{63} I Will Wait

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Four days passed and you were discharged from the hospital.
Recovery Girl helped your healing process and you had nothing but a scar on your stomach.
Everything else was pretty much recovered. Except your arms, which were still wrapped in bandages.
You could move them, but it hurt like hell. The doctor requested that you went to Physical Therapy to recover your strength. No permanent damage.
Today was your first day going to the therapy.
"Make sure you eat before you leave (Y/N)" Aizawa said as he walked into your room.
You were looking at a picture frame.
You had your arms wrapped around Katsuki's neck, and one of your hands was brushing his cheek.
He looked disinterested and bored as his eyes were focused on your hand.
You smiled.
"(Y/N)?" Aizawa repeated.
You shook your head and looked up as your father walked over to your bed.
"Bakugo again? Hmm. Anyways. Eat breakfast before we take you to therapy" he said.
You nodded, your smile fading.
"Hey dad. H-how's All Might? I watched the battle" you stuttered.
"He's fine. Why do you ask?" Aizawa asked.
You looked down.
"It's stupid. But I can't help but feel little responsible for his retirement. If we hadn't - if I hadn't gotten captured, then he would still be a hero" you said.
Aizawa sighed.
"It's not your fault. It isn't yours or Bakugo's. He was always going to lose his power" Aizawa said.
"I know. But still" you said.
"Mm. It wasn't your fault. I can promise that" he said, walking down the hall.
You sighed, placing the small frame down on the shelf next to your bed.
You stood up and went to go eat.
You put on some black leggings to cover your bandages on your legs.
You then grabbed a hoodie.
You put it on over your head and it smelled...like...Katsuki.
You looked in the mirror and noticed a few grains of sand at the bottom.
This was the hoodie you had wore the last time you and the class went to the beach. Right before I Island.
Right before..you and Katsuki had became an official couple.
You smiled before walking out of your room.
"Ready? Let's go" Aizawa said.
You nodded and followed your dad to the car.
"Thanks dad. I'll see you after" you said as you closed the car door and walked towards the building you were in front of.
"You must be Ms. Aizawa right? I'm Miztu! The person who'll be training you and helping you get your strength back! You'll come here until we see you've made some improvement! Since you're a hero in training you'll be able to test out your quirks at our outside training! Can't wait to get started!" A woman said as she walked up to you.
You smiled at her.
"That's right! I am (Y/N) Chisaki-Aizawa! But please, call me (Y/N)!" You said.
The woman smiled and she turned around.
"Follow me and we'll get started!"
"So on your form it says you just recovered from an injury to your legs and arms. Your arms were burned and broken. So we will be focusing on getting your strength back. Let's get started!"
Few hours later
*Incoming Call from Dadzawa*
"Hey dad? I'm out"
"Actually I'm not the one who's picking you up today"
"Hmm? Then who?"
"I'm having the Bakugo's go and pick you up. Shinsou is at UA training and me and Present Mic had to go to UA for a meeting. We won't be back till late or tomorrow. But I'll go and pick you up in the morning. So be safe and Mrs. Bakugo should be there any minute. I gotta go. See you soon, love you"
*end call*
You turned off your phone and you saw a car arrive at the front of the building.
"(Y/N)!" Someone called.
You watched the car and saw the window open.
Mitsuki poked her head out and smiled.
"Don't just stand there, get in!" Mitsuki said.
You smiled and walked over to the car.
You reached for the back door when it opened on its own.
You pulled your arm in surprise but saw Katsuki in the back seat.
He must've opened it, you thought.
"Thanks so much Mrs. Bakugo! You didn't have to do this" you said.
"Mmhm! I sure don't mind. And I'm sure the hotheaded brat doesn't either" she snickered.
"Shut it you hag!" Katsuki yelled.
You smiled at him.
And he stopped yelling.
You moved your hand towards his and put it on top of his.
He looked down and smiled.
You arrived at the Bakugo household.
"Wow Katsuki! You guys have a lovely home!" You said.
Katsuki chuckled and grabbed one of your hands.
"Alright, come on in (Y/N)! You too brat" Mitsuki said as she opened the door.
You walked in and was immediately welcomed by a strong scent of caramel.
"Oh! My bad. I forgot to get any clothes to change into!" You said.
"That's fine! I'm sure Katsuki has some extra clothes you could borrow. You can shower in the bathroom. Upstairs to your left, second door. Katsuki's room is directly across from there" Mitsuki said, walking over to a different room.
You followed her directions and found the restroom.
You closed the door behind you and locked it.
You wrapped a towel around your body and held it there.
Opening the door you went across the hall and opened the door to Katsuki's room.
You looked up from the floor and saw a shirtless Katsuki standing in front of you.
"K-katsuki!" You said, a deep blush hitting your cheeks.
"Wha- (Y/N)?!" Katsuki said.
He blushed and turned around.
"Uh. Um. Uh. I- t-there's a hoodie on the bed and a-a pair of s-sweats. The smallest s-size I could find" Katsuki stuttered.
