{32} Nightmare

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The next day, you're at Ground Beta with Present Mic and Aizawa, training an Eraser quirk.
"Ok, I kind of get the gist of it. It only lasts until I blink? Damn, a staring contest then?" You say, putting a hand to your chin as you think.
"Well kind of? You just need to be able to see them, then you can erase their quirk until you blink. Ready to try it on Mic?" Aizawa asks.
You nod your head, and you put a thumbs up towards Mic.
He takes a deep breath and,
"Yeaahhhhhhhhh-" he begins, only to shut up as your eyes turn red.
You keep your eyes open and move your hands to use a Puppet master quirk.
This allows you to control a persons movement.
You move your hand in front of yourself, and towards Mic.
You make a claw, and he stands straight, hands and arms glued to his sides.
You move your hands down as you stare at him, not daring to blink.
He begins to move to the floor, mouth still unable to scream.
Once he is on his knees, you blink, returning his quirk and allowing him to move.
"Great job! You didn't lose focus either. At this rate you'll catch up to me with Erasure" Aizawa chuckles, leaning on a wall next to him.
"Now, the next quirk you'll train..you will take Mic's quirk and keep it as long as you can. Remember physical contact is required to take it. While you have his quirk, he will be meleeing you until you can't hold it anymore" Aizawa explains.
You walk up to Mic, and press a hand to his shoulder, taking his quirk.
"Ready" You said, getting into a fighting stance.
"Time..start" he said, clicking a timer to time you.
Mic begins to attack immediately, and goes to punch you in the gut, but you dodge and hit a pressure point on his shoulder.
"Ah!" He yelled, grabbing his arm.
You take this chance and use his quirk against him.
"Come on dad, come at me" you yelled, using his quirk.
He put his hands over his ears, and squeezed his eyes shut.
You ran at him, your wings growing behind you, you launch feathers at him as he looks up to see you running at him.
He is able to dodge the feathers and lands a punch on you.
Crap! His quirk..it's draining the hell out of me to keep it! I'm sorry but I can't hold it!, you thought as you panted, hunching over your knees, and returning his quirk.
"Five minutes exactly. Pretty good. It used to be 15 seconds. You've improved your stamina a lot" Aizawa mumbles as he puts a hand on your back.
"Thanks dad. But - only five minutes- huh. I thought longer. But fives not bad. His quirk just drained my stamina too much, I had to give it back or I would've passed out" you said, holding your stomach as you caught your breath.
"You did good. You even used a different quirk as you held it. That takes a lot more energy than you- oh. The prison messaged (Y/N). Visitation for tonight" Aizawa said.
Your breathing stops and you stare at the ground.
"Are you-"
"Yes. I'll go see that son of a-" you say, cutting yourself off.
"What time is it?" You ask.
"It's five right now, and visit is at 8pm. Are you sure you want to go alone after your last encounter?" Aizawa asks, handing you a small towel.
You grab it and wipe your forehead.
"I'll be fine"
Once you return home from Ground Beta, you go to your room, and lay on your bed.
"Shit! Shit shit shit! Why did he have to do this today?! Today is only my third day of interning! And he interrupts it with a visit" you yell into your pillow.
"Hey sis? Dads said they need help with dinner" you heard someone say from the doorway of your room.
"Thanks Shin. I'll be there right now, just let me change, I'm all sweaty" you say, getting off your bed and closing your door.
You change into some shorts and a black T-shirt.
You open the door and walk to the kitchen.
"You needed me?" You said.
"Yeah, cut the fish so we can cook it" Mic says, pointing to things he needed done.
You walked to the counter, were the raw fish lay, seasoned and ready to cut.
You created a quick pair of gloves and put them on.
Grabbing the knife, you began to cut the fish into small cubes.
"Are you sure you're going alone to meet with Kai? One of us can always go with you" Aizawa asks as he cooks his infamous rice balls.
"I'm sure. I don't need him meeting the people that raised me. He doesn't need another way to threaten me, and trust me he'd use you against me" you said, keeping your focus on the knife as you cut.
You finished cutting the fish in silence. Once you finished cutting what you needed to, you went to the table and sat.
"He's an ass and he'll do whatever it takes to make me join him. This is my last time going, because at this point it seems like I'm helping him grow stronger every time I go. So this is it, the last time I'll ever be seeing my father again" you said, crossing your arms as you sat.
"Whoa are you sure you'll never see him again? That's a rash descion, he's your blood father, and family" Mic says, stopping what he was doing to look at you.
