{16}↦𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝔽𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕫𝕖↤

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You walk back to your group as a loud buzzer goes off, signaling that time was up.
"Oh good, its time to get this party started" Midnight said, stretching her arms.
"Hey hey look alive!" you heard Mic say, probably shaking Aizawa awake.
"After fifteen minutes, the big teammates have talked strategy, twelve Cavalry teams are prepared to go head to head!"
"I see some unexpected student combinations," Aizawa mumbled on the loud speaker.
"Come on! Everyone get your hands in the air! It's time for the arena battle royal! Let me hear you scream!" Mic yelled over the speaker.
You snap back into your own life as you join your team.
Bakugo looks at you, nodding upwards, indicating that you were gonna be the top of the team.
You gulped and tried to get to the top without hurting Eijiro or Mina.
Your foot slipped and you fell, landing on your behind.
"Ouch!" you yelp.
Bakugo scoffs and offers a hand to help you up.
He's being..nice?
To me?
You take his hand, which is strangely soft and warm.
He helps you up with ease, getting you to your feet.
You two lock eyes as he continues to hold your hand.
The two of you don't even mind that your hands are still linked.
You stare into his eyes, seeing you in his eyes reflection.
His eyes..are so pretty.
Bakugo's POV~
The idiot I invited to our group ended up falling when she tried to get to her position. I saw her land on the floor.
I scoffed at her clumsiness and extended a hand out to her.
She looked at me, giving me that cute smile.
Her eyes shining beautifully in the sunlight. Damnit!
Did I j-just call her smile cute?!
And her eyes beautiful?!
The hell is going on with me?!
Your POV~
You release his hand quickly, after you realise that you were still holding it.
You brush yourself off before turning back to him.
You see that he has a dejected look on his face, before he quickly regains his normal scowl.
"Thanks for helping me up Bakugo!" you tell him.
Before he can reply, you turn back to Mina and Eijiro who are just staring at you.
You shake your head in disappointment and try to get back up on their hands.
You put one foot in Eijiro's cupped hands and jump.
You jump and lose balance again, but this time, warm hands are placed on your hips, keeping you steady.
You don't turn around to see who had their hands on you and let them help you.
They help you keep your balance until you manage to get your other foot in Mina's hands.
"Now, keep your balance until I face the front okay, hotshot? I'll get there in a blink of an eye, I promise," Bakugo said, as the grip on your hips tightened.
You nodded and he looked up at you, letting go of your hips and turning to face forward.
You didn't have to hold you balance for too long, because all he had to do was face the other direction.
You put your hands on his shoulders as Midnight announced that time had started.
You were in charge of making your teams decisions.
When the time started the first thing you told them was,
"Run!" you yell.
"Hell yeah!" Bakugo yells.
Your team begins to run towards Izukus, reaching for the highest points.
On your way there, you had your team help you take other headbands.
You snatched one after another, stacking up your points until you reach second place.
You look back towards Izuku's team, to see that they had taken to the sky.
"Stop here guys, I have a plan!" You yelled to your team.
They stop moving as your words hit them. They look up to you and Bakugo turns his head around to look at you through the side of his eyes.
You tap his shoulder, copying his quirk.
You then jump off of them, using explosions to fuel you forward.
You hear them yell for you to come back, but you continue forward, inching closer to Izuku.
Izuku turns around, and you reach you hand towards his head.
"Kaccha- (Y/N)?!" he yelled.
You see this chance and take his headband, pulling it straight from his forehead.
You smirk and blow him a kiss.
"Thanks Izuku!" you say, exploding back towards your team.
He looks at you, before turning back to his team to tell them the news.
As you inch closer to your team you prep yourself for the landing.
You gently used an explosion just enough to land yourself in the hands of Eijiro, Mina and Bakugo.
"Well? Did you get it hotshot?" Bakugo asked.
You waved the headband in front of his nose, brushing his nose ever so lightly, the feeling of the headband making him sneeze.
Surprisingly, his sneeze was quiet and kind, not loud and obnoxious.
He sounded cute when he sneezed.
He's also been very sweet to me lately, you thought.
The hell?!
No no no!
