{24} My Extra..

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Ughh, my head..you thought as you woke up.
You try to move your hands to your aching head, but you can't.
You look down and see your hands are chained and tied up inside a small metal box.
You gasp and look around, and notice you are underground.
"Mm! Mm mmm mmmm!" You say, muffled by the muzzle they had put on you.
You were tied up, your arms and mouth tied up, and your torso is laced and chained to a cement wall behind you.
Why the hell am I being treated like some kind of animal?!
You hear muffled growling from behind you, but you can't move to see who it is.
"Alright students, are you all ready to go up for the awards?" You heard someone ask. You look around, but no one is present.
You assume whoever is talking is behind you.
Suddenly, you feel the platform your standing on begin to rise, and sunlight becomes present.
You begin to struggle, trying to break free of the chains.
The muffled growls from earlier, becoming even louder as you get raised onto the field. You begin to get frustrated and growl just as loud as the person on the other side.
"It's time to begin the awards ceremony!" Midnight yells from in front of you.
Awards?! But no one even won the final match?!, you thought.
"Now let's start this shall we? Of course there's only one person worthy of distributing the awards!" Midnight yelled once again.
You hear laughter boom throughout the stadium, and you look up to see All Might flying down towards you.
Your eyes burn with hatred as he makes his way to Midnight.
This is bullshit! Why can't me and whoever is behind me be treated like the rest of them?!
"All Might, why don't you get started on the awards?" Midnight asked as he walked towards her.
"Hahahaha, Young Tokoyami.. Third place isn't a bad start, it's a great opportunity to make it this far" All Might said, to the third place winner.
"Young Todoroki taking second place! I saw you used your left side. You look rather disappointed. It's a look I've never seen on you" All Might says as he places the medal on Shoto's neck.
You can't hear what Shoto says, since he is behind you.
"And now for our first place winners!" All Might said, walking closer to you and the person behind you.
"Well this was a bit much, but you both did what you said you'd do in the pledge. You're true to your words" All Might said.
"All Might.." A growling voice said from behind you.
You recognized the yell, and knew it was Bakugo who was tied up behind you.
All Might struggled to put on his medal, but somehow managed.
"Get that trash off of me you idiot!" He yelled.
All Might ignored Bakugo's orders and walked towards you.
"Finally, Young Chisaki who shares first place with her classmate. Uhh-" All Might says, seeing you chained up and muzzled as well.
He removed your muzzle, and noticed that you were calm unlike Bakugo.
"Good job Chisaki, you stuck to your words. You proved the world you're worthy of being a Pro. And I'm sure your fathers will be proud" All Might said.
You look down and sigh.
"Sure they'll be happy, but.. I didn't really prove anything. The only I proved is that a villains kid shouldn't be allowed to be a hero. So even if I did tie with Katsuki for first place, it wasn't because I overpowered him. It was because my emotions got the better of me, and Midnight and Cementoss had to stop us" you said, feeling angry with yourself.
All Might stopped smiling for a second, considering your words, but quickly began to smile again.
"Even if you feel that way, I'm sure that's not the case" All Might said, putting the golden medal over your head.
You look down at the medal and look back up.
"And with that, the award ceremony is now concluded!" All Might announced to the crowd making them scream with excitement.
Soon after, the students are released and go back to class.
"You have the next two days off to recover. When we return, class will begin to get serious, so be prepared. You will all be headed for internships with Pro's" Aizawa said.
You sit at your desk, hands facing up as you stare at your palm.
I won but at what cost? I was just humiliated at school..and the whole world saw it. Damn it! (Y/N) you're making it worse!
Bakugo was still growling behind you, holding his medal in his mouth.
"Class dismissed" Aizawa said.
"Hey (Y/N)! " you hear some of your classmates say as you stare at your hand. You look up to see the whole class walking up to you.
"You did so good out there!" Ochako said, pumping a fist in the air.
"Yeah! You and Bakugo are insane! How the hell did you get so strong?!" Eijiro asked.
You look up at him, your eyes burn slightly with hate and envy.
"I-" you begin, only to be cut off by Bakugo.
"Her quirk isn't natural. Her father injected her with something to make her powerful" he said, walking out of the door.
You sit in your seat, frozen, your eyes wide, and mouth agape.
"Is it true (Y/N)?" Momo asks, probably hurt from Bakugo's fact.
You stand up, eyes burning with hurt, grab your stuff, and run out the door.
Bakugo stands in the middle of the doorway, blocking you.
You shove past him, running away, tears escaping your eyes.
"Wait! (Y/N)!" You hear your class yell as you run.
Bakugo runs, catching up to you and putting a hand on your back.
You feel your eyes heat with hate and you turn around, eyes burning with anger. Bakugo sees this and walks backwards, away from you.
"You bastard! I trusted you Bakugo! I knew I should've never told you about her! It was a mistake to think someone like you would ever understand someone like me. I'm such an idiot! Why did I have to say things that my own family didn't know?! Damn it!" You yell at Bakugo.
He sneers and growls.
"Not my fault you can't keep your damn mouth shut!" He yells.
Your eyes burn with more hate than before, but you turn around and stalk off before you can do anything.
"Whatever, now the class knows. I hope you're happy Bakugo" you say. You hear the class gasp as you walk off.
"Bakugo, dude you're such an ass! You don't have to keep doing this to her! You're making her life harder than it is!" Eijiro yelled as you walked away.
"Tch.. I'm only trying to make her realize something she doesn't seem to understand. So I'll do it over and over if I have to" Bakugo told Eijiro, walking off.
Your face was covered with shame, as you heard what Bakugo said, replay in your head over and over.
I need to stop doing this! He cannot be trusted. Why is he always trying to break me? It's like he wants to ruin my future, you thought as you looked up to see your fathers car.
"Hey kiddo, good job on winning the sports festival! We are so proud of you!" Mic said as the car door slams shut.
"Thanks" you mumbled, still being rather upset at what Bakugo had told the class.
"I bet you're excited to be scouted! I bet you're gonna get all kinds of Pro's that want you!" Mic says.
You smirk a little, already having a hero in mind.
"Actually..about the internships dad. I have a feeling I'm not going to get any. I ran into Endeavor at the festival and he told me the Pro's that were watching didn't like me. They didn't trust me. Because I'm a villains kid. So I think I'd prefer to stay home and practice with Aizawa or Shinsou" you say, putting a hand to your stab wound that was now nothing more than a scar.
Your fathers didn't answer you, and drived in silence for a while.
"That doesn't sound half bad..
I do understand your quirk more than anyone else, so if I help you, you'd get a lot more help. We may not be big shot heroes, but we are still Pro's" Aizawa said.
You smiled and nodded.
"Yeah! I feel like I'll get a lot done in the time I spend with you dad!" You say.
My dad will be the hero I intern for..I'm hoping I'll get enough done, so next time I face off with Bakugo..
I'll beat him.
Bakugo's POV~
Damn..Chisaki walked off without another word, and her eyes were filled with hatred. Her own parents didn't even know what she told me.
She must be rather confidential about her life at home.
To be honest..I felt kinda bad for doing that to her.
I didn't mean to hurt her, and tell these extras something she would've said when she was ready.
What the hell am I saying?!
I'm sorry?!
Maybe I did hurt her..
Why do I care?!
She's just another extra..but..she's..
My extra..

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