{96} "With Triple..One For All.."

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You and Katsuki began to attack with your explosions, shooting small aimed ones at Nine, where he would block them all.
You blasted yourself up higher than the others, before using your flames to encapsulate yourself in a fire tornado-like way.
Izuku attacked, using his boot to kick at Nine, only for him to block his attack with a huge shield.
You quickly got your wings, setting them on fire using your flames, then shooting the feathers in all directions at the calm villain.
Nine covered himself in his shield as you and Izuku continued to try to attack him, when he sent the both of you flying backwards with a push of his shield.
"Whoa!" you yelped, before someone grabbed your hand.
You looked and saw a chain of you, Izuku, and Katsuki in the air below you.
Katsuki had Izuku's hand in his, ready to launch him forward.
Katsuki began to use explosions from one of his hands to fuel all of you in a circular wheel-type movement.
Once he had got the wheel to go fast enough, you reached your open hand to his, and he grabbed it.
You used your flames to cover everyone in them, making sure not to make them too hot in fear of hurting your teammates, and you continued to spin.
I can't do much in the air in control without my wings..but I can use my flames!
You felt Katsuki let go of your hand, and he let go of you and Izuku, letting you zoom in the sky towards Nine in a cloud of smoke.
"Ex-Catapult!" Katsuki yelled.
You and Izuku both put your legs first, and you sharpened the heel on your boot.
You both hit the full shield with all of your strength, sending Nine backwards.
You grabbed Izuku's hand before he went flying in the other direction, and you threw him towards the ground.
You both landed on the ground, and so did Katsuki, who landed slightly behind you both.
"Not a bad effort.." Nine mumbled.
"We're just getting started," Izuku said.
"Now we'll kill you!" Katsuki yelled.
"This time for good" you added as you glared at Nine.
You began to run at him, along with the others, dodging the lasers he's attacking you with.
You jumped up, avoiding the one below you, only to get scratched by the one to your left.
You fell down, leading you to repeatedly get zapped with beams.
"Shit.." you muttered as you stood up and continued to run and dodge all the others.
You ran and jumped up with an explosion.
You held out your hand in a claw and used electricity to stun him, which he just blocked along with Izuku's attack.
He ended up pushing the two of you back, but you just went back into the air next to Katsuki, who was using his AP Shot Auto-Canon to attack.
Izuku was on the ground, his focus going somewhere else for a split second.
You made as many daggers as you could and covered them in different elements, switching from ice to fire each one.
Nine sent more lasers out towards Izuku, which he would've gotten hit by if Katsuki hadn't kicked him out of the way.
"Pay attention you damn nerd!" he yelled.
"Yeah, I'm trying to!" Izuku yelled back.
Third Person POV~
Katsuma and Mahoro watch in horror as the three brave heroes rush in to attack Nine with no fear in their eyes.
Kyoka and Shoji kept an eye on everyone.
"Mr. Deku.." Katsuma whispered under his breath.
"Ms. Overhaul..Mr. Bakugo" Mahoro added.
Your POV~
You continued to throw daggers at Nine, until you felt your body slowly giving out.
Just like Momo, I create using my lipids..
Katsuki used his explosions to attack from a distance, and Izuku used his own power to attack.
Nine was solely focusing on the two boys, while he left his back open.
You used the same little explosions Katsuki did.
Nine was attacking Izuku and Katsuki, breaking the last of Katsuki's gauntlet.
There goes our heavy duty attack..
When Nine turned around to attack you, stretching his arm out, tape surrounded it, pulling it away.
"You better think again!" Hanta yelled as he jumped, aiming to kick the villain, until he shot him, blasting him away, landing in the grass far from where the four of you stood.
You all were slightly knocked back, and you saw Katsuki turn to look for his friend.
"Sero.." he grunted.
Your heart panged with sorrow at Katsuki's forlorn look, but you focused back on the fight.
You closed your eyes and sent some of your strength to Hanta, ensuring that he'd be safe.
You reached for Katsuki and grabbed his hand, healing him as he sighed, turning back to you.
"He'll be alright. I promise" you mouthed to him.
He nodded.
The next second, you noticed a blue dragon in the air, someone in its jaws.
It zigzagged it's way up, then threw whoever was in its jaws.
"Ochako!" you yelled as you recognized who it was.
You aimed to go up into the air, until you saw Izuku catch her in his arms.
You looked back around to see Katsuki shooting at the giant dragon.
"Katsuki! You have to shoot me up there" You yelled.
He looked at you, before you jumped up, putting your feet in his hands, then flipping off of them as he used an explosion to get you higher.
"Die you son of a bitch!" you screamed as you outstretched a hand to rearrange the dragon, when it dodged the others relentless attacks, and duplicated itself. One of them knocked you into the cliffs behind you, making you cry out in pain.
