{89} Welcome to UA Eri!

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"Now that everyone is here, and no one has anything extra, we can finally get down to business!" Kyoka said.
She put up a piece of music, and it read
Hero Too.
"That's the music we're doing?" You asked.
"Mmhm! I figured it fit the school. Hero. Too. Of course that's only for the instruments, so the lyrics are up to you to figure out!" She said.
You gasped.
"ME!?" You asked.
She hummed, then left to get the instruments set up.
"You can do it (Y/N)..after all...you ARE a hotshot" Katsuki teased.
"The one and only" you sarcastically said.
"What's wrong?" He asked almost immediately after your reply.
"How'd you know something was wrong?"
"Instinct. I know when my love isn't at one hundred percent."
"Sigh. You got me. I'm just doubting that I can pull this off!" You said.
Katsuki turned you around to face him.
"You'll do just fine! I'm sure you will come up with something..amazing!" He said, booping your nose then leaving to his drum set.
"Alright everyone! Let's start!"
You sat on the floor, with a paper and notebook laid out in front of you.
You hummed as you heard how the music sounded, and tried your best to make matching lyrics.
"Mm mm mm mmmmm? Mm mm mm mmmm? Mm mm mm mm mmmm mm mmm" you hummed.
"What's that there?" Kyoka said, sitting next to you with her guitar in her hands.
"Just a little start I have. I have maybe a few lines figured out..but not the full thing" you said.
"I don't expect the full song right away! Just make sure you write down what you got" she said.
You nodded, before humming it over and over again.
"...what am I to be..what is my calling.." You sang, writing it down as you thought it.
Soon, you had enough lyrics to tell your classmates about.
"Hey guys! I have a full opening and maybe a little part of the chorus?" You said, walking towards your classmates with your notebook in hand.
They put down their instruments and took out their headphones.
"What do you have?" Kyoka asked.
"I can read it for you. What-" you began.
"Nonono. Sing it" Katsuki said, a smug expression on his face.
You blushed and gulped.
"N-n-now!?" You stuttered.
He crossed his arms and nodded.
"I-I guess"
You took a deep breath.
"What am I to be? What is my calling? I gave on giving up, I'm ready to go! The future's left unseen, it all depends on me! Put it on the line to follow my dream! Yeah!" You sang, loudly, projecting your voice so everyone could hear it clearly.
Once you finished, you looked up.
They all stared at you, faces blank.
"Oh no..was it not good!?" You asked, panicking.
You blushed, putting your head in your hands.
"Uh..born like that?" You shyly said.
"Now she's flexing on us."
"Don't take it that way! Ugh! I can not sing if that makes it better!"
"Alright everyone, take a break for now" Kyoka said.
You sighed, then took off your headphones, only to hear the doors slamming.
"(Y/N)!" Eijiro panted as he ran to you.
"Mm?" You said.
"It's Eri"
"Izuku! Ohmygosh..is Eri alright?" You asked as you ran outside.
You were next to Izuku, when you saw..
"Eri!" You sighed, kneeling on the ground and putting your arms out.
She ran to you and jumped in your arms, putting her small ones around your neck.
"Giggles.." She mumbled.
"How have you been?" You asked, lifting her up as she clang onto your neck.
You held her close to your chest.
"Good. You?" She asked.
"You're so sweet! I've been doing great!" You said.
"Wanna see the small fireworks again?" You asked.
You noticed a small blush on her cheeks as she nodded yes.
You shifted her, to where she was in one of your arms, sitting down near your shoulder.
You let go off her with one of you arms, and she stayed.
You held out your hand and began to set off small explosions, making them crackle.
No matter how many times she's seen them, she's always amazed!
"Hey! So I decided to take Eri on a small tour of our campus to make it less stressful when she comes for the festival!" Mirio said.
"That's great!" You said, stopping the fireworks and making an apple in the palm of your hand, then handing it to Eri.
"Giggles..Deku.." Eri began.
You looked up at her.
"Would you come with us?" She asked.
"I'd love to!" You said, grabbing her small waist gently, then placing her back on the ground.
"Ah you must be Eri from the work study! I've heard so much about you" Tenya said as he walked up to you.
You felt Eri cling to your leg.
You put a hand to her hair, and pat her head.
"She's a little shy.." You giggled.
Bakugo's POV~
I walked to the window to look at what was happening and saw (Y/N) on the ground holding someone.
