{35} Last Night

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"She's probably still asleep" you heard a voice say as you groggily woke up.
"What? I'm not asleep" you mumbled.
You sat up in the bed you lay in, seeing Izuku, Tenya, and Shoto in the beds next to you.
"Holy hell! Why the hell would they put me with a bunch of boys!" You scream, pulling the small blanket to cover you.
"Well we are all UA students so, I'd expect they didn't want to separate us" Izuku said, putting a hand to his chin.
You sigh and remove the blanket.
You notice your arm and stomach is wrapped in bandages.
"They wrapped us all up when we got here. You were in the most critical condition, so they tended to you first. You passed out in the ambulance" Shoto said.
"Oh. Well at least you're all ok!" You added.
"Don't worry about us (Y/N)! It's my fault you're all hurt anyways" Tenya said, standing from his bed.
"Not really. We chose to help you fight, so don't blame yourself for our injuries" you said, holding your bandaged arm.
You looked over at the rest of them, and they were all staring at you.
"Stop staring you idiots!" You yelled.
"Is it true? About you and Kacchan?" Izuku asked.
Your eyes went wide.
"W-what about us?" You stuttered.
They look at each other, when Izuku grabs his phone and shows you a picture.
"How the hell did you get that?!" You yelled, standing up from the small bed.
"Mina sent it in a group chat for all of 1-A. So, what's going on between you?" Izuku asks, putting his phone away.
You sigh, sitting back down on the small bed.
"Nothing. The kiss, well..it's hard to explain. It was full of passion and feelings, but neither of us understood them. I promise, nothing is happening between us. I'm sure nothing ever will" you said, looking down.
You felt a hand be placed on your shoulder as someone sat next to you.
"Don't say nothing will ever happen. We've seen the way he acts with you. He almost seems..flustered. Excited. Embarrassed" Shoto said.
"Thanks Shoto but, those feelings could mean anything. Hell, Mina hangs out with us, so he might like her instead" you said, looking at Shoto.
He turned his head away, and hummed.
"Nope it's definitely you" he mumbled.
You were about to say something else, when the door opens.
You look to see men walking into the room.
"This is Hosu's chief of police, Suragami" you heard an elder man say as a tall man walked in, hands in his pockets.
You saw Shoto and Iida stand up as he walked in.
You moved to stand, but instead was interrupted by a sudden voice.
"No please, stay seated. Woof" the tall Chief said.
You stayed seated, listening to what Suragami had to say.
"So you're the UA students who brought down the Hero Killer? Stain has some serious injuries. Severe burns, and several broken bones. Right now he's in the hospital under strict guard. Woof. There's a lesson you should've already learned. When quirks became the norm, the police form sought to maintain the status que. They decided we wouldn't use quirks as weapons, and that's when heroes came in. They could do what we couldn't, if they were licensed of course. So none of you had the authority to harm the villain. Although your actions saved countless heroes, your teachers will receive punishment, along with the four of you" he says.
You feel anger boil in your skin, because what you did was wrong.
"Excuse myself Chief, but by saying our actions are to be punished, makes us feel like our heroic actions were wrong because we aren't licensed. So telling us this might make us feel these feelings we feel as you tell us this, later on during our hero careers" you explained, standing up and balling your hands into fists.
"Well don't you know what you're talking about? But allow me to finish. This could be last time we ever speak of punishments. You all have two options. You could take the credit and face the consequences, or let's say Endeavor saved the day and no one knows you were involved" he said.
"So you wouldn't get the credit and praise you deserve for taking down the Hero Killer."
You stand there, thinking about what he said, before bowing.
"I'm sorry for being so obnoxious. Please forgive my decision" you say, closing your eyes.
You hear Shoto, Izuku, and Iida add on to your apology.
You stand up straight, right as the Chief bows down.
"As the Chief of Police, allow me to thank you for what you've done" he says as he bows.
You look away, a slight blush creeping on your face.