He is not cute!
"Bless you Katsuki! Oh I mean Bakugo! Sorry.." you said, quickly correcting yourself.
"Thanks (Y/N). And oh, I guess it's fine.." Bakugo mumbled.
You smiled and continued to instruct your team.
"Avoid people at all cos-" you said, before you heard the tear of valcrow, signaling that you lost a headband.
Your eyes went wide as the person who took them began to gloat.
"Your class is too small minded. Think bigger," the boy that took your headbands said.
You turn to glare at him, only to see that you didn't recognize him.
"Awe man he got us!" Mina squeaked.
"What did you say?! Come back here!" Bakugo yelled at the blond boy that took all your points.
"Midnight said the obstacle course was just the first game. And we figured they wouldn't cut that many of us right off the bat. Would they? Assuming they'd keep at least forty contestants for the next event, all we had to do was make sure we stayed within that group as we ran. From our spots in the middle ranks, we could fully observe the quirks our rivals had and judge their capabilities. Only a fool would obsess over winning the preliminary rounds, wouldn't you agree?" the blond explained.
You heard Bakugo scoff from under you and you rolled your eyes.
"Aren't you two kinda famous? One was attacked by a sludge villain and the other is a villain," he said, giving you and Bakugo a cocky smirk.
You snarled and patted Bakugo's back.
"Hey guys, we have a change of plans. Before we take down Shoto, we are gonna get our points back," you yell to your team. Your eyes filled with hatred and anger as they glared at the blond that teased you and Bakugo.
"Whoa calm down there (Y/N)!" Eijiro said. You glare down at him, which only scares him.
He whimpers and looks away.
You look back to the blond, and see that his headbands were all taken.
You gasp and look around, to see Shoto running away with the headbands that he stole from you.
You growl and roar in frustration, pounding a fist on Bakugo's back.
He grunts, but quickly realises what happens.
"Go now!" You scream, making the team go forward.
Running as fast as they can, you use slight bursts of speed to catch up to Shoto.
He turns around, seeing you and your team speeding up to him.
His team turns around, to where they were all facing you.
You glare at Shoto.
His two different eyes, focusing on yours. You push yourself forward, silently signaling your team to move forward.
Shoto sees your team begin to move forward, and mumbles something to Momo.
She creates a giant blanket, and Shoto drapes it over himself.
He then yells something to Denki.
He smirks and begins to have little bolts of lighting appear around his body.
You gasp, but smirk, knowing exactly what to do.
This is where my training with Bakugo will come in handy!
Your team inched closer, and right as Denki used his quirk, you said,
Time froze and everyone and everything stopped.
You used the quirk that Bakugo had named for you, Time Freeze.
You climbed off of your team and tapped Bakugo, now being able to unfreeze him. He began to move, knowing that this would drain your power faster.
He hurried towards Shoto and took back the headbands you lost and the ones from the blond bully's team as well.
He left the ones that Shoto got on his own, and came back running to you.
He handed them to you, and even helped put them back on.
You quietly thanked him.
This quirk is awesome, but if I talk the time will be shortened.
Thanks to Bakugo training me, I learned a lot about this new quirk..
Bakugo helped you back onto your teammates hands and got back into his position.
You got your grip and snapped your fingers, resuming the time.
As the time resumed, the giant buzzer went off.
"And with that the second round's officially over! Now let's take a look at who are top four teams are! In first place, Team Chisaki! In second place, Team Todoroki!, In third place, its Tetsu- huh?! Wait, it's Team Shinsou! And in fourth place is Team Midoriya!" Present Mic announced.
It was those teams that would advance to the next round.
A lunch break was to be held, before the final round would take place.
But instead of going to eat, you look to your right, to see Shoto and Izuku going to some kind of secluded area, most likely to talk about what had happened.
Rumor was that Shoto had used his flames against Izuku.
You follow them, wanting to know what was going on, to see if you could possibly get an advantage.
Instead of following directly behind them, you look at the wall, and use it to teleport you to the other side of it.
You look around in the dark area, only to see Bakugo leaning his back on the wall across from you.
You gasp silently and he looks over to you.
Oh shit!

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