{99} Anniversary Cheers!

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"Breakfast everyone!" You shouted as you carried 2 plates to the tables.
"Thanks (Y/N)! Be there in a minute!" Hanta shouted back.
You walked back into the kitchen to grab more plates.
"Need some help with those?" Katsuki asked as he walked in the kitchen to grab the plates.
"That would be great!" You said, giving him a sweet smile.
He took two plates and walked out.
You laughed as you grabbed more plates.
"I can't believe our second year already started and I'm still making the classes breakfast" you giggled, walking to the table and putting plates down.
"Your food is the best (Y/N)!" Mina cheered as she skipped over to the table.
You blushed, then walked back to the kitchen with Katsuki.
"What made you help Katsu? You normally never help" you asked.
He stopped moving, before regaining his composure and getting more plates.
"Just wanted to be nice..that's all" he said.
You looked at him.
"Last plates" he said, pointing to the ones in front of you.
You shook your head then grabbed them, bringing them to the table.
Just as you took a step, you tripped and fell.
The plates fell, and the food fell off.
"No! Awe no!" You cried.
Katsuki put his plates back down and ran over to you.
"You alright there hotshot?" You heard him yell.
"I'm...fine. This is so embarrassing" you said, your face hotter than hell.
"Here, let me help you up" he said, crouching down and reaching a hand out to you.
"Leave me. Go take the plates. I have to make another one anyways" you said.
Katsuki sighed, standing up and grabbing the plates.
Your eyes watered, and you sat up, brushing yourself off.
Of all days..today.
You walked back to your room after a long shower, then closed the door.
I can put some makeup on, get dressed, then do my hair now..
You walked to your restroom and grabbed your hair brush.
You began to run it threw your hair, then grabbed your hair dryer and turned it on, so you could dry your hair.
After it was dried, you grabbed some hair ties.
You began to collect the top half of your hair and tie it up.
You moved your hands but saw a bump in the ponytail.
"Ughhh" you groaned.
You took it down, and struggled with it for a while, until just deciding to straighten your hair and leave it down.
"Better!" You said as you placed the straightener back down.
You brushed threw your straight hair and saw waves at the bottom.
You put your face in your hands.
Why! Why why why!?
You walked and sat back on your bed and got some makeup out.
You decided to go with a nude palette.
You applied some eye-shadow on your eyelids.
After that was done, you applied some mascara to your lashes, and when you went to the other side, you poked your eyes with the wand.
You quickly put the stick back in the small tube and fanned your eye.
"Fuck! Shit! Holy crap!" You cursed.
"Today is just not my day.."
"W-where is it!? I picked that dress out special for today!" You said as you dug threw your closet.
"UGHH!" You groaned.
"You alright (Y/N)? I hear yelling" someone said as they walked in.
You turned around and saw Katsuki standing with his head peeking threw the door.
You were about to say something when you realized..you weren't wearing any shorts or a shirt. You were in nothing but some undergarments and a bra.
"Uh-.. I'll leave you to it then!" Katsuki said, closing the door again.
You pulled on your hair and closed your eyes.
"Let's find that stupid dress now.."
You were in panic as you searched everywhere for the promise ring Katsuki had given you.
"FUCK I CANNOT LOSE THAT!" You yelled, looking threw the drawers of your desk.
You were digging threw the drawer when you noticed that the ring was on your finger.
Fuck my life..ugh! What is going on today!?
You walked down the street to look for a certain shop.
"Ughh..where is it, where is it?" You panicked, looking for your wallet.
I must've left it in my room! Ah man! Today is just not a good one..
As you closed the door behind you, you shrunk down to the ground and put your head in your hands.
"I can't do anything right.." You cried.
"That's not true.." You heard a high pitched voice say.
You looked up and Eri was in front of you, her hands holding a small piece of paper.
"I haven't done anything right today..so of course it's true" you said.
Eri stepped up closer to you, with her hand extended.
You grabbed the piece of paper and read whatever was on it.

No matter how bad your day is..always remember how much I love you! Clumsiness and all, Katsuki

You smiled.
"We love you!" She said, wrapping her arms around you.
"Thanks Eri. Now let me make us some lunch" you said, picking her up and standing.
You began to walk, your dress flowing a little behind you.
"You're a princess!"
"I sure am!"
"Here you go Eri" you said, placing a plate in front of the six year old.
"Thank you" she said.
You smiled.
Your vision went black, and you gasped.
"Keep your eyes closed" the person said, getting their hands off your eyes.
You kept them closed and they began to walk you someplace.
"Open your eyes and change" they instructed.
You opened your eyes and noticed you were in your restroom.
You looked on your sink and noticed a bright orange swimsuit on the counter.
You picked it up and you immediately blushed.
The top had frilly cups, and the bottoms were different from your old swimsuit. They covered the front and the back perfectly, and were high waisted.
You slipped off your own clothes and slipped on the swimsuit.
Once you were completely changed, you looked in the mirror.
This is actually....really cute! I love it!
You opened the door and walked into your room, where you saw a shirtless Katsuki standing.
"Took you long enough-" he began, only to look over at you and choke on his words.
You laughed at him.
"*cough* shut the hell up! *cough*" he said.
You walked over to him, ready to kiss him, when he put his hands on your shoulders and turned you around.
You felt a cold chain hit your neck and you shivered.
"Now shush and let's go" he said.
He pushed you out of your room.
"Whoa! Hey wait! Where are we going?!"
The two of you walked hand in hand towards the beach.
"I know you've been having a bad day. So I asked for a few setups to be done while I went out to get things" Katsuki said.
You looked to what he was talking about and saw a small area for you to sit at.
You felt your heart clench.
"Ka-" you began, before being cut off but his lips on yours.
You felt yourself being lifted as you closed your eyes.
"You went threw all this trouble..to have a peaceful little date with me. When I did nothing but struggle to do what I needed to do. I'm sorry" you said.
"What are you apologizing for?" He asked.
"Today is our anniversary..and..I didn't get anything for you. I was so caught up feeling bad for myself that I didn't even get to the store I needed to. I feel so bad..because you did all this for someone that's not even worth it" you said sadly.
He put a hand to your cheek and you stopped trembling.
"Not worth it? (Y/N)..you're worth every penny. I didn't want anything more than to spend time with the one I love. I noticed you were having a bad day. So I asked a few favors from the squad. I went out with Mina to buy you a new swimsuit because she said yours was getting too small. I also picked it out so we'd match. Don't feel bad for not getting me anything. You're all I ever need in my life. All I ever want" he said, wrapping you in his arms.
A tear fell from your eye.
"I-I don't deserve this..I didn't get my love anything for his anniversary" you sniffled.
"I don't want anything more than to spend this one day just us..because..nothing can compare to how much you're worth" he said, bring up your chin.
You closed your eyes and he leaned in to kiss you.
Your hand dug into the sand next to you as the two of you kissed.
Your hand ran into a hard plate and you dug it out.
You broke apart from the gentle kiss and looked at your hand and saw a beautiful shiny clam shell.
You got an idea and closed your hand, crushing the shell.
You used your quirk to make it into..
"I know it's not much..but I noticed that..you don't have a ring of your own to wear. So.." You said, opening your hand, revealing a shiny multicoloured ring.
You saw Katsuki's mouth open.
"I just made it..out of a shell I just found" you said, a blush on your face.
"I-If you don't like it I und-" you began, until Katsuki hurriedly put his lips on yours.
"...I love it."
Katsuki slipped it on his finger and smiled.
"It's beautiful..just like my love"
You smiled, then stood up and brushed your legs off.
"Last one to the water has to sleep on the floor!"
"Hell no!"

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