{68} A Test of Courage

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A few days passed, and you were now perfecting your moves.
You stand next to a giant rock, panting.
"That was good! You've finally got your moves finalized" Midnight said.
"Thanks ma'am" you panted.
"Watch yourself All Might!" Someone yelled from a high space.
You saw an explosion go off.
Explosion boy...control your temper.
"Eraser, get your kids out of here. Class B is scheduled here everyday in the afternoon" a grumpy voice yelled.
"You're not trying to kick us out early when we have a full ten minutes left are you?" Aizawa calmly replied.
You didn't hear the rest of their conversation, but listened to them as they explained the exam that was in less than a week.
"Got that class?"
"Hey (Y/N), you gonna come and hang with us girls in the common room?" Momo asked.
"Sure!" You said, closing your locker and leaving.
"Ugh! Why is this so hard?!" Mina whined.
"It's not that hard. By the looks of it, you've improved your quirks range!" You said, patting Mina on her head.
"Not hard my ass! Says the girl with the power everyone wants!" She said.
"Come on now! That's not true!" You said.
She puffed out her cheeks as you said that.
"Anyways- Momo, do you have any ideas for your moves?" Tsuyu asked.
"I have an idea..but I don't know if my body will allow me. I just haven't understood the properties of my quirk. What about you Tsu?" Momo sighed, putting a hand to her cheek.
"I've come up with a move that makes me even more frog like than before. I'm sure even you'd be surprised (Y/N)" Tsu said.
"They were nothing special!" You said.
"Oh yeah, I forgot to ask. You're using your father's quirk?" Momo asked.
You looked down at your hands and sighed.
"I can't just completely ignore it. It's the quirk I was born with. If I didn't use it, I wouldn't be as strong as I am. Besides, Crackling Overhaul wouldn't exist if I didn't use it, so I wouldn't be so strong without it!" You said.
"How about you Ochako? Uh- Ochako?" You said, tapping her on her shoulder.
"Huh?!" She yelped.
"You alright?" You asked.
"Y-yeah..totally" she said, a blush on her face.
You looked at her, before turning away.
"We should get some sleep guys! We have long days ahead of us."
Third Person POV~
Before Class 1-A knew it, the day of the exam was here. Their test of courage, strength, and heroism..Their fate would rest in their hands. If they should fail,... If they should win, they are one step closer to becoming Pro Heroes.
Your POV~
You were standing outside of the buses, looking in awe at all the students as they arrived.
"I'm getting nervous!" Kyoka said.
"Yea. Me too!" You said as you watched with wide eyes.
If I don't pass, then my dad was right all along..I'll never be a hero. Will I pass? Am I good enough? Am I strong enough? What will people think?! Will I be able to do what I need to in order to pass?!, you thought, doubting yourself with every question, making yourself hyperventilate.
You felt a hand be placed on your chest and you snapped out of your panic, breaths still fast and short.
You saw Katsuki standing in front of you.
He tapped your chest once, and you breathed in. He tapped it twice, and you breathed out.
"Calm breaths. You'll be fine. We will do this, together" he whispered as your breaths calmed down.
"R-right" you said.
He took your empty hand and listened to what was happening with the others.
"If you can pass this test and get your provisional licenses, then you novice eggs with hatch into chicks. You'll be semipro's. I expect your best" Aizawa explained.
"All right! Let's call out the usual guys! Go plus.."
"ULTRA!" a strange voice yelled.
You all turned and saw a random boy standing with his fist up, and a hat on.
"You know it's pretty rude to barge into other peoples huddles like that Inasa" another strange man said, his arms behind his back.
"Pardon me. I AM SO..VERY EXTREMELY SORRY!" The man yelled, his arms slapping to his sides, and his head hitting the concrete floor below him.
You all flinched.
"Hey look at their uniforms!" Kyoka pointed out.
You all looked over their uniforms.
"They're from that famous school on the other side of Japan!"
"UA in the east, Shiketsu in the west" Katsuki mumbled.
"The only school that rivals UA" you added.
"Mr. Aizawa, do you know that kid?!" The class asked.
"He scored only slightly below (Y/N) in the recommendations exam" he said.
You blinked.
The class turned to you.
"Inasa Yoarashi. His quirk has something to do with the wind. He's strong, and you guys should be careful. He almost bested me, he's the real deal" you said.