You turned you head and saw a small pile of neatly folded clothes on his bed.
You made yourself undergarments and slid those on.
You also made a sports bra so you wouldn't be completely bare under the hoodie.
You grabbed the hoodie from the top of the pile and put your arms in the sleeves.
It smelt like caramel.
If this is what he smells like all the time, I never wanna let this go.
Grabbing the sweats you slipped those on, and surprisingly, they fit you just fine.
The waist wasn't too big and the length was perfect.
"Alright I'm done" the two of you said at the same time.
You laughed and turned around to see Katsuki, who looked to be matching you.
You smiled and wrapped your arms around him.
He wrapped his around you and put a hand in your hair.
"I missed you hotshot" he whispered, lifting your head to look up at him.
"Missed you too my hothead" you said, looking in his eyes as they shone with happiness.
He leaned in and kissed your forehead.
"I love you (Y/N)"
"I love you too"
You two walked down the stairs with your hands together.
"There you two are! Awe look at you! You're even matching! You two are so cute! Let me get a picture!" Mitsuki said, grabbing her phone and lifting it up.
You smirked and pulled Katsuki closer, causing him to stumble.
You threw your arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss.
He quickly wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer.
"My heart!" Mitsuki fangirled.
She snapped the picture and you let him go.
He put a hand up to his face and blushed.
"I don't mind kissing you b-but did you have to do that in front of the hag?!" Katsuki blushed.
You laughed.
"Oh hush. You know you love it!" You said.
He looked at you and pulled you into his side.
"That's good dear!"
Mitsuki walked to a different room and you and Katsuki were left alone.
"I'll make us some dinner yeah?" Katsuki said.
"You cook?" You asked.
"No shit dumbass" he said.
You remembered back to the camp and images of him cutting the carrots with you flashed your mind.
"Let me help" you said.
"Tch. Hell no. You just got out of the hospital a few days ago and physical therapy. You're not touching anything!" He said.
"No buts. You can watch as your hot boyfriend cooks a delicious meal" Katsuki said.
You smiled and went over to where he was walking over to.
"Alright then, Chef Katsuki Bakugo. Your girlfriend is awaiting"
"Ha! Here's the food!" Katsuki said, bringing two bowls with steaming food.
You looked in the bowl and saw,
"Did you cook Chirashizushi?!" You said, eyes gleaming in happiness.
"Heh. Yeah. I remember you said back at I Island. It's your favorite. So I learned how to make it. I even added a bit of spice. Hope you like it!" Katsuki smiled.
You grabbed the pair of chopsticks that he slid over to you and began to eat.
"Mm! It tastes so good!" You said.
"Glad you like it!" Katsuki said.
He began to eat as well, and you were both happy.
Even he can do small things! And it's adorable!
"I hope Katsuki hasn't been too much of a hassle! How was your dinner?" Mitsuki asked.
"It was delicious! You raised a fine young man Mrs. Bakugo!" You said.
"I thought so too until he started changing when he got his quirk. In all honesty I hope he's been treating you well! That's the most important thing I've tried to get him to learn" Mitsuki said, hitting Katsuki lightly on his head.
You smiled.
"He seems like a big meanie in front of others but he's a real softy when it comes to me" you said.
Mitsuki laughed and looked at the grumpy boy that was sitting next to her.
"I'd believe it even if I never saw it. He's a big teddy bear now! Anyways, me and Masaru are gonna head off to bed. Have a good night you two!" Mitsuki said, before walking off.
"W-wait. Where can I sleep? I wouldn't want to intrude" you said.
Her eyes looked over to Katsuki.
"You can bunk with Katsuki! Good night now!" Mitsuki smirked, walking faster towards her room.
You blushed.
"Well, come on then. I don't mind sharing if it's with you" Katsuki said, mumbling the last part.
You smiled and followed him back to his room.
Katsuki got the bed ready as you watched him.
"Alright dumbass. I'm going to go say goodnight to the hag and my pops. You can get ready for bed. I'll be back" Katsuki said.
You laughed and walked over to the restroom.
You made yourself a small toothbrush and toothpaste so you'd be able to brush your teeth.
You got into the bed and put the caramel scented sheets and blanket over your body.
The lights went out and you yelped.
"Scared of the dark hotshot? Tch..don't worry. I'm here" Katsuki said as he got onto his bed.
You laughed as he got in.
Turning around, you had your back facing him.
"Any reason you're facing away from me?" Katsuki said.
"N-no!" You said, hiding your head under the blankets.
Katsuki chuckled and scooted closer to you.
He pulled the blankets off your head and wrapped his arms around your waist.
"You're s-so warm" you said, scooting further back into him.
"Mm..you smell good..like...just...you feel...like home" Katsuki mumbled.
You blushed.
Katsuki sighed and held you tighter.
This is so peaceful..
"Good night Katsuki"
"Good night...my teddy bear"

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