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The team you were facing...had Izuku on it.
You heard Bakugo make a small growl like sound.
You knew that from the last time those two were near each other that Bakugo loathed small, helpless Izuku.
Is he growling? Man, this kid really is just like a feral animal, you thought.
All Might told both of the teams to go set up, allowing the villain group to go in first and prepare.
As Tenya led you and Bakugo inside, you saw Izuku give Bakugo a fierce and determined look.
Bakugo stopped in his tracks, leaving you to bump into him once again.
He looked at Izuku and this time, he didn't just growl, he snarled.
You rolled your eyes and pushed Bakugo inside the building.
"Oi get your hands off of me!" Bakugo screamed as the door slammed shut behind you, indicating that All Might had closed the door.
You didn't listen and continued to push him.
"I said HANDS OFF!" Bakugo yelled as he turned around, letting an explosion in his hand make impact with your head.
You screamed out in pain, the impact to your head, knocking you to the ground.
As your body rattled from the touch of the ground, you gripped your head.
"What the hell Bakugo?! That fricken hurt like hell!" you screamed up at him.
"You weren't listening! So I took measures in my own hands!" He screamed back down at you.
Tenya heard and saw all the commotion the two of you were causing.
He ran towards you and held out his hand.
"Bakugo! That was unnecessary behavior! You just struck your teammate in the head with an explosion that could've very well hurt her!" Tenya yelled at Bakugo.
"Clearly Tenya, he doesn't care. And it did in fact cause me pain otherwise I wouldn't be on the ground holding my head," you told Iida.
He bowed in apology for getting his assumption wrong and held out his hand.
You gave him a small smile before taking his hand.
His grip was firm as he helped you off the floor.
Due to the impact, your legs were unstable, causing you to almost collapse.
Tenya saw this and carefully put an arm under one of yours to prop you up and help you walk.
Bakugo made a 'tch' sound as you and Tenya continued to walk.
As you made it to the fifth floor where the weapon was located, Tenya set you by a pillar so you could lean on it for support.
You tried using your Rewind quirk, only to be hit with a mind splitting headache.
You once again, screamed out in pain.
"The hell is wrong with you?!" you heard Bakugo yell, only worsening the pain in your head.
"Oh it's not like I was just hit in the head by an explosion or anything," you said.
"Also one of my quirks isn't working."
You saw as both the boys stared at you. Even Bakugo looked slightly shocked as he processed your words.
"What the hell even is your quirk? Don't think I haven't seen you've been using all kinds of different ones, so speak!" Bakugo yelled at you.
You sighed, knowing you couldn't give him a half-assed response.
"My quirk allows me to use whatever quirk that currently exist in the world. I have developed my quirk, thanks to the monster of a dad I had, to a point that I could make my own quirks. My weaknesses, well I don't really have any. The downside now, is that if I use...let's say I use your quirk for a long period of time, you become weaker and I get stronger. I can also multiply the amount of power used in your quirk by temporarily passing my quirk to you. I can also steal your quirk for a small amount of time," you explained to the grumpy blond that now had wide eyes.
Bakugo's POV~
As Chisaki explained her damned quirk to me and the robot nerd, my eyes went wide.
Just how strong was she?
I can't underestimate the daughter of a villain, I told myself.
She must've noticed I was shocked because she starred at me for a while with her mouth open in a small O shape.
Your POV~
You knew that you couldn't dig into his head at the moment since your head was currently pained by a headache, so what he was thinking remained a mystery.
Tenya put a hand to his chin.
"(Y/N), with such a powerful quirk like yours, you should be the one fighting against whoever their defender is. Bakugo you can follow (Y/N)," Iida said.
Bakugo looked at him, his expression changing from a baffled look, to a scowl.
"She'll be the one following me! And why the hell am I stuck with her? She's clearly injured and she will need saving, so she'd just get in my way!" He yelled at Iida.
"Stop pretending like you care that I'm injured. Its your fault anyways. Let's just go already explosion boy," you said, as you walked toward the exit.
Hearing a small 'tch' sound come from behind you, you assumed Bakugo followed.
You walked far enough from the room, ending up setting on the third floor.
My head is still in a lot of pain from that dumbass. Why couldn't he keep his hands to himself?
You tapped the small earpiece that All Might gave you before you entered the building, and told All Might that you all were ready.
You heard the door open, two floors below you as the heroes entered the building.
"What did you mean back there? Getting in your way?" You asked as you leaned against a wall, crossing your arms.
"Just saying the daughter of a villain could potentially get in my way. After all you are injured, Chisaki," he said.
You paused when you heard the words, daughter of a villain.
Those words, coming out of his mouth, made your blood boil.
You stopped leaning on the pillar and walked up to Bakugo, eyes blazing with anger.
You poked a finger to the center of his chest.
"How DARE you!" you spat.
He grunted and pushed you back, clearly angry with you for touching him.
You ignored the slamming and clipclops you could hear coming from a few steps away from the third floor entrance.
"First, you cause damage to my head, causing my quirk to act up! Then you call me weak and a villain, and now you just spit out the fact that my father is a villain! Just because he is a villain doesn't mean I am. So stop being such an ass!" You said, as Izuku and Ochako entered the third floor finding you and Bakugo fighting.
You two stared into each others eyes, both filled with anger and hatred.
Izuku told Ochako to find Tenya, since he didn't see him with you.
She ran another way, trying to avoid combat with you both.
Still focused on each other, you saw Izuku running up to the both of you, ready to attack.
Keeping your angry eye contact with Bakugo, you pulled off one of your white gloves as Izuku inched closer to you.
You dropped to the ground in a crouch, putting your exposed hand on the floor.
You quickly stood up, leaving no blink time.
Your hand shot up high above your head as you manipulated the floor to build a wall between you and Izuku.
Because you were so angry, you didn't notice that you had just used your Overhaul quirk, the power you promised yourself you wouldn't use.
You heard loud banging coming from the other side of the wall, which you assumed was Izuku trying to break down the wall.
You continued to stare at Bakugo, never once breaking your eye contact.
Neither of you moved a muscle, even as Izuku broke through your wall.
You knew you could fight on your own, so you broke your eye contact with Bakugo, and faced Izuku.
"Hey Izuku answer me this question. Why does this fool," you said as you nodded your head towards Bakugo.
"...hate you so much?"
"Kacchan has hated me since we were little, most likely cause I followed him around," he answered, grunting in pain since his arm was broken from using his quirk against your wall from earlier.
You smirked as all of a sudden, Izuku stopped moving.
You used your brother Shinsou's quirk, Brainwash.
With Izuku under your power, you could do anything.
What should I make him do? Tie himself up? Run at Bakugo? Or- , you thought to yourself as you got interrupted by another head splitting ache, only this time, it was ten times worse.
The sudden wave of pain caused you to break your concentration, causing you to grip your head with both hands backing away, screaming bloody murder.
Izuku looked at you in confusion, as you heard Bakugo yell at you.
"Oi! You dumbass! I told you, you couldn't do it! You're too weak!" Bakugo said as he stomped towards Izuku.
All of a sudden, you heard All Mights voice over the loud speaker.
The training had concluded..and the heroes had won.
You looked over at Bakugo who was frozen in place.
That was the last thing you saw before collapsing to the floor, unconscious.
Bakugo's POV~
I heard a loud thump behind me, assuming it was Chisaki.
I stood frozen in my place, not sparing a moment to save her.
This was her fault!
Dumbass girl!
I can't believe..we lost..no..
I lost.

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