{50} Love Takes Over

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Third Person POV~
With the summer break officially starting, extra classes for some extra points would start being offered to students.
Different groups of Class 1-A students would be going, and Chisaki was part of the first group.
Their summer camp would begin the following Monday, which was in two days..
Your POV~
You sat in your seat in class, listening to the instructions Aizawa was giving you.
"This'll be rescue training" he added onto his long explanation.
"We won't only be fighting, we'll be playing hero!" Izuku and Ochako said at the same time.
News was, you'd be helping hostages and fighting a villain, or villains with your group. Your group was, you, Ochako, Tsuyu, Shoto, Izuku, Tenya, Izuku, and of course, Katsuki.
"Now, meet your instructors" Aizawa said.
Suddenly the back door slammed open.
"I am here coming threw the back door!" All Might yelled, causing you and all your classmates to turn around.
"All Might is teaching us today?" You asked, turning back around to face your dad.
"He isn't the only one. Present Mic, Midnight and Cementoss will also be joining us today" Aizawa responded, opening the door and revealing the three people he was talking about.
"Well that's it, now..go get dressed and meet outside at Ground Beta" Aizawa finished.
"So, (Y/N), I saw you got a new hero costume! Mind if I ask why?" Ochako asked.
You smiled, getting your costume out of your locker.
"I just needed something that would match me better. And plus, I look badass! So why not" you said, taking off your shirt and your skirt.
Ochako laughed, before taking off her own clothes and beginning to put on her hero costume.
You put on the main body suit, and grabbed your boots, gloves, and head piece.
Now fully dressed, you began to head towards Ground Beta.
"Alright, the training is up to you from here on out" Aizawa said.
"Mr. Aizawa sir, I have a question" Iida said, lifting his hand up.
"I will not be answering questions. You're on your own" Aizawa responded, walking further down the alley you were all standing in.
"Yessir!" You all answered, before turning to the building you were supposed to be looking out for.
The building was completely surrounded by police, and you were the Pro Heroes that were called to the scene.
"Look at the building, there looks like there's no one inside, but there has to be hostages like Mr. Aizawa said. But how do we check?" Izuku asked.
"Uraraka you go" Katsuki said, scratching the top of his head.
"Huh? Me?" She asked, looking over to him.
"You can float yourself up there without being spotted" he answered, pointing to the roof of the building.
"On it!" She said.
As Ochako got ready to fly, Shoto decided to call the villain.
"The villain is All Might, he's just pretending" Shoto whispered.
Ochako nodded, but continued to walk towards the very front of the alleyway.
You sighed, following her.
"Ochako, put how many villains on your right hand and hostages on your left..alright?" You said.
She nodded, before putting her padded fingers together and making herself float. You and Izuku pushed her slightly, sending her off.
Shoto ended his phone call, just as Ochako landed and began to watch the inside of the building.
She turned around, telling you on her hands that there was one villain, and three hostages.
You nodded, and backed away as the villain came to watch the front of the building.
"What do we do now?" Iida asked.
"Rush in there and get the villain, before he has the chance to escape or hurt those hostages" you said, your wings appearing.
They hurt, and were sore, but you had to deal.
"Finally someone is thinking like me! Now's our chance!" Katsuki screamed, exploding his way towards the glass building.
You and the rest of the class followed, using your own quirks to follow.
As Katsuki used a big explosion to break into the building, you used your wings to clear the smoke.
Glass shattered, and eventually you had spun in the air and used feathers to search for movement and breaths.
You landed on the ground, shifting your foot slightly, to rearrange the ground to cover you and your classmates in a dome of land.
You waited for the glass to all land on the floor, then decayed the ground you used.
"Alright now let's-" you said, before stopping as you saw...
It was All Might, on the floor covered in blood, with a knife and stab wound.
"The villain is dead?!" You and Izuku yelled, watching in horror as Tsuyu went up to the corpse and used her hair to tickle his nose.
He chuckled a bit.
"Ok All Might is still alive, but he's pretending to be dead" she said.
