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Suddenly, your thoughts were interrupted by shatters of ice, as it made its way all the way up to where you sat.
You sit frozen, the cold wind blowing past as the ice continued to grow in size.
You look down to the stage and see that it is completely covered in ice.
Damnit, Bakugo distracted me!
I didn't think this battle would last long anyways..
"Tell the truth Sero...can you move at all?" Midnight asked, her body half frozen.
"N-no! My body is freezing!" He yelled, being trapped in the ice that Shoto made.
"Sero has been imbolized! That means Todoroki advances to the next round!" Midnight yelled on the microphone.
You clapped, before standing, ready to go to the waiting room before your battle.
You walk out of the row you sat in, and went to waiting room number two.
Your battle was next..and this was a chance for you to prove everyone wrong.
You closed the door and began to stretch, your legs, arms, neck, and your back.
I have to win this.
For mom..
For Aizawa..
For Mic..
And for dad, you thought to yourself.
Wait?! What?! Dad? No..push him out of your head (Y/N)!
The door opens, creaking and breaking your focus.
You see Shinsou walk into the room, wearing an apologetic look on his face.
He looks up, meeting your eyes.
"Hey..(Y/N). I'm really sorry about earlier. I was being an ass. You didn't deserve that" Shinsou said.
You turn your back to him, not wanting to face him, right before your battle.
"It's whatever Shinsou. It doesn't matter anymore," you say, hoping he would leave.
He sighed and walked closer to you.
"I mean it (Y/N). You're an amazing person, and an even better sister" Shinsou said.
You silently curse, turning around to face him.
"I get it Shinsou. Everyone gets mad at a loss. I'm used to hearing those words," you say, laughing a bit.
Shinsou looks up at you, and turns to leave.
"I'll be watching sis, so win this" he says, before closing the door again.
You smirk, and continue stretching. Shinsou isn't the type of person to joke, so he was being serious. Wow, you thought as you rolled your wrists out.
"Miss Chisaki, it's time for you to take the stage" you hear a familiar voice say as the door creaks open once again.
You turn to see that Aizawa had come to get you before your fight.
"Dad!" You say, running up to him and wrapping him in a big hug.
"Good luck out there kid. You'll do great, I know that for sure," he says.
You pull away, and give him a smile.
"Thanks dad. I promise, this fight won't take more than a few seconds," you said, a smirk growing on your lips.
Aizawa opens the door, signaling that it was time.
You let out a deep breath, and walk out of the door, and to the big entrance gate.
"Sorry for the long wait! That was a lot of ice to clean off! On to the second match!" Present Mic said.
"Even pretty flowers have thorns, it's the assassin from Class 1-B, Ibara Shiozaki, from the hero course!" Mic said as he announced your opponent first.
You took a deep breath, and counted to three.
One..I've gotta win..two..to prove myself.. three..I'm worthy of being a hero!
"Versus!.." Mic says.
"The girl with determination stronger than her quirk! Heart as strong as steel, and thoughts as deep as oceans, it's (Y/N) Chisaki from Class 1-A in the hero course!" Mic announced as you walked on to the huge stage.
The crowds didn't cheer, but instead mumbles spread across the stadium.
"Chisaki? Like..the villain?" People mumbled.
"She's his kid? But he's so young" people whispered.
"Even if she becomes a pro, who's to say she won't turn on us? I don't want that kid interning with me," a pro hero mumbled.
You stand, a little aware that the entire world was watching you.
"Umm excuse me! I'm here to fight against my opponent, not kill them. So why am I being called an assassin?" Shiozaki asked, looking up to the announcers booth.
"Uh..sorry!" Mic stuttered, being surprised at her sudden question.
"It would be rather villainous to kill my opponent, after all heroes don't kill!" She continued.
"I- I said sorry!" Mic yelled, trying to bring the attention back to the fight.
You sighed and got into a fighting stance, close to the ground.
Bakugo's POV~
"Who are you gonna bet on Bakugo?! I'm going for Shiozaki. Though I guess she might be afraid, because Chisaki is a villains kid after all" Denki said, elbowing me.
"Shut it Sparky! Chisaki maybe is a villain kid, but she can put up more of a fight than anyone else in this stadium. Hell, I might even say she's stronger than Icyhot," I said, getting a little mad at Denki.
Damn..all these bastards see her as is a villain..that's not right.
I won't let that slide.
Your POV~
"Begin!" Mic yelled as the fight began.
You took the first move, squatting closer to the ground.
You kept your eyes on Shiozaki as you moved.
You waited for the perfect time to attack. You saw her turn around, making her hair move to attack.
