{47} Please

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You awoke to the sound of your phone vibrating at your desk inside your room.
Putting a hand to your forehead, you got out of bed and walked towards your desk.
You read the first notification,
1 unread messages from Katsuki☆ and Eijiro
You sighed, taking your phone off the charger and sitting on the edge of your bed.

Group Chat

Eijiro: Morning guys! Sorry if I'm waking you, but could I get some help on studying for the written exams? They're starting tomorrow and I'd like to get help from two of my closest friends.

Katsuki☆: Do it yourself weird hair

Eijiro: Awe :( come on now Bakugo!

Katsuki☆: no

Eijiro: please?

Katsuki☆: no

Eijiro: please? What if (Y/N) goes?


You: :D count me in Eijiro!

Eijiro: Neat! Meet me at the café by UA? 9:30 ?

Katsuki☆: ...

You: Sounds like a date! ;)

Katsuki☆: HELL NO

Eijiro: uh-


Eijiro: what?! I haven't done anything!


You: So you coming then Pop Rocks?

Katsuki☆: Keep calling me that and you'll see

You: Bring it Pop Rocks

Katsuki☆: see you there >:(

You sighed, putting your phone down and getting up, off your bed.
Well, I've got to get ready, you thought to yourself as you went into the restroom, grabbing a robe and a towel.
Feeling refreshed after your shower, you rummaged through your closet, looking for something presentable to wear.
"There has to be at least one outfit in here that's not my uniform!" You said.
Your eyes landed on a black, fluffy, crop top.
You reached for it, taking it off the hanger and holding it.
"What's all the noise (Y/N)?" Someone said as they opened your door.
"Oh hey dad, I'm just getting clothes ready to go, Eijiro invited me and Katsuki to help him study for the upcoming exams" you said.
"I see. Well, I'll be sure to tell Eraser you're gone. He's tired, as normal, so he won't be up till late. Have fun, and be safe" Mic said, closing your door again and walking away.
You smiled, taking your items to your bed and laying them flat.
You took off your robe, and went to dig through your cupboards to look for one of your bras.
"Found one!" You said, putting your arms through the straps and clipping the back.
You grabbed your fluff, soft shirt and put it on.
You then grabbed a pair of leggings, knowing that those would be most comfortable.
Looking at yourself in the mirror, you saw that your shirt was super cute, but small.
If you lifted your arms up, your whole stomach would show.
Shrugging your shoulders, you went back to your closet to grab shoes.
You grabbed some grey high tops, and put them on.
Grabbing your phone, you left your room and went to grab house keys.
"I'll be back in a few hours dad!" You said, walking towards the door and opening it.
"Alright! Tell them I said hi!" Mic yelled as you closed the door behind you.
"Took you long enough hotshot" Katsuki said as you joined them at a table inside the small café.
"Sorry, I walked here. I don't live very far" you said.
"As long as you got here safely, that's all that matters" Eijiro said.
You nodded, and noticed the book and binder that he had brought.
"Alright, what did you need help with?" You asked.
"Eh, mostly Hero laws and some English. Maybe a little bit of the math Ms. Midnight has been teaching" he listed.
"Well I can help with the Hero laws and English, but math, you've lost me" you said.
"Math is easy dumbass. I've got that covered" Katsuki mumbled.
"Well then, let's get started!"
"Anything I can get you, young lady?" A woman asked as she came to your table.
"Just a plate of some rice balls with soysauce. And maybe a rose petal tea. That's all, thanks!" You said, giving her your order.
"What about you young men? Anything for you?" She asked Eijiro and Katsuki.
"Just some extra rice balls. And a lemon iced water" Eijiro said.
The woman nodded, before turning to Katsuki.
"Anything for you?"
"Just a water for me" he said.
She wrote the rest of the order down, before bowing and leaving to prepare.
"Just a water?" You asked, turning to Katsuki.
"That's all I need" he responded.
"Rice balls, rose petal tea for the lady, and extra plates, chopsticks and soysauce. Oh, and the lemon water" the waiter said as he handed out each item.
You bowed your head, excusing the waiter to leave.
"Great guys, let's eat!" Eijiro said, before putting his hands together and praying.
You followed, thanking for the meal.
After, you grabbed your chopsticks and took a rice ball from the plate, and dipping it in a bowl of soysauce, then lifting it up to bite it.
"Mm! So yummy!" You said as you chewed the delicious rice ball.
As you swallowed, you heard a growl come from next to you, but when you looked, it wasn't a grumpy Katsuki that had growled. Katsuki was blushing and staring intently at your food.
"Was that your tummy? Awe! So cute! When you're hungry. If you wanted one, you could've just asked silly!" You teased, making Katsuki blush more.
"N-no! S-shut up!" Katsuki mumbled.
You laughed, getting a different rice ball, dipping it in soysauce, and holding it out to him.
"W-what?! You're just gonna f-feed me?!" Katsuki asked, blushing even more as he saw your innocent eyes look at him.
You nodded, forwarding the rice ball further in front of him.
Hesitantly, he opened his mouth, taking a small bite out of the ball.
"Was it good?" You asked.
"Mm.." He groaned, chewing the piece of food he had bitten.
You heard Eijiro snicker in the seat across from you.
"Tell a single person about this Kirishima and I'll kill your ass!" Katsuki yelled as he swallowed the piece you had given him, swatting him with a notebook.
This caused both you and Eijiro to break out laughing.
