered the man as he leaned against the railing, putting his arms out and looking away from you.
"Why exactly did you chase me down?" he asked in a low voice, obviously unhappy you had followed him so persistently.
"Why did you run from me? You could've easily played an innocent bystander but you chose to run!" you growled.
He looked the other way.
"I have work to do so I was in a hurry!" he argued.
"Sure doesn't seem that way. People on their way to work don't just run the way you did! What kind of work is this?" you argued back.
The boy finally looked you in your face, smiling as if he had done nothing wrong.
"I move money man! You know what I mean? May not look it but I'm a skilled negotiator!" he lied.
He suddenly got in your face, putting a hand to his hip.
"So will you please let me get along with my business okay kid? Thanks!" he smiled, patting your shoulder as he calmly walked past you.
You growled.
"Then if you're as innocent as you play off, show me what's in the case and I'll leave you alone" you said lowly.
He looked over his shoulder, stopping in his tracks and smirking.
"How much are ya offering?"
You gasped.
"You asked for something, it's only natural you should pay for it" he shrugged.
You growled, growing sick of his shenanigans.
You walked forward and grabbed his arm.
"You're not even a hero from this country, you should let go before I tell the authorities I was chased down by a power hungry hero that had no right to detain me" he smirked.
You tightened the grip on his arm.
"Do I look like I give two shits?"
"What's your problem?"
he growled.
"I told you I want to see what's in the case."
"You wanna see then flash some cash"
he sneered.
"Show me and maybe I will" you glared.
You took the case in your hands and tugged at it.
"Let go!" he yelled, pulling it back to him.
The two of you fought over the case, only for it to be thrown out of both of your hands and land on the ground between you both.
You both stared at the open case in shock, before you turned to him.
"I'm..confused" you admitted to him.
You shook your head, before putting a hand behind your neck and sighing.
"I'm so sorry sir! I thought you happened to have the stolen jewelry on you" you apologized sheepishly.
"I'm just glad you don't think I'm a criminal anymore!" the man nervously chuckled, picking up the case and walking away with shaky legs.
You tilted your head.
"A-are you alright?" you asked him.
"You can barely walk-"
"Yeah I'm perfectly fine!" he laughed.
He continued to wobble and waddle to the stairs and up the exit.
You followed him out, keeping an eye on him as you were genuinely worried for him.
You watched him hug onto the case.
You gasped when you heard police sirens come down the street and surround the man.
"WHAT?!" he yelped, his face turning blue in worry.
As dozens of police with shields came out of the cars, one of them cocked his gun and aimed it at the boy.
"Hands up and kneel on the ground!" the officer yelled.
The young man yelped and fell to the ground, keeping the case close to his chest.
Oh no! They'll kill him!, you ran into the scene, running in front of the man and putting both hands out in front of you to stop the officer from firing.
"It's not him!" you yelled, before the man stood and ran.
"It's true! I didn't steal anything!" he whined in a shaky voice running away from the scene.
"We have permission to shoot! Fire!"
The force began to shoot at the young man.
He screamed and ran, frantically trying to dodge the bullets.
I gotta do something! I can't just let them kill an innocent man!
You quickly took to the skies and grabbed the man's waist, wrapping your arms tightly around him.
"Hang on tightly, and try not to flail!"

𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 | 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐛.Where stories live. Discover now