{71} A Test of Heroism

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"A villain has set off a massive attack. Emergency forces are delayed due to traffic.." Mera said.
The roof above you began to open.
Your heart was beating faster and faster.
"It is the HEROES mission to rescue the bystanders. You'll be scored based of points."
The buzzer went off, and the next test began.
You ran in the group with your class.
"We should stick together! And rescue as much as we can!" Izuku yelled.
You heard Katsuki growl and saw him break off the group.
Ughh, why must he always insist on going off in his own?! Gotta keep an eye on him. He won't fail this because of his attitude. I won't let him, you thought as you ran after him.
You cloaked your presence to his and everyone else's eyes.
This way he won't see me.
"Because we want to!" Denki and Eijiro yelled back.
You noticed that they were running towards the mountain district and followed.
"HELP!" you heard a faint voice whimper.
You uncloaked yourself and saw a young boy trapped under a rock.
"Young man, what are your injuries?" You said as you ran towards him.
"I-I can't feel my legs!" He yelled.
You put a hand to the rock and disintegrated it.
"It's alright. I'm here" you said, touching your headpiece and making it into a headset.
"Anyone nearby! I need assistance with a young boy. He says he can't feel his legs! I need some back up to help!" You said into the mic.
You heard people start to run towards you.
"Everything will be alright!" You reassured.
"Get him to the First-Aid Station, and quickly!" You said, handing the boy to someone behind you, then taking off.
You ran in the direction of her scream, and you saw another person run towards you.
"Ma'am! I'm gonna need you to remain calm! Are you injured? What are your husbands injuries?" You questioned as you took the man into your arms.
He looked unconscious.
"I'm fine! Nothing but a few scratches! But my husband was crushed under the debris! I believe his ribs may be broken" the woman cried.
"(Y/N)! Check for a pulse!" Someone yelled as they got the woman to stand.
You looked over and saw Eijiro standing next to you.
You put two fingers behind the man's ear and felt a faint pulse.
"There's a pulse but barely!" You said, brushing your foot against the floor and making a small bed out of the ground below you.
"Here, I can heal his injuries on this. After that, my buddy here will take you both to the First-Aid Station" you said, placing the man on the bed.
You made some bandaging tape and cloth to put around the mans 'injuries'.
You checked for broken bones and wrapped those first, then tended to his cuts and bruzes.
"I've wrapped his injuries, and he's still unconscious. Eijiro, can you take him and his wife with you back to the First-Aid?" You said as you picked the man up.
"You got it (Y/N)!" He said as he took the man into his arms.
"Please ma'am, if you could follow us back to safety!" Eijiro said as he lead the woman off.
You smirked.
Thanks Eiji..
You ran back in the direction that Katsuki went in, and eventually saw him and Denki.
"Help! Our arms hurt really bad!" People yelled.
You ran faster towards them, but you didn't get there in time.
"SAVE YOUR DAMN SELVES!" Katsuki yelled aggressively.
You ran and jumped down.
"Don't worry! Help is here!"
Bakugo's POV~
"Don't worry! Help is here!"
I saw someone float over my head and land on the ground in front of the people in front of me.
It was (Y/N). She had a big smile on her face, and a blush. She was covered in cement and dirt.
So cute..
"Are your injuries bad? Does it hurt when I touch them?" (Y/N) asked the couple.
"Our arms are just sore. A few scrapes though!" The old woman said.
"I'll heal those up! And let me get you a blanket! It's rather cold down here!" She replied, making a turtle position on the floor.
Her back began to glow and she made a blanket.
She got up, panting and wrapped it around the couple.
"Let me have your arms! I'll get those healed!" She said.
The couple gave her their arms and she healed them.
"Thanks so much young lady! Plus points!" The old man said.
"Tch...whatever" I growled.
I felt myself blush as I saw (Y/N) smile and continue to help the couple.
She's so cute..I can't take my eyes off..
"You two should be alright to go to the First-Aid on your own! Your injuries were mild, so you can head off. I'll make sure to send someone to follow you" (Y/N) told them.
"Denki, do you mind taking them? Me and Katsuki can continue to look around!" She said.
He didn't answer.
"Oi dunce head. Take the couple to the aid station" I growled.
"Uh- sure! Hey umm..Bakugo?" He said before he left.
I glared at him.
"You're one lucky man" he whispered before leaving and taking the couple.
I looked over at (Y/N) who was smiling at me.
I closed my eyes.
Dammit! T-too cute!
"Hey" she said, before I felt a pressure on my lips.
"Ease up a bit..act a little..more heroic. You'll pass that way..oh and uh..s-stop staring at m-me..it's embarrassing.." She said as she pulled away.
I opened my eyes and nodded.
"Not my fault you're too damn cute" I mumbled with a blush on my face.
She giggled and took my hand.
"Let's go! We have more people to save"
Your POV~
"Someone's over here Katsuki!" You said as you ran into the mud.
You were now in a water district, and there was a young girl in the water splashing around.
"Help! I-I can't s-swim!" She yelled as she went under the water.
You took a deep breath.
And dove in.
You resurfaced with the young girl in a bouy you made.
"You'll be safe now.." You panted as you pushed her onto the mud and crawled onto it.
"You're freezing!" You said as you sat on your knees next to her.
You warmed up your hands, not too hot, and placed them on her face and arm.
"I'll make you a blanket right now!" You said.
You closed your eyes and began to try to make a blanket, only to feel your back hurt.
"Ahh~" you groaned.
"You're overusing your quirks you moron!" Katsuki yelled.
You screamed in pain and tried to make the blanket still.
"I-I don't care..I have to save as many as I can..and heal them..whether I'm tired, injured or not. Heroes always..*pant* save no matter the consequences to themselves *pant*" you said as you squeezed your eyes tighter.
"Y-you're the hero that got kidnapped and nearly killed? You're so strong!" The girl said.
You looked at her and smiled.
You made the blanket and wrapped her in it.
"My hero.." She said as she closed her eyes.
You looked at her and picked her up.
"Let's get her to the First-Aid"
Bakugo's POV~
My heart is beating out of my chest..
Watching how fragile and how dedicated (Y/N) to the kid. Like a real hero..and mother. Dammit! Stop getting distracted Katsuki! You already lost so many points, if you keep getting distracted..you'll fail!
"Yeah..right away love"
Your POV~
You carried the young girl and she attatched herself to you,
What a little sweetheart..
You felt an arm wrap around your waist and pull you in.
"So sweet..so kind..so caring..my love. You can't push yourself. You're still healing" Katsuki said.
You smiled and leaned back.
"I could care less if I'm in pain. As long as I can move, I can be a hero" you sighed.
You felt the girl squirm and heard her whimper.
You looked at her and put a hand to her forehead, only to feel how hot she was.
You threw the blanket off.
"We need to hurry and get her to help immediately! She has a fever and it's getting worse" you said, running off.
"Whatever" Katsuki growled.
"You there! What's the condition?" Someone yelled as you reached the station.
"She has a high grade fever. She was wrapped in a blanket after nearly drowning in a lake" you said.
The man took her and checked her temperature.
"I'll take her from here. Thank you" he said before taking off.
You were about to reply when you heard a loud boom.
You looked behind you and saw Katsuki standing behind you.
You looked at where the explosion was and saw people walking from the new hole.
"Villains have made other attack, and have showed up on the scene. Good luck double tasking heroes"

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