You nodded, before looking around the building, seeing your feathers holding up three people.
"Guys, since he seemed to be the only villain, we should talk and question these three. Everyone is a victim during a villain attack" you said, bringing the three tied up people closer to you and your classmates, and dropping them.
Soon enough, you had finished searching threw their items, and the building.
"Something doesn't add up Izuku...their stories all seem to add up..except for Midnights. She stated that when she entered the building, the villain was already here. Would it be possible for her to have called the cops?" You asked.
Izuku put a hand to his chin, before pacing and muttering possibilities.
You rolled your eyes before turning to Katsuki, who was impatiently leaning on a wall.
"You alright explosion boy?" You asked.
Katsuki just glared at you, before sighing.
"I wish these dumbasses would hurry up. And why are you here anyways? Shouldn't you be at home? You're leg is still screwed up, and hell, you're even wearing a boot" he said, growling at you.
"Heh calm down now! I came for the extra points! And it's only a small sting at this point. No pain. Just a scar. I'll go to Recovery Girl after" you said, putting a hand behind your head.
"Tch..you better" he said.
You nodded, before turning back to the problem at hand as Izuku explained his new theory.
"Suicide?! You mean they were so in love that he silenced himself for Midnights sake?" Everyone exclaimed as Izuku stopped talking.
"That's ironic..the villain killed himself so Midnight wouldn't be a stake.." Tsuyu said, a tear dripping down her cheek.
"Whoa now! Are you all crying over something like this?! Why?! Please stop, we still have to pass! No time for tears. We should tie up the-" you questioned, turning to your classmates as they cried, getting interrupted by their sniffles.
"Congratulations, Midoriya, you guessed correctly at the script we had written down for this scenario" Aizawa said, walking into the building.
You just stared at Aizawa, his face expressionless.
"But you all avoided one major thing, observe" Aizawa said.
You looked around the room, and realized that the place All Might was laying, was empty.
"You all forgot to tie up the villain. Even Chisaki gave you all a reminder that you should tie him up. My question is, why didn't you do it yourself (Y/N)?" Aizawa questioned.
You looked at him, then looked down.
"Well, I wasn't exactly the person leading this investigation, so I didn't think it was my place to do anything" you said.
"Leader or not, be a leader and take incitive of things you feel are important. No more of that self doubt" he said, walking out of the building.
You sighed, before following suit, and walking outside.
You all watched as dust was kicked up, and watched All Might run away.
"He even gave you all a hint that he was still alive, when Asui tickled his nose" he added.
"Ribbit" she said surprised.
"And that's why you all passed with, zero points. That's it for today. Class dismissed" Aizawa said, putting his hands in his sweats pockets and walking away.
"That's a dirty trick..." Katsuki mumbled.
The people behind you began to talk about how the villain had faked both his death, and his love for Midnight.
Katsuki growled, before yelling,
"I hate this test....AND THIS LOVE STUFF!"
The glass behind you began to crack, and shatter, crumbling to the floor.
"Whoa!" You said, making a bubble for yourself and the angry blond.
"Hate love? Katsu, you don't love me?" You decided to tease him.
He panted, before turning around and looking at you.
"L-love you?! Well-" he stuttered.
You giggled, before kissing his cheek and popping the bubble you had used as protection against the glass.
"I was joking Katsuki" you said.
He sighed, a blush creeping on his cheeks, before he 'calmly' regained his composure.
"Whatever you say hotshot. Or should I call you giggles?" He asked, now teasing you.
You blushed.
"Ah! No no! Hotshot works just fine!" You said, before Katsuki put one of his arms around your shoulders.
"Thought so...cutie" he whispered, pecking you on your cheek.
Both POVs~
Did he just call me a cutie?!
H-he's got it all mixed up!
He's the cutie, not me!
Damn it Katsuki!
Stop making me so damn flustered..
Did I just call her cutie?!
What was I thinking?!
Calling her cute out loud, that's so uncool! But...I can't deny that she wasn't cute at that moment.
Man, is this what love does to you?
Make you a softy?

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