{75} "They predicted my moves?!"

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You sat in awe as you stared at the people at the front of the class.
"We'll do introductions so we can get this going. Let's start with Amajiki" Aizawa said.
You looked at the one with purple hair, and his eyes widened, making you all flinch at how intense his gaze was.
Holy crap! His gaze is so intense!, you thought.
"You two g-go.." He said.
"Even if I imagine them as potatoes, I can still see their human bodies..no words are coming out. My mind is blank...and my mouth is dry..I-" he stuttered.
"Wanna go home!" He finished, turning around and putting his head on the wall.
"So uh- you're really one of the strongest students in UA?" Ojiro asked.
"Come on Amajiki! You gotta have the heart of a lion! Not a kitten! Even though you're human ya?" The girl said as she talked to the boy.
"This is our kitten, Tamaki Amajiki. And I am Nejire Hado! Whoa-" the girl said before getting sidetracked and asking a bunch of questions.
"....oh hey! You're (Y/N) Chisaki aren't you?! How'd you get that scar on your arm?! Is it in the shape of a C? Wow, tell me all about your quirk too! I hear you can use anything you want! Tell me tell me tell me!" Nejire attacked.
You flinched.
"I- uh- t-that's none of your business-" you said before Aizawa cut you off.
"She is getting off topic" he said, eyes red.
"Don't worry Eraserhead! I'll get their attention back!" The blond boy said.
"The future is gonna be-!" He said as he put a hand to his ear.
The class turned their attention to him and stared, still sitting silently.
The boy turned to look at you, and you stared back at him.
"Ok you guys look like you have no idea what's going on. I guess we are third years that just showed up in your classroom to explain a program that's completely voluntary. I can see how you'd be confused by that. Hmm..you guys got your provisional licenses as first years right? Ha. This batch of new students has proven to be pretty darn energetic! So the problem is you must not have a sense of humor! That's why my joke didn't land" the boy said.
His friends all looked at him.
"Don't do it.." Tamaki mumbled.
The blond put his fist up.
"Heads up! The rad new plan is all you first years fight me at once!"
"Well if you want them to experience our experience, this is a pretty rational way of doing it then. Right Eraserhead? Rational!" He said, looking at your dad, who was completely uninterested.
"Do whatever you want."
"Is he seriously gonna fight us?" Eijiro asked.
"Oh yeah. Totes serious" he said.
"We faced off some legitimate villains. And fought Pro's. So no need to hold back on us" Eijiro said.
"Alright then, who's gonna start this party?" The boy asked with a huge smile on his face.
"I am" Eijiro said, activating his quirk.
"No, I will" you and Izuku said in unison.
"Use this as a learning experience! Take this into your training!" Aizawa said.
"Ah it's the problem child and the villain kid! I heard you both have some spunk! Especially you Ms. Chisaki!" He said.
You snarled and crouched on the ground.
Don't let him under your skin (Y/N)
Izuku took off racing towards him, and you did the same using your wings.
Before you could land a single hit on him, you watched as his clothes fell..flying down towards the ground.
You stopped what you were doing and felt your face flush.
D-d-did he j-just?!
"Woops! Sorry my quirk is kinda tricky!" The boy said as he tried to put his pants back on.
Izuku took advantage of this and tried to kick him, only to have his foot go threw his face.
"Went for the face huh?" He said.
Izuku landed and then the boy was gone.
"Where'd he go?" You asked.
You looked around and saw him by Kyoka, who was screaming.
He must be taking out long distance fighters first..
In only seconds, half your classmates were on the floor holding their stomachs.
"O-one hit? It took him one hit?!" You yelled.
The guy landed in front of you all and smiled.
"Now for the close quarter combatees!" He said.
You used your Zoom quirk and saw all the info on him.
Permeation? Hah. Got just the thing for that..
He began to run at you, before sinking into the ground with no pants.
You allowed yourself to rearrange the ground and looked for his movement.
"BEHIND YOU IZUKU!" you yelled.
Izuku looked back and the guy was behind him.
Izuku threw a punch, only for the boy to use his own special move.
He punched Izuku's gut and took down the rest of your classmates, leaving you alone.
You felt his presence leave, and you felt the ground again.
He will come behind me..then try the same attack he used on Izuku
Just like that, he was behind you, a fist pulled back.
He threw it, and you ducked, turning around and covering his arm in ice.
Your finger brushed over his arm and you used Foresight to see his next moves.
Successfully dodging each move, you felt someone on your foot and realized you stepped on one of your classmates.
"Oh no! I'm so s-" you began, before being punched in the stomach.
You coughed and fell to the floor.
"Man Eraserhead. You've got one powerful daughter! I thought I would never land a hit on her!"
You looked over at your dad who was smiling at you.
You smiled back before standing back up.
"I tried to make it where you wouldn't see my willy! Sorry if you got a peak! Well, that's a taste of what it's like to fight me! What do you think? My quirk is pretty strong huh?" Mirio said.
"How can you warp and slip threw the ground?! Do you have two powers like Todoroki does?!" Mina pouted.
"Nope just the one" he answered.
"I know what it is!" Nejire said in her usual annoying voice.
You cringed.
You put a hand to your hip and stared at Mirio.
"Mirio Togata. Age 18. His quirk is Permeation. It allows him to slip threw things. Including walls, solid ground, basically anything. It's harder than it seems too. A lot of concentration and practice is involved. He wasn't always so strong" you said, eyes turning back to their regular color.
"Hey!" Neijire pouted.
You shrugged, not caring.
Mirio explained a bit more about his quirk, before going into information about the work studies.
"During the work studies, we aren't treated like guests like our internships. We are regarded as one of the sidekicks. Or even as a Pro. That can be super scary. Pro's can get hurt, and sometimes they end up watching people die. Whatever scary and painful thing you go threw is an important experience that you can't get inside a classroom. Even at UA. I transformed the experience I got in my work study into power! That's how I got to the top spot! And it's why I think they're worth it! Even if you're scared. You with me first years?!" Mirio said.
You all clapped.
"Well said"
"Back to class Class-1A" Aizawa said.
You walked into the dorm and walked towards the elevator, where a spiky blond boy was, yelling for trash.
You smiled as you heard him.
Your eyes landed on his as he looked at you.
His eyes were once again puffy and red.
You didn't look away and you felt your face heat up.
"I-" you said.
He broke eye contact and your face returned to normal.
You felt your eyes burn as your ex looked away from you.
Fine. I don't want to hear it anyways
The elevator dinged and you made your way up to your dorm room.
Slamming the door shut, you ran to your bed and jumped into it, sobbing into your pillow.
Your foot hit the wall, and something fell and broke.
You moved slowly and looked at what fell, and saw a picture missing.
You walked over to pick it up and saw glass everywhere, which you just Overhauled back to normal.
You picked up the small picture and saw that it was you and Katsuki.
You turned it around and saw the words,
My first love
On the back.
You ripped it and threw it on the ground, bringing your knees to your chest, hugging them tightly.
I'm so pathetic..
Third Person POV~
At the Nighteye Agency~
"Sir. There was a report on the person we are tracking" a girl said as she walked into her bosses office.
"Spit it out Bubble Girl" the man said that sat in the chair.
"Word is that the young leader of the Shie Hassaikai has made contact. With the League of Villains. And he is in search for someone with the name of (Y/N) Chisaki. (H/C) hair, (E/C) eyes. Same quirk. Although something is off about it" she said.
The man stood up, and pushed his glasses up his nose.
"We have a lead. Keep an eye out on the girl. She goes to UA. She'll be our key for this plan."

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