You saw this as a chance to strike, since she was expecting you to run at her.
You touched the ground, melting a nice little area of it.
She turned around, seeing you crouching, and noticed that she had shrunk into the floor.
You smirked as she tried to move out of the melted cement, knowing that the battle was already over.
You rised from the ground, taking and raising your hand up to the sky.
The ground that Shiozaki was sinking in, now raising up and covering her entire body, trapping her in cement.
She tried to move her hair, but you covered her hair in cement, making it impossible for her to move it.
She struggled, still trying to move in the cement.
"Shiozaki has been imbolized! Chisaki moves onto the next round!" Midnight said.
Shiozaki stopped squirming as you walk up to her, putting a hand on the cement that you covered her in.
"Sorry Shiozaki, I may have gone overboard...I was a bit upset," you say as you turn the cement into dust.
"Don't worry about it! You're super strong Chisaki! You deserved that win!" Shiozaki said, smiling and holding her hand out.
You took her hand, and shook it in good sportsmanship.
After the hand shake, you walked off the stage and back into the tunnel.
Was I too harsh?
I used my dads quirk..at the festival..now everyone will know, I'm actually his daughter..you thought to yourself.
You kept thinking if you had done the right thing, stressing and obsessing over it.
Before you went to the stands, you stopped by Recover Girls office.
"Hey..Recovery Girl. Is it ok if I wash up in here?" you say as you walk into the room.
"Sure thing dearie. You can get cleaned up at the sink, I notice you have a lot of cement on you" she says.
"Ok...thanks!" You say, as you walk towards a sink.
You begin to wash your arms off, ridding them of dirt and dust.
"Hey..how did you get that scar on your arm hun?" Recovery Girl asked.
You look over to her, seeing that she was pointing at your left arm.
You look down.
"Oh...well...my father gave that to me before he left to prison. It was a few days before he left" you said.
"Awe.. It never healed?" She asked.
You shook your head no.
"No. He rearranged it back when he made the scar. This is the end result" you say, putting your right hand on the C shaped scar.
"Oh. Well..that's a harsh way of punishing a child. I can heal the scar if you'd like" she offers.
You smile up at her, but shake your head no.
"No thanks. I think I'll keep it. It makes me, well..me," you say, giving a small, soft smile.
"Thanks Recovery Girl!" You say as you walk out of the office.
You begin to walk back to the stands.
Your classmates heads turn as you walk back to your seat.
The next battle had already started, and you had missed a little of it.
"You did so good out there (Y/N)!" Ochako said, waving at you.
"Damn Chisaki, you sure you're a hero? You fight more like a villain," Denki joked.
You furrowed your brows and zapped him with his own quirk.
"Hey!" He whined, rubbing his arm.
"Why the hell would you say something like that?!" Eijiro asked Denki, elbowing him in his ribs.
"You did great out there (Y/N)," Eijiro told you.
You smiled at him as you took your spot, next to Bakugo, who's eyes were trained on the stage.
"Nice job hotshot. You ended that fight in seconds," Bakugo smugly said.
You laughed at his remark and sat down.
"I'm sure you'll do much better than me, hothead. Your quirk seems more heroic than mine, so you'll actually get a fight. I feel like Shiozaki didn't want to be near me," you shrugged.
"Hell no! You have a hella strong quirk! Even stronger than All Might, and that's something. And maybe she was afraid, but hell even if you weren't a villain kid, you are still intimidating," he smirked.
You smile as he gushes on about how good of a fighter you are.
"Thanks Bakugo. It means a lot to hear that. I thought you wouldn't like me, well you didn't. And you probably still don't. But you're being very nice, and I appreciate that," you said.
"I don't mind you...you're better than the other dumbasses. Plus, you're fun to be around," Bakugo admitted, looking down to the floor.
"I'm sorry for hitting you in the head," he mumbled.
"What?" you say, leaning a little closer to him.
"I said sorry for hitting you dumbass!" He yelled in your ear.
You grab your ear and laugh.
"I'm sorry for getting in your way" you smiled shyly.
Bakugo looks at you, and you look back.
Both POVs~
You look into his eyes as you apologize, seeing his gleaming crimson eyes look at your (E/C) eyes.
His expression, rather peaceful.
You feel your stomach start to get butterflies.
You look away, blushing a bit.
Her smile, her beautiful blush..it's made this whole experience so much better.
What is this feeling?
The feeling of shyness, and softness..
The blush creeping onto my face..where do I even begin?
Oh Chisaki, what are you doing to me?
Oh Bakugo, what are you doing to me?

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