I decided to go outside and see for myself what exactly was going on.
"What's all this ruckus?" I yelled as I got closer to (Y/N).
I saw a small child clinging onto her leg, now hiding herself from me.
"Who's she?" I asked.
(Y/N) picked her up into her arms, and the girl put an arm behind her neck, then turned to look at me.
"WHO IS SHE" I yelled.
The girl looked away from me and buried her face in (Y/N)'s neck.
"Katsuki! Calm down! Now! This is Eri..the girl that was being abused by my father" she said.
"Her?" I asked.
She nodded.
"It's alright Eri..he won't hurt you. I promise" she whispered, and the girl turned back to look at me.
"Hey there" I said.
"This is Katsuki. He is my boyfriend. He can make the tiny fireworks just like me! Do you wanna see his?" She asked the girl.
I noticed that Eri had grabbed onto (Y/N)'s shirt even more.
She nodded.
"Katsuki..make small explosions" she instructed.
I was confused, but held my hand out and started small explosions.
I watched Eri, her eyes lighting up.
She's cute..and (Y/N)..seems so motherly..
"Do you like those? I bet you do!" She said.
I noticed that the girl didn't smile, she kept a small frown on her face.
Whatever happened to her..must've scarred the poor girl.
"Giggles.." Eri mumbled and I stopped my explosions.
"Yes?" (Y/N) responded.
Eri pointed to the building.
"Can we go inside there?" She asked.
"Of course! Come on Mirio! Izuku!"
I smiled as I watched (Y/N) carry the girl with some blond and Deku following.
Your POV~
"Whoa Togata is that why you're on leave!? Because you had a child!?" A couple of third years asked Mirio.
Eri held onto you, then was holding Mirio's finger.
"AND WITH A FIRST YEAR!?" They added.
You smiled softly, a small blush on both of your faces.
"Please say something otherwise we think you actually did!"
"Giggles..what is this place?" Eri asked as you arrived at the next stop.
"This is where all our support gear is made! The support course students work here!" You said, pointing to one of the creations.
She watched as students ran back and forth, grabbing things to fix or edit their machines.
"General studies!" You presented.
"What's general studies?" She asked.
"This is where people can do regular everyday studies! Regular classes unlike the rest of us!" You said.
You spotted Shinsou and waved, catching his eye.
"Hi (Y/N) uh-" he said, pausing then pointing to Eri.
"Who's this?" He asked as he walked up to you.
You said nothing and smiled.
He looked at the girl again, seeing her hand still holding onto Mirio's finger.
"...you had a child with a third year? Or Bakugo? Or Midoriya?" He asked.
"Nope! None of the above!" You said.
"...not even gonna bother with her. Hey there. I'm Shinsou. (Y/N)'s brother!" Shinsou introduced to Eri.
She held onto you.
"Not my blood brother! Kai only had one child! Just me! This is my adopted brother. I'm adopted too!" You said.
"Shinsou.." She mumbled.
"Heh. Yep! I gotta go..nice seeing you again Midoriya. Love you sis" Shinsou said.
"Bye Shin!" You said.
"Well Eri? How do you like our school?" You asked as you sat at a lunch table.
She finished drinking her juice before speaking,
"It's good and all..but..I can see how hard everyone is working for the festival" she said.
"Yep! We do this every year!" Mirio said.
The three of you listened and asked Eri questions, until it was time for you to go.
"Our break is about to end! Sorry to be leaving! See you at the festival! And at our performance!" You and Izuku said.
"Performance?" Eri asked.
"We are putting on a live concert for the school! I'm part of the dance team, and (Y/)- Giggles is our lead singer!" Izuku said.
"I'll be singing for you little Eri!"
"Bye now!"
"FINALLY!" you sighed, jumping onto your bed.
"Tired?" Katsuki asked as he walked over to the bed.
"Exhausted" you said.
"So....the girl calls you giggles?" He asked, climbing onto the bed and looming over you.
"Eri? Y-yeah. I thought it would be easier to remember than my hero name or my actual name" you said.
"So I share a nickname with the kid?" He asked.
You pulled his head towards you and kissed him.
"I only did it because I loved it. And I love you, and she liked it!" You said.
"Mmhmm..now give me cuddles" he said, laying his head on your chest.
You put a hand to his head and held him closer.

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