Loud crashes signaled that the others were also knocked back.
Tears of pain fell from the corner of your eyes and you groaned.
You had blood covering the left side of your face, going over your eyelid.
Nine's silhouette became visible, threw all the debris and smoke, and the hydras all fixed to look directly at each of you.
You fell down to one knee, trying to regain your composure as your body ached in pain.
He's..knocking us back,..at this rate, he'll get to the kids.., you thought as your eyes wandered to where the kids were hiding.
Nine brought his hands up to his sides, and closed his hands into fists.
The next second, the hydras were coming towards you all.
You all put your arms up in an X position, and ducked your head.
Mahoro covered her eyes as Katsuma gasped, his eyes never leaving you.
You were pushed back into the rock behind you, and you flinched, closing your eyes, expecting to be..well..
You stood there, squeezing your eyes shut, waiting to be nearly killed from the impact, until you opened your eyes, to see the dragons start to disintegrate.
You gasped quietly and looked up to see Nine doubled over in pain, holding his head in his hands, screaming.
You heard a faint heartbeat come from him as he screamed louder.
"That's it! He'd reached his limit!" Izuku yelled to the two of you.
Katsuki smirked.
It's almost over..
"Now Kacchan! (Y/N)! We'll attack in waves!" Izuku yelled as he ran after Nine.
"Don't give me orders!" Katsuki yelled.
You ran with them, using slight bursts of speed to keep up with them.
I can't keep using Explosion, I can't exhaust Katsuki, not now!
As you ran, you noticed that the purple injection like items on Nine's back were being drained.
Uh oh..that could mean bad news..
You continued to run, then gathered strength back to make your wings again.
I can get a sturdy hit in!
You heard a clunk hit the ground, and you noticed that his mask had come off and his eyes started to glow red.
You all stopped in your tracks and looked up as dark storm clouds began to swarm the area.
The one in the middle, directly above Nine looked to be a funnel going inside itself.
Nine looked up and screamed at the sky.
"Holy shit! Did he just power up or something?!" you yelled.
You noticed a bright blue-white light coming towards you all.
Lightning..not the same trick again!, you thought, a snarl on your face.
You used your own tape from your hands and wrapped it around the two boys next to you.
"What the hell?!" Katsuki yelled.
You used all your might to throw them aside as the lightning came down.
I'm sorry..Katsu.
You growled and jumped, sending yourself at the lightning.
"No! (Y/N)!" you heard him call out.
You closed your eyes, then opened them, a gleam of the lightning shining in them.
You put two fingers out to the giant rod, then used your other hand to redirect it with an electricity quirk, like Denki's.
You screamed out in pain as the lightning passed through your body.
Once all the lightning left your body, you looked back down with your eyes blazing with hatred for Nine.
"You just won't give up will you?!" He yelled.
More lightning struck, this time one of the smaller rods striking you.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" you screamed, squeezing your eyes tighter.
You began to fall to the ground, nearly unconscious.
You landed on the ground, making a huge crater in the ground below you.
"NO!" Katsuki screamed as he began to limp towards your limp body.
"No Kacchan! You can't! You have to let the electricity leave her body, or you'll get hurt too" Izuku said.
Katsuki grunted, before turning back to you.
Bakugo's POV~
No..I could see the pain in her eyes as she jumped up to redirect that lightning. I didn't think she'd do something that wreckless, but I thought wrong. I watched as she got struck with a smaller strike of lightning, and her body fall to the ground.
"NO!" I screamed.
That bastard!
I began to run towards where she had landed when an arm stopped me.
"No Kacchan! You can't! You have to let the electricity leave her body, or you'll get hurt too" Deku said.
Damn it..
Please be alright!
Guess we didn't need that dumbass Kaminari!
Your POV~
"(Y/N)!" you heard a faint voice call.
You weakly lifted your head to see who it was.
You saw Denki looking at you, giving you a worried look.
You laid your head back down and sighed.
"Ms. Overhaul! Mr. Deku!" you heard a little voice scream.
"Mr. Bakugo!"
You smirked.
Don't worry..you two..they're safe..
"That hit was meant for me! You didn't have to risk yourself!" Denki said.
He reached a hand out to you, and you hissed at him, making him pull his hand back.
"D-don't touch me..go..help the others" you said.
"No can do! Bakubitch would kill me if I just left you here alone" he smiled.
"And plus..I have an electricity quirk as well! So you won't hurt me! You'll have to teach me how to do what you just did. It was majorly awesome!"
"T-thanks..that was my first time doing it," you said as he put his hand on your shoulder.
He took in the remaining electricity from your body into his and helped you stand up.
"I need to get to others Denki.." you weakly said.
"You need to rest!" he demanded.