"He almost beat you?! The strongest student here at UA? What a shocker!" They said.
"Eraser?! I know that scowl anywhere! I say you on TV at the sports festival but it's been a while since we were this close in person!" Someone yelled.
This time you turned your head and saw a blue haired woman walking up to your father, who looked fairly annoyed.
"Let's get married" she said.
You flinched.
"Huh?" You said.
"No" he rejected.
The woman broke out into laughter and your father stood unamuzed.
"If you're here Joke, then that must mean-"
"That's right! Over here everyone! This is UA!" The woman said.
You looked behind her and saw a bunch of tall students walking behind her.
One of the boys, who had black, fluffy hair like Izuku, took Izuku's hands.
"I'm Shindo! Seems like UA has had a lot of trouble this year. Must've been hard for you!" He said to him.
He moved onto Denki next, the Kyoka, then he took your hands.
"Wow! It's really (Y/N) Chisaki!" Shindo said, his eyes shining.
"In the flesh" you mumbled, staring into his somewhat...off eyes.
"Can I just say you're much prettier in person! How have you recovered from the attempted murder?!" He asked.
You gasped, then somebody pulled your hands out of his.
"She doesn't need you" Katsuki said.
"Ah! Bakugo! It must've been hard for you with that kidnapping incident!" Shindo said.
"Huh?" He stuttered.
"You have an especially strong will don't you? Today I'm going to do my best to learn from you! I really hope you don't mind" Shindo said, holding his hand out and out in a relaxed claw.
Katsuki smacked it away.
"Stop pretending. What you're saying doesn't match the look in your eyes" he said, turning away from him.
"Hey! Get your costumes and head to orientation. There's no time to waste" Aizawa said.
You now stand in a building, surrounded by hundreds of other students.
You looked around and saw people staring at you.
You put a hand to your rising and falling and falling chest.
There's so many of us! There's no way I'm going to pass with so many of us!, you thought.
"Uh. OK then, let's do this exam thing. I'm from..um..the Heroes Public Safety Commission. Name's Mera. So about the content of this license thing. Basically one-thousand five hundred and forty examinees compete in a free-for-all exercise or whatever we're calling it this year. See..*yawn* we've got a lot of Pro's around, and since Stain was arrested, many people have expressed doubts about the status of Heroes in society. But..when you really think about it, getting paid makes sense. If you're going to risk your life to save someone, why shouldn't you ask for a reward huh? That's just the way the world works-god I could use a coffee" a man said at the very front of the crowd.
"Anyway, whether they're in it for compensation or out of a sense of duty, we've got too many heroes working together in the streets these days to keep villains at bay. Honestly the time between when an instant begins and when it resolves is ridiculously short. You are all here trying to receive your Provisional Licenses so you'll be swept up into this tiresome mess yourselves pretty soon. Those of you who don't have the speed, frankly just won't cut it. Which is why that's what you'll be tested on" Mera finished.
A giant screen flashed on behind him, showing,
Number to Pass 1st Test
100 People
A cold sweat dripped off your cheek.
Only one hundred people?!
"The first hundred students to fulfil the requirements will pass today. Well the world can be pretty crappy, I suppose I should say something about luck. So anyway, here are the basic rules. The examinee will put three of these targets on his or her body. They can go anywhere you want as long as it's an exposed area. So no soles of the feet or armpits. Each of you will also get six of these balls. The targets are programmed to light up whenever they are touched by the balls. If all three targets light up, you're out. Oh, and the person who lights up your third target will get credit for your defeat. You get through this round by taking down two people. Got it? Good" Mera explained.
You nodded.
I just need to take two people out, then I'll be in the clear.
"What else? Uh- I guess we'll start passing out the targets and balls. Then you'll have a few minutes to get situated after we open."
The ceiling of the building began to open, showing the open sky.
After a little more instruction, it was finally time to begin.
"Everyone, stay as a group!" Izuku yelled.
"Yeah right! This isn't a field trip!" Katsuki said, going off on his own.
"Idiot! Wait up!" Eijiro yelled, running after the blond hothead.
"Actually, I'm sorry Izuku but I'm going off on my own as well! I'd like to go all out and I can't do that around too many people or I might hurt you!" You said, running off.
You ran into the direction that Eijiro and Katsuki went, following close behind them.
There's no going back (Y/N)!

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