{26} Adoption Anniversary!

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You sighed, waking up the next day after, your head pounding with pain.
"Ahh! Why does my head hurt so much?" You say to yourself, sitting up in your bed. You notice small bags on your desk, along with balloons.
You step out of your bed, and walk towards the bags.
You notice that the bags have a little card attached to them.
You read the small card,
Happy Adoption Anniversary! We love you (Y/N)!
You smile, and open your bedroom door, to go to the kitchen.
As you walked into the kitchen, a smell of sweet cinnamon filled the air around you. You look to see Mic cooking.
"Good morning dad" you say.
"Morning (Y/N)!" He said, giving you a small smile.
You walk towards the stove, seeing him cooking small pieces of French toast.
You smile and wrap your arms around your dad.
"Thanks dad" you said.
He patted your head, and continued to cook.
"You're welcome"
You walk over to the table, and take a seat.
"I didn't even realize today was the family anniversary. I was so caught up with the sports festival and the drama about my mother, that I forgot" you say to your father.
"It's alright, we understand how much stress it is to do all of this at once. But we are happy you're still here with us" Mic said as he put another piece of bread on the pan.
Sizzles filled the house, and the scent of sweet cinnamon filled your nose.
You see Aizawa and your brother walk into room.
"Morning Shinsou! Morning dad!" You say, rather happily.
"Morning (Y/N)! Happy Adoption Anniversary! It's been what? 10 years?" Shinsou asks.
You nod your head and get up to hug your dad.
"Hey..thanks dad..for letting me have a chance in this world" you say.
He wraps his arms around you, and smiles.
"We love you (Y/N). And it wasn't just my idea, it was Mic's too. And Shinsou's" Aizawa says.
"Well thanks everyone! You made me realize that I was more than just a Chisaki. I'm part of a real family now, and it's thanks to you" you said.
You back away from the embrace. Mic begins to serve plates, but you step in and help.
You smile at your father as you take two plates to the table.
"Breakfast is ready!" You say.
You sit down at your seat and being to eat. Shinsou and Aizawa shared a small look at each other.
"Hey, sis..wanna go to the beach later? I heard your class is going today for a small campfire. I wanted to go with you" Shinsou asks.
You take another bite of your food, processing what he was saying.
"I'm not sure they even want me to go. After what happened on Friday I wouldn't be surprised if they hated me" you say.
"They don't hate you. They are just unsure of what to think, and maybe you should tell them what you told us. I'm sure they would understand" Aizawa said.
"Well..maybe..I don't even have a swimsuit though" you said.
What if Bakugo is there? I don't think I wanna see him, well I do, but I don't know! you thought.
"Finish your food and go get the bags on your desk" Aizawa said.
You finished eating the rest of your food, making sure to savor the sweet flavor of your favorite breakfast.
You left the table, and got the bags from your desk.
"Ok I got them" you said, placing the bags on the table where you sat.
"Open them silly" Aizawa said, laughing a little bit.
You look at him, smirking and grab the small letter.
It read in all of their handwriting:
Dear (Y/N),
Happy 10 year Adoption Anniversary!
Aizawa's writing/ Mic's: Hey kiddo! I remember when you were four years old, and you were afraid of me. I still remember the day I told you I loved you, do you remember? I love you so much, and don't know where I would be without you.
Mic's writing: Hey there (Y/N)! I remember the day me and Eraser went to pick you up from the shelter! The day our phones got a notification of your whereabouts. We had been looking for you for months! We knew Chisaki had a child, so we wanted to take you as ours. And we finally did! We love you so so much! And will never stop!
Shinsou's writing: (Y/N), my dear sister.. You are part of my life and have been for 10 years, and I loved growing up with you by my side. You made me realize things I never realized, and you motivated me to become a hero. My reasons may be similar to yours, but that doesn't make you a villain, or anything. You were never a villain in my eyes. I promise
We love you!
You smile as you finish reading.
"Thanks so much guys" you say, wiping your eyes.
They smile, and nod towards the bags.
"Now open!" Mic says.
You laugh, but begin to open a bag.
The bag was rather big, and heavy.
You opened the bag, revealing a laptop. Your mouth opens and you look up at your parents.
"Now you have a new way to write your essays. Instead of paper writing the long paragraphs" Aizawa says.
"Yeah! Sometimes I write too much, but hey! As long as I pass with good grades right?" You chuckle.
You laugh and begin to open the next bag.
This bag was smaller, and lighter than the other one.
You opened the wrapping, and a purple swimsuit was presented to you.
It was a two piece, bikini in other words.
"But dad, you don't allow this?! What made you change your mind?" You ask.
"You're sixteen. I think you're old enough to wear something a little more revealing" Mic said.
"My favorite color..and my dads color" you say.
"You look better in purple than your dad ever did" Mic says.
You laugh and thank him, and begin to open the last bag.
Only, this bag, contained a small, neatly wrapped box.
You open the wrapping, being careful not to rip it.
Your eyes went wide was you saw what the box contained.
It was a small, heart shaped necklace, and it held something in the inside.
"What's inside?" You ask them.
Mic and Aizawa share a look at each other.
"It's your mothers blood. We were able to get enough to store into the necklace. We were waiting to give it to you today" Aizawa said.
You put a hand over your mouth, and your eyes water.
"M-mom?" You cry out.
You see your fathers nod, and you put the chain down, continuing to open the small bag.
A phone case was presented in it.
And printed on the case, was your family. You, Aizawa, Shinsou, and Mic.
It was a picture of you and Shinsou as kids, and Aizawa and Mic holding you both in their arms.
You laugh, and put the case on your new phone.
"Thanks so much guys. This means so much to me" you say.
"And you mean so much to us. Please don't ever feel like you don't matter to us. We love you, no matter your past, and no matter what you become" Shinsou said.
You smile and give each of your family members a hug.
"So will you go to the beach?" Shinsou asked.
You nod you head.
You look at the time, and it is only nine.
"Yeah, I guess I'll go. No better time to explain than now I guess" you said.
"Damn straight" Aizawa replied.
You laugh at him and take your plates to the sink.
"I got the dishes, you go enjoy your day" Mic said, taking the last plate from you.
"Are you sure dad? I don't mind helping out" you asked.
Mic placed a hand to your head.
"It's fine kid! Go have fun or take a nap" he says.

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