{55} Don't Care

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"Alright Izuku, we need to get Kota to the main campus. How are you doing?" You asked, running as fast as you could.
"I'm fine!" He yelled, keeping up with your speed.
You faced forward, eyes darting all around, looking out for anymore villains.
"Who's that?" Kota asked weakly, making you stop and look to where the young boy was pointing to.
You saw,
"Dad!" You yelled, relieved to see Aizawa, who was running towards you.
"(Y/N)? And Midoriya?" He asked, stopping in his tracks.
"Thank god you're here. Please, take Kota to the camp, keep him safe. I need to go back to Mandalay and the others. We know who they're after. They're here for me and Katsuki" you told him, taking Kota and handing him to Aizawa, who looked very baffled.
"Wait-" he said, but his voice faded away, as you began to run towards the camp.
"Mm. Midoriya. Please, you need to come back with me and stay, your injuries are bad" Aizawa told Izuku.
Izuku stared intently at your footprints, before taking off himself.
"Wait Midoriya!" Aizawa yelled, causing Izuku to turn back.
"If you're gonna go, look out for (Y/N). Keep her from getting herself killed. And relay a message to Mandalay for me too."
You panted as you ran towards Mandalay and the others.
"(Y/N)!" Izuku yelled from behind you, making you stop.
You looked behind you, and saw Izuku running behind you.
"Izuku, give me your arms" you told him, reaching towards him.
He tilted his head in question, before handing you his broken arms.
"If *pant* you're gonna follow, *pant* then you've got to be healed of your injury" you panted, beginning to heal his arms.
You winced in pain as you felt your body become weaker the more you healed him.
"There..*pant* that should be fine. A-at least they're not broken anymore" you panted, before crouching down to breathe.
"You didn't have to do that (Y/N)!" Izuku said, looking at his arms.
You looked up at him, before standing up.
"Yes I did. The more we're both hurt, the lower our chances are of keeping my boyfriend safe" you said.
"Sure but, you should be worried about yourself too. Kacchan can handle himself, and I doubt he'll want our help" Izuku said.
"I don't care. I don't care if I die and he lives. Just as long as he lives and he's safe, that's all I care about" you sighed.
Izuku let out a breath, and smiled.
"You're selfless when it comes to others. You must really love him huh?" Izuku said.
You smiled.
"Yeah. I do love him" you said.
Izuku smiled, before becoming serious again.
"Then let's go tell the others, so we can save your love" he said.
You nodded, and began to run again.
I promise, I'll protect you my love..
"It looks like Mandalay and the others are still fighting against those villains" Izuku whispered.
You watched as Mandalay and Tiger fought against the villains from earlier.
The villain Mandalay was facing, was about to use his weapon to end the fight right then and there, but you and Izuku rushed in, and attacked.
Izuku used his quirk to break the lizards sword, and you used your ice quirk to freeze him to his spot.
"You kids need to go back to the main camp! Your injuries need healing!" Mandalay yelled.
The villain broke himself out of your ice and went to attack Mandalay.
You quickly created a spear, and ran in front of Mandalay, only to be stabbed in your stomach by the lizards smaller weapon.
You quickly jumped away, and took the small blade out of your skin.
"Mandalay, we have messages for you to relay to everyone!" You said, landing on the ground and throwing your spear at the villain.
"I would love to, but I'm busy fighting off this villain. You've been training your Telepath, you try it out! Put your training to work!" Mandalay yelled.
Your eyes widened.
"M-me?! I-I can't!" You yelled.
"(Y/N), you can do it! Do it for Kacchan!" Izuku yelled.
Your eyes watered and you wiped them.
You took a deep breath before putting a hand to your bleeding.
"Everyone! We have figured out why the villains are here. They have targets, and won't leave until they have both of them. The students the want are myself, and Katsuki. I have no idea what they want with us, but I recommend we stick to a group and head to the main camp. Avoid contact with the villains. Also, on a side note, the Pro Hero known as Eraserhead has granted Class 1-A and Class 1-B the permission to fight in self-defense against the villains. Use your training students" you announced.
After you relayed your messages, you collapsed to the ground, out of breath and in pain.