You look up, eyes blazing with hatred at those words.
"That bastard is not family. Family treats you right, with love and care. It's in the heart not the name" you growled.
"She's right there Mic. Look at what he's done to her. He abused her, her body and quirk. That is not how family treats family. I don't blame her for not wanting to see him anymore" Aizawa said, defending you.
"Sure Eraser but, he's still her father, blood or not, that's the person that raised her before us" Mic explained.
"It's her decision, not ours. (Y/N) if this is the last time, then make it count" Aizawa added on, before placing a plate in front of you.
"Thanks Dads" you said.
You see Aizawa smile at you, before going to get your brother.
Mic sits down across from you, and looks at you.
"I'll drop you off for your visit ok?" Mic says, as the rest of your small family joins you.
"Thanks dad, I'll be ready by seven-thirty" you say.
Shinsou takes his seat next to you, and begins to eat the food provided.
"Thanks for dinner dads" Shinsou mumbles, taking another bite of his food.
"Yeah. Thanks"
You walk to the restroom after dinner, and start washing up.
Brushing your teeth, washing your face, and taking a quick shower.
You walk back to your room, a towel wrapped around you.
For some reason, when you open the door to your room, you see Katsuki laying there, in the sheets, and with no top on.
"K-katsuki?" You ask, shaking your head.
Just like that, he's gone.
He was never there.
"The hell is going on with me?!" You ask yourself as you walk to get a fresh pair of clothes on.
You sigh, and sit on your bed when your door opens, and Mic stands there.
"You ready?" He asks.
"I guess"
"Let's go then"
Bakugo's POV~
"(Y/N)? What are you-" I asked, seeing (Y/N) on the floor in front of me.
She was quiet, and her mouth seemed to be taped shut.
"Well looks like Katsuki Bakugo and (Y/N) are awake" someone said.
I looked up to see people starting to crowd us.
"The hell do you people-" I started.
"MmmMmm!" I heard (Y/N) scream, muffled by the tape as she got kicked in her chest.
"What the hell?! Back off of her!" I screamed.
The people continued to kick and hit her, left and right with weapons and bare hands.
She screamed, tears of pain falling down her cheeks.
"S-stop! You're hurting her!" I yelled, trying to bring their attention to me.
They didn't turn their focus towards me, and instead starting using knives and sharp weapons on her.
Stabbing into her skin, making her scream in pure pain.
They punctured as much skin as they could.
"S-stop! You'll kill her you bastards! She didn't do anything!" I yelled.
(Y/N) was on the floor, tied up and being beat and stabbed, and all I could do was watch.
What the hell!
Save her!
I can't let her die, I won't lose her!
"No! S-stop" I yelled, sitting up in the bed I slept in.
I look around, and no one was around me.
I panted, covered in sweat and tears.
I wiped my forehead and cheeks.
"Holy shit. It was only a dream. Sigh, I can't believe that happened" I said, trying to calm my breathing.
At least she's alive and safe, right?
It's like she said to me, I want something to come back to when we go back, so she better live.
The thoughts of her started flowing through my head.
The thought of her smile, her laugh, her body, her lips, her scent, the feel of her body on mine, the thought of her bare skin on mine, everything.
I sighed, being content with the thought of her.
I turn the small lamp on next to me.
I grabbed my phone, and saw I had a few missed messages from the group.
I opened the messages to see that Mina had spammed pictures of me and (Y/N) kissing at the beach.
I felt my face heat up as I saved the photos into my phone.
The next thing I got spammed with, were questions about our relationship.
I growled, and closed the messaging app.
Damn idiots, don't know what their talking about, I told myself.
I tapped my settings and clicked to change my background, to the picture of us kissing at sunset.
I looked at her in the picture, and saw how cute she looked.
I saw the different angles of the picture, seeing her hand move down to me.
My face flushed as I felt myself grow once again.
I threw my phone to the side of the bed, putting my hands over my eyes.
Not now!
Not here!
Third Person POV~
Chisaki and Mic were on their way to the prison, as Bakugo lay in his room at his internship.
He lay there, fixing the issue he had, being careful not to moan or groan too loud.
Soon after he felt the pressure and pleasure release, he fell asleep, exhausted.
Chisaki had no idea that Bakugo was this in like with her, that he needed to do that to himself to be able to sleep.
This wouldn't be the first time this had happened, so he was used to the mess he'd make, and clean up before going to bed.
Your POV~
You and Mic drove in silence to the prison that held your father.
You got off the car, looking at the giant building in front of you.
This is it..
The last time.

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