{49} Giggles

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"Awe man! You guys are so lucky! Getting to go to the summer camp!" Mina whined, leaning over a desk.
"Is it really all that great Mina? I mean, you won't be missing out on much more than training" you said as you opened the door, holding it with one hand and holding onto a crutch with your other.
"You made it to school?!" Mina and Momo yelled, running over to you.
"Well, actually I had to stay over night with Recovery Girl. My injuries were far worse than the others. Katsuki was in pretty bad shape before I passed out, but he should've been fine since I transferred my power to him. I had glass stuck in every inch of my skin, broken ribs, and a stab wound in my thigh. She couldn't heal my leg all the way without draining my stamina too much. So I'm stuck on crutches for a while" you said, beginning to walk over to your desk.
"Out of the way extras!" Someone yelled.
The girls and guys that had gathered gasped and moved away.
Katsuki walked closer to you, and stopped a distance away.
"Come on you damn extra, say something," Katsuki thought.
You looked down, remembering all he had said about you the day before.
Sighing, he began to walk closer to you, putting an arm under your unoccupied one, and lifted you slightly.
"U-uh Katsuki?" You stumbled, a blush creeping onto your face.
"Shut up hotshot. Let me help you," he mumbled.
You kept your mouth closed and allowed Katsuki to help you walk to your desk.
Once you sat down, Katsuki yelled for the class to stop watching and staring, and crouched down to you.
"Hey, so...I'm....sorryforwhatIdidtoyouyesterdayduringtheexam" Katsuki whispered, making his words into one giant sentence.
"Hm?" You hummed, not hearing a single word he had said.
"I said I'msorryforwhatIdidduringexamsyesterday" Katsuki mumbled, even lower this time.
"I can't hear you dumby!" You said.
Katsuki growled, before grabbing your head and bringing it to him.
"I said SORRY FOR WHAT I DID DURING THE EXAM YESTERDAY" Katsuki loudly said in your ear.
"You're sorry for calling me weak? Sorry for exploding me into a glass building? Sorry for saying I wanted to kill myself when I don't?! Sorry for being a straight up asshole?! Well I'm sorry Katsuki, but it'll take a lot more than that" you said, taking his hand off your head, and looking back to the front.
You heard Katsuki let out a sharp breath, but stayed still.
You sighed, closing your eyes before taking a breath and speaking.
"I'm sorry..Katsuki. But, you're words hurt. And a simple apology can't make up for the time I spent getting each tiny piece of glass out of my skin. I know it wasn't all your fault. But still" you said.
Katsuki just sighed standing up and walked away.
"I'm sorry Katsuki...but...you screwed up. Said things you probably didn't know hurt me, and I can't just forgive you so easily. But, I guess for now, I'll give you another chance" you told him, not daring to say it out loud.
You didn't hear him even sit down, but he stopped.
Bakugo's POV~
She's gonna...give me another chance? Hells, I don't deserve this girl, I shouldn't be getting another..hell, I shouldn't have even gotten one chance...yet here she is, letting me have another. Come on Katsuki, you cannot screw this up!
Your POV~
Katsuki ignored the message you had sent him, and kept walking to his seat.
If he takes out his anger or jealousy on me again, it'll be the last time, you thought, as your father entered the room to give instructions for the day.
You sighed, laying in your bed, scrolling threw the media of today.
Today's class was short, just revealing what you would be doing at the camp in a few days.
A sudden ding went off and your phone vibrated, showing a message.


Katsuki☆♡: Hey (Y/N), I'm really sorry about what happened during the fight..but I'm glad to know I have another chance.

You: Eh. I still don't forgive you,
but you can make it up to me :)

Katsuki☆♡: anything. I'll do anything

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