You yanked your arm out from under his as you heard a loud crash.
You began to power yourself up and walk ahead.
"(Y/N)! Wait!" he said.
You crouched down and rearranged the ground, bringing yourself up from the ground.
Just..because I'm in pain..doesn't mean I can just give up!
Loud thumps sounded, as well as boosted sounds of heartbeats filled the thick air.
When you jumped up from the rock, your eyes flashed a quick blue color, then you summoned Hydra's of your own out of your back, in the color of purple.
It looked like Nine had Mahoro in one of his hands, choking her as she cried.
Katsuma was running toward the villain, also crying.
You saw Izuku and Katsuki zooming towards Nine.
You used your hydras to grab them and keep them out of harm's way.
You aimed a sharpened heel at Nine's face hitting him in his cheek, impaling the side of his face.
You used your wings one last time to push yourself further into his cheek, putting your other boot on his shoulder.
You used your flames, putting your hands behind you so you could add that to push him further.
You pushed with all your strength, flipping backwards as Nine was sent flying backwards, skidding the ground and a huge thud once he landed.
"Ahhh!" someone screamed.
Your head snapped back as soon as the cry for help sounded, and you saw Mahoro flying away.
You used your flames to turn yourself around and go to catch her.
You released Katsuki and Izuku from your hydras and they disappeared.
You reached an arm out to grab her.
You grabbed her, then cradled her in both of your arms.
You wanted to use a quirk to get you both down safely, but instead warm and bloody arms caught you both safely.
"I've got you," the person said.
The person was Katsuki, and he looked relieved.
"Thank you Katsu" you said as you laid your head on his shoulder until he landed on the floor, putting you on your feet so you could put Mahoro down.
"Ms. Overhaul! Bakugo! You're alive?!" she asked as she smiled.
"Weren't you listening? We're gonna be the number one heroes. We'll end up better than every Pro, even All Might" Katsuki said.
"That's right!" you said, reaching for his hand, which you took and he turned to look and smile at you.
"As a team."
Mahoro had a big smile on her face as she watched you both.
You both turned to look at Nine, who was struggling to get up from where he was.
"Take your sister and run," Izuku told Katsuma.
"Right!" he said, before running towards you guys and grabbing Mahoro's hand and running away as ordered.
You all got into one line, ready to take off.
In sync with one another, you turned your foot slightly, rearranging the ground so you could zoom with the others towards Nine.
You jumped and you all attacked the yellow shield Nine held up with your feet.
You sharpened your heel, which slightly punctured the shield.
"How did you possibly manage to avoid my lightning?!" Nine yelled.
"We've been stopped with that trick before! I wasn't about to let it happen again!" You screamed.
You all pushed a little harder, eventually breaking the shield and knocking the villain back.
"We were going to use that idiot Kaminari as a lightning rod, but someone changed our plans!" Katsuki yelled as he exploded the both of you up into the air.
He put a hand to his other and began to shoot small explosions at Nine from the air.
Nine summoned the hydras again, and Izuku screamed as he used his iron soles to attack them.
He broke both of them.
You grabbed one of Katsuki's hands and used your explosions and flames combined to encapsulate the two of you in a circular shape of fire.
"DIE!" you both yelled as you let go of him, using both of your hands to make one giant explosion.
It blew Nine back, along with the kids.
The hot air pushed you and Katsuki backwards. He used an explosion to land next to Izuku.
You arched your back and jumped, doing a back-flip to land in front of them.
You stayed low to the ground, keeping a gloved hand to the ground.
Katsuki wiped his nose with his thumb, before letting out a low chuckle and smirking as you and Izuku panted.
Your arm stung with pain from using such a big explosion.
You watched as Nine floated in the air, his face strained with anger and frustration.
His skin started to show bright purple veins.
A giant cloud of black smoke was blown towards you all.
You put an arm to your nose to not breathe any in.
You saw a clear view of Nine as his long white hair floated above him, much like how your fathers did when he was angry.
His hands clenched into fists, and he glared at you three.
He spun around and three tornadoes of fire surrounded him, and you covered your face with both arms as you stood from the ground.
The combined into one giant one, mixing with red lightning.
"A tornado!" Izuku shouted as you all stared at the giant object that covered half the sky.
"He can control all types of weather.." Katsuki added.
"Someone else's quirk at use most likely" you said.
There's so many at risk..Katsuma and Mahoro are both still here..not to mention everyone that's evacuated could be in danger!, you thought.
He'll end up destroying this whole island!
Izuku powered up, his normal green lightning now surrounding his body.
"Let's do this! I'll blast him with everything I've got!" Katsuki said.
You all took off, Katsuki grabbing your hand, taking you with him into the hot and sticky air.
You both propelled yourself in a giant circular explosion, setting them off to keep you going in circles.

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