"You need to get her back to the camp young man. She's sustained serious injuries and she needs to rest" Mandalay told Izuku.
You shook your head, before weakly standing up.
"No. I-I need to save him. I won't let everything we've been threw go to waste and be ended right now! I will save Katsuki, and I don't care what happens to me in the process" you yelled, beginning to run away.
"Big sis Mac!" One of the villains yelled to the other.
The man named Mac, tried to attack you as you ran past, but Tiger got in his way.
Please stay safe Katsuki, please.
Bakugo's POV~
"...use your training students!"
As the final sentence of the message was relayed, my eyes widened as each word hit me.
(Y/N)..she's a target? Do they want to kill her? What do they want with my girlfriend?! Shit! Katsuki, you've got to find her! And protect her..
"Bakugo!" Todoroki yelled as he sent out a slab of ice in front of me.
"Watch out! Don't just go running straight into the battle!" He yelled at me.
"Yeah yeah shut it Icyhot!" I yelled back.
Todoroki shot more ice at the villain, missing and making the villain hide in the trees nearby.
"Dammit! He really knows how to move threw this terrain with his quirk. Listen Bakugo, I know you're worried about (Y/N) but you can't be focusing on her at the moment! We need to focus on the task at hand!" Todoroki pointed out.
I growled.
"I know. Let's finish this dumbass and go find my...my girlfriend" I said.
Todoroki nodded, and the villain came back.
I pulled my arm back, a small explosion going off in my palm.
"We can't use fire! We could potentially start a wild fire and prevent our classmates from protecting themselves. We can't run either, there's that poison gas everywhere" Todoroki explained, making me grow more annoying.
"I know you damn idiot!" I yelled.
I'll finish him off, and then I'm coming for you..my love.
Your POV~
"Wait up *pant* (Y/N)!" Izuku yelled.
You stopped, panting as you clutched your side.
"S-sorry for leaving you behind" you said, walking to a tree and leaning on it.
"It's fine..but you're bleeding! You need to get back to camp and rest" Izuku said, walking next to you as he tried to catch his breath.
"No. I'm saving Katsuki. I'm protecting him. Whatever it takes. I will not lose him. That's what a hero does. They protect people" you said, shifting your hand on your stomach.
"True. But still" Izuku argued.
You sighed, before yelling in pain.
"S-shit" you said, bringing your hand up and seeing it covered in your blood.
"I guess I got hurt worse than I thought" you joked.
Izuku looked at you, worried.
"You healed me, but didn't heal yourself. And while you did, you seemed to be in pain. Is that what that healing quirk does? Heal others but injures yourself?" Izuku asked, clearly interested in your quirk.
"Yeah. I take the pain from the person I'm healing and the pain hurts me instead" you said.
He nodded.
Shit..he knows I'm in pain, and he may very well send me to the camp. But we have to keep going to protect him. I can't let my injuries slow me down, you thought.
You took a deep breath, before running off again.
"Come on, we are not stopping here. Let's go save him. Let's go save Katsuki."
You were panting heavily, in hopes to reach Katsuki before the villains could.
You stepped on a tree branch, then in a flash, you weren't on the ground at all.
"Huh?" You questioned.
You saw Izuku next to you, panting and crouched down.
If it wasn't Izuku, then..who-
"With those injuries..you both should be laid down in bed, resting and recovering. But I know you're not gonna do that. Because you wanna save your friend" a voice said from in front of you.
You moved your head and saw Shoji was looking over his shoulder at you.
You sighed, before laying your head on his back, since he was carrying you.
"Let me go Shoji. I-I have-" you stuttered, eyes closing, before opening again at the sound of a screech.
"You have to save your boyfriend? I know. But you're also a target (Y/N). You can't put yourself at risk to save someone else right now. And besides, I don't think you'll make it past-" Shoji began, before he jumped, going to the side and running low to the ground.
You saw a giant claw hit the bush and tree you were just hiding behind.
"I-is that?-" You began.
"Tokoyami's Dark Shadow..if you want to reach Bakugo, then you'll have to go threw him first" Shoji said, making your eyes go wide.
"Let's do it then"

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