"What's so funny?!" Katsuki asked.
"You are" you said, leaning to kiss his cheek.
His face flushed again.
"Now that you've taken a bite of my food, do you want some rice balls?" You asked.
You watched as Katsuki's face turned red at your words.
"S-s-sure.." He whispered.
"Magic word?" You said.
Katsuki snarled and growled.
"..........please" he growls.
You smile, eyes lighting up as you grabbed an extra plate, putting a few rice balls on it.
"Good manners!" You said, pushing the plate towards him.
"Thanks hotshot"
Bakugo's POV~
I hadn't noticed how hungry I actually was until (Y/N) had pointed out that my stomach had growled as I watched her eat.
"Was that your tummy?" She asked with innocent eyes.
Holy shit..why's she so damn cute?!
I can't say no to her!
But did she have to use the t word?!
T-thats embarrassing.
I tried to deny that I was hungry, but she ended up grabbing a rice ball with her chopsticks, and putting it to my face.
"Y-you're just gonna f-feed me?!" I stuttered out.
She gave me a cute smile, and her eyes were shiny.
Ugh, damn you for being so cute!
Hesitantly, I took a bite of the rice ball, and chewed it with a deep blush hitting my face.
This is super embarrassing, but I'm doing it for her..
I heard Kirishima start to snicker from the other side of the table.
"Tell one person about this and I'll kill your ass Kirishima!" I yelled at him as he laughed.
I heard (Y/N) giggle as I yelled at Kirishima.
"Now that you've bitten my food, do you want some?" She asked, making me blush.
She smiled but didn't move.
"Magic word?"
Of course she'd tell me to say that damn word.
But..as embarrassing as it is, I love her, so I'll say it, but only for her!
"...........please" I mumbled.
This time, she turned to grab an extra plate and put some rice balls on it for me.
"Good manners!" She said.
I growled, embarrassed but happy.
She's such a little tease.
Your POV~
You and Katsuki walked through the corridors of UA, hand in hand and in search for the Class 1-A door.
"Our written exams start today. Are you ready Pop Rocks?" You asked your boyfriend.
"Eh. It's just another stupid test like all the others. So of course I'm ready. And quit it with that damn nickname! It's embarrassing" he replied.
You laughed, letting go of his hand and reaching for the door as you inched closer to the giant entrance.
"Hell no" Katsuki said, jumping in front of you and opening the door before you had the chance.
You looked at him confused before smiling and going inside.
"You two took long enough, get in your seats and prepare for your written finals" Aizawa said as soon as the door closed behind you and Katsuki.
"Right away sir" you said, taking towards your seat and doing as he said.
"Your time, you have three days. Begin"
Time skip to after the exams
"Now then, let's begin the last test. Remember, it's possible to fail this final. If you want to go to camp, then don't make any stupid mistakes. I expect many of you have gathered information and believe you have some idea of what you'll be faced with today" Aizawa said to the class, along with many other UA teachers gathered behind him at Field Beta.
"We'll be facing robots!" Denki cheered, alongside Mina.
"Actually, this years exams, will be completely different!" A white mouse said as it emerged from your dads scarf.
"Principal Nezu?!" Momo and others yelled.
So that's the principal, you thought as he began to explain how the exams would be different.
He explained that you would be in pairs and would face against a UA teacher.
"Additionally, your partners and opponents have already been chosen. They were determined at my information, based on various factors, including fighting style, grades and personal relationships. First, Todoroki and Momo are a team. Against me" Aizawa said, pulling up his scarf and staring at the pair.
"Then we have Midoriya, Bakugo, and (Y/N), and their opponent is-" Aizawa began, before getting cut off by a sudden thump.
A figure stood up in front of you, and it showed..
"I am here. To fight" All Might said as he smiled at you.
"Crap, we're going against All Might?!" You and your teammates said in unison.
"You better work together boys, if you want to win" All Might said, to the two rivals that now stood next to you, staring at each other.
Of course they'd pair me with those two..one can't keep his mouth closed and the other has no balls. Katsuki will tear him to shreds if he's not careful..
Suddenly a hand was placed on your shoulder.
"Young Chisaki, can I speak to you for a minute?" All Might asked.
You nodded, before following him to a place near the teachers, but away from the class.
"You have been teamed up with Young Midoriya and Young Bakugo. I suspect you know why?" He asked.
"Well I'm guessing it's to keep my hotheaded boyfriend from tearing Izuku apart?" You said.
"That was not what we had in mind, but sure! Actually, it's because of your fighting style. You fight defense and offense. Much like Young Bakugo. Now for Midoriya, that was personal. He and you don't have a very good relationship, mostly cause he doesn't find you as a threat. And Bakugo would kill him now since you two are uh- well.. Anyways, you both took on the Hero Killer as well, so there. You'll face against me with them both. And yes, please try to keep Bakugo from hurting Midoriya" All Might said.
You nodded.
"I'll try my best, but no promises" you said.
Time skip all the other finals
It was that time, time for your exam to begin.
You hadn't strategized or anything.
You were going in cold, and better yet, you were trapped with the rivals.
"Let the final practical exam begin"

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