"Why didn't you just say that first" you said.
You dial a number on your phone as you waited to be discharged.
"Hello?" The voice said as the phone picked up.
"Mina. WHAT THE LIVING HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" you yelled into the phone.
You heard the phone drop as she flinched from your yell.
"Ahh! I'm sorry! I didn't know it would send to everyone! I meant to send it to you and Bakugo! So you two would talk!" She yelped.
You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose.
"If he wants to talk, he will. Don't force him. And for your information, HE DOESN'T LIKE ME SO FORGET IT" you yelled.
"He DOES! He called me last night and said he-" she started.
"Shhh! I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW WHAT HE DID LAST NIGHT!" you said, muffling the sound of the phone.
"But he said he missed you! And that he wanted you to be ok! He knew Mr. Aizawa got summoned to go, and assumed you went. He told me the night before he had a nightmare that you were getting beat in front of him. He said he woke up sweating. And then..he..he..he..HE COULDN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT YOU AND ENDED UP..WELL..MAKING A MESS OF HIMSELF" she screamed.
You stared blankly at the wall.
"He what?" You said.
You heard Mina sigh on the other side of the phone.
"He- I don't even know how else to say it! He..he MASTERBATED!" she screamed.
Your eyes went wide and you felt your face become hot.
"He..h-he did that?! At the thought of me?! But w-why?!" You yelled.
"BECAUSE HE LIKES YOU!" she yelled.
You gasp, and hang up on her, burying your face in your hands.
He had to touch himself as he thought of me?! Ah! Why the hell-?!
Does that mean he likes me?
Should I ask Izuku?
What do I do?!
Bring it up with Katsuki?
What the hell do I even say?!
'Oh hey Katsuki! Mina told me you masterbated the other night!'.
Hells no!
That sounds way to weird!
Why is this image still stuck in my head?!
Bakugo's POV~
Two nights ago~
I sat there in my bed, my hands glided down towards the soft fabric of my sweatpants and undergarments.
I unattached them from my sweat slicked skin.
My hands wrapped around my length, a sudden wave of relief washed over me.
The sudden image of her flashed my vision, causing me to close my eyes tightly, and pump a little faster.
"Shit~" I moaned, arching my back ever so slightly.
More images of (Y/N) flooded my head, making my hands pump faster and rougher.
My breathing turned into panting as I felt the momentous pleasure built up.
"Ahn~ f-feels good~" I groaned, my head pushing down into the pillow, as the pleasure built in my lower stomach.
I opened my eyes, seeing the ceiling fan as it span, my hands continuing their work.
I panted, heart racing.
Moans began to escape my mouth as I felt the pleasure release.
My back arched as I felt my hands become warm, being covered in my cum as I rid out each wave of pleasure.
After the waves stop coursing through my body, I panted, trying to catch my breath.
"What the hell did I just do?" I asked myself, getting a towel from the nightstand next to me to wipe the mess off of my hands and twitching member.
"All this because of one extra. My extra. Well, I don't regret it but, damn it! If I keep this to myself it'll just embarrass me until I tell someone" I told myself, grabbing phone from the stand.
I clicked on my contacts, and dialed Ashido's.
"Bakugo?! What do you want so late at night?!" I heard the idiot yell into the phone.
"Shut the hell up Pinky! I-I needed to tell you something. And you can't tell anyone else, or I'll kill you" I threatened.
"Ok ok! What happened?!" She asked.
I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.
"I- well..may have done something. W-when you sent those pictures of me and (Y/N)..it may have triggered something inside me to.. Make me..masterbate.." I mumbled, my face turning a deep red.
"You what?! At the sight of who?!" She screamed.
I growled, not wanting time say it again.
"When I saw those pictures of (Y/N), m-my hands moved on their own and..well.. L-lets just say I made a mess!" I whispered, my face heat up even more.
"What are you trying to tell me Bakugo?!"
"I'm saying I'm in love with her damn it!"

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